Author: admin

iPad-Benutzer können endlich alle lästigen Anzeigen deaktivieren und schneller im Internet surfen …

Diesen Monat wurde die essentielle iPad-App des Jahres 2022 aktualisiert. Und sie ist großartig!

Wenn Sie ein iPad besitzen und die ständige Werbung satthaben, dann könnte dies einer der nützlichsten Artikel sein, den Sie dieses Jahr lesen werden.

iPad-Benutzer in Deutschland haben es eilig, eine neue App herunterzuladen, die lästige Anzeigen und Pop-ups sofort entfernt.

Heutzutage kann man nur schwer ein Video ansehen, eine Nachrichtenseite durchsuchen oder sogar online einkaufen, ohne mit nerviger Werbung konfrontiert zu werden.

Anzeigen verlangsamen Ihr Telefon und verbrauchen bis zu 80 % Ihres Datenvolumens.

Und was passiert, wenn Sie sich ein Produkt bei Amazon oder eBay ansehen? Erhalten Sie dann in den nächsten 3 Monaten auf jeder Website nur noch Anzeigen für dieses Produkt?

Dies ist nur möglich, weil Werbetreibende Sie verfolgen!

Die Realität ist, dass Anzeigen auf Mobilgeräten immer schlimmer werden. Aufdringlicher, nerviger und schadhafter.

Die gute Nachricht ist, dass es endlich eine iPad-App gibt, die alle Anzeigen blockiert und Ihre Surfgeschwindigkeit um bis zu 400 % steigern kann.

Mit Total Adblock können Sie schneller surfen, alle lästigen Anzeigen loswerden und jegliches Werbe-Tracking entfernen.

Dadurch sparen Sie Geld bei der Datennutzung und beschleunigen Ihre Internetrecherchen.

Online-Betrug und Phishing-Websites nehmen massiv zu. Total Adblock hilft Ihnen auch, geschützt zu bleiben, indem es nicht zulässt, dass betrügerische Werbung angezeigt wird.

Sie können jetzt Video-Streaming-Websites wie YouTube ohne Werbung genießen, sodass Sie nie wieder auf das Ende einer irrelevanten Anzeige warten müssen.

Millionen von iPad-Nutzern in Deutschland haben es jetzt eilig, sich diese unglaubliche App zu einem günstigen Einführungspreis von nur 2,99 $  zu sichern.



Android-gebruikers kunnen eindelijk irritante advertenties tegenhouden en sneller online surfen…

Als u een Android-gebruiker bent en er genoeg van hebt om steeds maar weer advertenties te zien, zou dit wel eens een van de handigste artikelen kunnen zijn die u dit jaar leest.

Android-gebruikers in Nederland halen snel de nieuwe app in huis die direct irritante advertenties en pop-ups verwijdert.

Dit is inclusief alle nieuwssites, sociale media-apps zoals Facebook, Twitter en zelfs videoadvertenties op YouTube.

Tegenwoordig is het een hele worsteling om een video te bekijken, te surfen over een nieuwssite of zelfs om online te shoppen zonder dat u irritante advertenties tegenkomt. Uw telefoon wordt er trager van en tot wel 80% van uw data gebruiken.

En wat dacht u van het moment waarop u naar een item op Amazon of eBay kijkt en de 3 maanden daarna alleen maar advertenties te zien krijgt van ditzelfde product op elke website die u bezoekt.

Dat komt omdat adverteerders u tracken!

De realiteit is dat advertenties op mobiel steeds erger worden. Indringender, irritanter en schadelijker.

Het goede nieuws is dat er eindelijk een Android-app is die alle advertenties blokkeert om uw online surfervaring tot 400% te versnellen.

Total Adblock zorgt voor sneller online surfen, houdt alle irritante advertenties tegen en verwijderd tracking door advertenties.

Hiermee bespaart u geld op gegevensgebruik en kunt u sneller online surfen.

Online oplichtings- en phishing-sites zijn enorm in opkomst, Total Adblock helpt u ook om beschermd te blijven door te voorkomen dat oplichtingsadvertenties worden weergegeven.

U kunt nu beginnen met genieten van videostreamingsites zoals YouTube zonder advertenties, zodat u nooit meer hoeft te wachten tot een irritante advertentie is afgelopen.

Miljoenen Android-gebruikers in Nederland hebben inmiddels ongelofelijke haast om deze waanzinnige app in handen te krijgen voor een speciale introductieprijs van slechts $2,99

Gebruik deze exclusieve mobiele link hieronder om vandaag nog 60% te besparen.

The Incredible New iPhone App That Just Got Even Better… Here’s What You Need To Know.

The must-have iPhone app of 2022 has just added more features, and its awesome. If you own an Apple device, this will be the most useful article you read this year…

If you live in the U.S, you have probably already heard about TotalAV – the popularity of this new app has grown fast among iPhone users as more and more people realize their personal data is not as private as it once was.

With mobile phone technology now able to process as much as a desktop computer, many people are trusting their personal and precious information in their phone storage. However, they don’t realize that their data is being shared, and insecure phone devices make them an easier target for cybercriminals.

Last year, a hacker stole personal data every 39 seconds, with victims of fraud losing on average $10,000 each. This is set to rise in 2022. 

That’s where TotalAV comes in…. 

TotalAV has long protected internet users with enterprise-level technology, and with the recent increases in mobile fraud, they have produced a full-featured protection suite for iPhone which is now available to the public… for only $3!!! 

The app will protect your iPhone by adding an additional security layer between you and the web. This layer will encrypt your private information, prevent your data from being harvested, and protect you from identity theft.

In addition to this, TotalAV has also included a built-in function to clear up your device by removing unwanted codes, wiping your browser history, and creating additional RAM space to ‘declutter’ the system.

At risk of identity theft?  No problem! The app will mask all of your online traffic so your personal information stays private.

Concerned about tracking codes and cookies? This app does more than just give your device a thorough cleanup – the tool includes a whole section of features that removes unwanted codes & programs. Not only does this free up more space on your device, but prevents external companies tracking your behaviour!

Worried about your overall security? The additional network layer provides enhanced security, and will even change your devices IP to keep your information protected.  

With all this included in the package, Its no wonder people are rushing to claim a copy of this incredible app, at the incredible price of $3. This really is the only security product you need. 

TotalAV has long had a reputation for providing users with top-of-the-line computer security, and it is no surprise millions of users have already downloaded their iPhone version.

Claim Your Protection Now

You are probably asking yourself ‘So, is this software really the best smartphone protection?’

It’s not just us that believe they are the #1 app for your iPhone security… they have been ranked #1 Online Security Software on multiple trusted review sites. At such a cheap price, it is no shock there is so much hype surrounding it!

So how do I claim my copy of the app?

Step 1: Simply visit the Official $3 iPhone Promotion Here


Step 2: Fill in your email address and pay $3.


Step 3: Install your TotalAV security app from the App store, sign in using your email address and instantly activate your security.

You will instantly be given 2 additional free licenses for your PC or laptop so be sure to install your protection on those as well, at no extra cost.

This deal won’t last forever, especially as the app becomes more popular. For now, at a price of only $3, we recommend installing the app today to make the most of this deal. 

Do yourself a favor, claim this deal and stay ahead of cybercrime… your future self will thank you.

Claim Your $3 Protection Now

Millionen von Windows-Benutzer schützen ihren PC mit diesem einfachen Trick … (Kostenlos!)

Eine bahnbrechende Technologie für Windows-Benutzer wird in the UK immer beliebter – dank der enormen Vorteile für PCs. Mit dieser einfachen Technologie können Sie Ihr Gerät schützen und dafür sorgen, dass es länger schnell läuft …

Heute besitzt jeder einen Computer. PCs sind aus unserem Alltag nicht mehr wegzudenken und helfen uns bei allem – von der Verwaltung unserer Finanzen bis hin zum Online-Shopping. Aber wie viele Menschen wissen, wie sie ihre Computer gesund und geschützt halten können?

Man kauft einen neuen PC, weil der alte PC zu langsam geworden ist (oder nicht mehr richtig funktioniert). Aber schon nach einem Jahr fängt auch der neue PC ohne Erklärung an, sich seltsam zu verhalten. Das kommt Ihnen bekannt vor?

Keine Sorge! Das passiert nicht nur Ihnen und Sie haben nichts falsch gemacht! Eine Ansammlung von Cookies, Codes und unerwünschten Dateien verlangsamen Ihren Computer.

Das ist eigentlich ganz normal. Und jetzt ist die Lösung einfacher denn je …

Was wäre, wenn ich Ihnen sagen würde, dass es jetzt ein kostenloses Tool für Windows-Benutzer gibt, mit dem Sie Ihren Computer sauber und intakt halten, Wartungskosten sparen und auf die Anschaffung neuer Geräte verzichten können?

Was ist dieses Tool?

“Dieses Tool heißt Total WebShield! Es ist die neueste Technologie, die Benutzern weltweit hilft, ihre Computer sicherer und länger mit voller Kapazität zu nutzen.”

Dank der fachmännisch geschulten Entwickler von Total WebShield hat jetzt jeder Benutzer in the UK die Möglichkeit, sein gesamtes PC-System KOSTENLOS zu schützen!

Unter Verwendung der neuesten Computertechnologien hat das Team von Total WebShield ein preisgekröntes Tool entwickelt, das Benutzern bei der Wartung ihrer PCs hilft, ohne dass sie erst Computerwissenschaften studieren müssen.

Seit der Einführung dieses unglaublichen Angebots haben bereits Millionen Windows-Benutzer von der kostenlosen Technologie profitiert und sie auf Trustpilot mit 5★ bewertet!

Dieser Deal ist nicht ewig gültig und wir raten allen unseren Lesern, dieses kostenlose Angebot zu nutzen, solange es noch läuft.

Also, wie sichere ich mir dieses kostenlose Tool und halte meinen Computer funktionsfähig?

Ganz einfach! Klicken Sie einfach auf den nachstehenden Button, um zu sehen, ob die Aktion noch gültig ist. Folgen Sie den Anweisungen auf dem Bildschirm und fügen Sie das Tool in Sekundenschnelle zu Ihrem Browser hinzu.

Total WebShield blockiert dann sofort schädliche Websites, die Ihr Geld, Ihre persönlichen Daten und Ihre Identität stehlen möchten. Aber keine Sorge! Alles läuft im Hintergrund und hat keinen Einfluss auf Ihre tägliche Nutzung

Sobald Sie dieses Tool verwenden, können Sie sich zurücklehnen und entspannen. Total WebShield wird sich um Ihren PC kümmern, ohne dass Sie ein neues Gerät kaufen müssen. Befolgen Sie einfach nur die Ratschläge!

Änderung (9. Januar 2022): Obwohl nicht bekannt ist, wie lange dieses kostenlose Angebot noch verfügbar sein wird, gehen wir davon aus, dass es bald endet. Daher empfehlen wir all unseren Lesern dringend, sich das Angebot noch heute zu sichern, um Enttäuschungen zu vermeiden.

Total WebShield Gratis Anfordern

You Can Now Finally Turn Off All Annoying Online Ads & Get Faster Web Browsing…

In the next 30 seconds, you will find out how to remove ads online for free….

If you’re like the rest of the planet and tired of the constant annoying advertisements slowing down your computer then you don’t want to miss this.

You can now remove all unwanted ads instantly on every single website online. This includes all news websites, social media apps like Facebook, Twitter, and even video ads on YouTube.

Nowadays you can barely watch a video, browse a news site or even shop freely without having an advert thrown at you, this is not only annoying but is also slowing down your computer.

On average web pages load 400% faster with no ads slowing them down – The internet has gone wild for this awesome new tool which is loved worldwide for giving computers owners a faster, cleaner Internet without ads.

This is how easy it was to remove ads and speed up my web browsing.

How about when you view an item on Amazon or eBay and for the next 3 months you see nothing but ads for this very same product on every website you visit.

This is because the advertisers are tracking you!

The reality is, ads are getting worse. More intrusive, more annoying and more harmful.

The good news is, there is finally an app which blocks all ads to speed up your browsing called Total Adblock.

Not only will it immediately stop all annoying ads for good, but it will also remove any advertising trackers.

How Can I Start Blocking Ads?

It couldn’t be any easier to turn off your online ads. The secret is a brilliant new browser addon called Total AdBlock. This 100% free online tool does everything for you.

It’s fully automated and takes just 2 clicks to start blocking all ads.

Step 1: Click the  “Add Total AdBlock” button below…

Step 2: Follow the simple instructions to enable ad blocker for your browser.

Step 3: Total Adblock will run silently in the background blocking ads to ensure your online experience is transformed.

As everything is lightning fast and completely automated there’s very little else to show you.

Click Here To Block Ads For Free!

Millions Of Windows Users Are Keeping Their PC Secure Using This One Simple Trick… (And It’s Free!)

breakthrough technology for Windows Users is growing in popularity in the UK, thanks to the huge benefits it has for personal computers. This simple piece of tech can help secure your device, and keep it running faster for longer…

Everyone owns a computer these days. They are crucial for our day-to-day lives and help us with everything from managing our finances to online shopping. But how many people know how to keep their computers healthy and secure?

We all know the feeling – You buy a brand new PC because your old one is too slow (or not working entirely), only for the new one to start acting strange after a year or so, without any explanation. Sound familiar?

Don’t worry, you’re not alone, and you haven’t done anything wrong! It’s actually a build-up of cookies, codes, and unwanted files that is dragging your computer down.

This is actually quite normal – and now the solution is easier than ever…

So what if I told you there was a free tool for Windows Users that could keep your computer clean and healthy, save you money on maintenance fees, and stop you spending on new machines before you need them?

So What Is It?

It’s called Total WebShield, and it is the latest technology helping users worldwide keep their computers safer and running at full capacity for longer!

Thanks to expertly trained developers at Total WebShield, every user in the U.S now has the chance to protect their entire PC system, for FREE! Using the latest in computer technologies, the team at Total WebShield has produced an award-winning tool to help users maintain their PC without the need to learn basic computer science.

Since the launch of this incredible deal, millions of Windows users have benefited from the free technology already, and rated it 5★ across Trusted reviews!

This deal is certain to not last forever, and we would advise all of our readers to capitalize on this free promotion, while it is still running.

So How Do I Claim My Copy Of This Free Tool & Keep My Computer Healthy?

Simple! Just click the button below to see if the promotion is still ongoing – follow the on-screen instructions and add it to your browser in seconds.

Total WebShield will then instantly block malicious websites attempting to steal your money, personal information, and identity – but don’t worry, it all runs in the background and won’t affect your day-to-day usage.

Once you use this tool, you can kick back, relax, and let Total WebShield take care of your PC, without needing to pay for a new machine – Just make sure you follow their advice!

Edit (3rd December 2021): Total WebShield has recently been updated and now contains more features than ever, taking the stress out of computer maintenance! Discover all of the new features and more using the button below.

Claim Total Webshield For Free Now


iPhone Users Can Now INSTANTLY Block Ads & It’s So Simple

Are you tired of scrolling past endless ads that slow down your iPhone browsing experience? Then this could be your most important read this year…

Shockingly, latest research suggests the average consumer is exposed to nearly 10,000 variations of ads each day; some of which serve their purpose, most however are untargeted, intrusive and in some cases malicious.

This is only set to increase as data suggests Digital Advertising spend skyrocketed 33% in 2021 with the trend set to continue in 2022.

Whilst advertising certainly serves it’s purpose (we all want to know when our dream package holiday is on offer, or, that car you always had your eye on is now on sale), many mobile users are unaware they can actually control what adverts they see, when they see them and crucially, block them altogether.

This is where TotalAdblock shines. Available for iPhones and other major devices, TotalAdblock has recently had a major update allowing you to remove ads, pop-ups, trackers and harmful redirects giving you a faster, safer & more pleasant online experience.

So what does TotalAdblock do?

– Block & Prevent Banners, Pop-Ups, In-Video Ads & Malicious links from loading altogether

– Dramatically reduce your data usage (3G, 4G, 5G & Wifi) helping you better manage your data plan/costs

– Speed up your web browsing experience by reducing page load times and giving you back your real screen estate

– Prevent In-Video ads from interrupting you on popular video sharing websites such as YouTube

– Available on most popular devices including iPhones, iPads, Android Smartphones & More!

* research carried out across the top 10 popular news sites showed staggering results

TotalAdblock is now available in the U.S and iPhone users are rushing to take back control of their privacy, security and online browsing experience for less than the price of a cup of coffee!

Don’t just take out word for it, the TrustPilot scores speak for themselves so tap below to take advantage of this offer whilst you still can!

Updated 3rd April 2022: Whilst it is unknown how long this promotional offer is likely to last, we are encouraging all of our readers to take advantage today to avoid disappointment

Millions Of Firefox Users Are Keeping Their PC Secure Using This One Simple Trick… (And It’s Free!)

breakthrough technology for Firefox Users is growing in popularity in the the U.S, thanks to the huge benefits it has for personal computers. This simple piece of tech can help secure your device, and keep it running faster for longer…

Everyone owns a computer these days. They are crucial for our day-to-day lives and help us with everything from managing our finances to online shopping. But how many people know how to keep their computers healthy and secure?

We all know the feeling – You buy a brand new PC because your old one is too slow (or not working entirely), only for the new one to start acting strange after a year or so, without any explanation. Sound familiar?

Don’t worry, you’re not alone, and you haven’t done anything wrong! It’s actually a build-up of cookies, codes, and unwanted files that is dragging your computer down.

This is actually quite normal – and now the solution is easier than ever…

So what if I told you there was a free tool for Firefox Users that could keep your computer clean and healthy, save you money on maintenance fees, and stop you spending on new machines before you need them?

So What Is It?

It’s called Total WebShield, and it is the latest technology helping users worldwide keep their computers safer and running at full capacity for longer!

Thanks to expertly trained developers at Total WebShield, every user in the U.S now has the chance to protect their entire PC system, for FREE! Using the latest in computer technologies, the team at Total WebShield has produced an award-winning tool to help users maintain their PC without the need to learn basic computer science.

Since the launch of this incredible deal, millions of Firefox users have benefited from the free technology already, and rated it 5★ across Trusted Reviews!

This deal is certain to not last forever, and we would advise all of our readers to capitalize on this free promotion, while it is still running.

So How Do I Claim My Copy Of This Free Tool & Keep My Computer Healthy?

Simple! Just click the button below to see if the promotion is still ongoing – follow the on-screen instructions and add it to your browser in seconds.

Total WebShield will then instantly block malicious websites attempting to steal your money, personal information, and identity – but don’t worry, it all runs in the background and won’t affect your day-to-day usage.

Once you use this tool, you can kick back, relax, and let Total WebShield take care of your PC, without needing to pay for a new machine – Just make sure you follow their advice!

Edit (9th March 2022): Total WebShield has recently been updated and now contains more features than ever, taking the stress out of computer maintenance! Discover all of the new features and more using the button below.

Claim Total Webshield For Free Now

Millions Of Edge Users Are Keeping Their PC Secure Using This One Simple Trick… (And It’s Free!)

breakthrough technology for Edge Users is growing in popularity in the the U.S , thanks to the huge benefits it has for personal computers. This simple piece of tech can help secure your device, and keep it running faster for longer…

Everyone owns a computer these days. They are crucial for our day-to-day lives and help us with everything from managing our finances to online shopping. But how many people know how to keep their computers healthy and secure?

We all know the feeling – You buy a brand new PC because your old one is too slow (or not working entirely), only for the new one to start acting strange after a year or so, without any explanation. Sound familiar?

Don’t worry, you’re not alone, and you haven’t done anything wrong! It’s actually a build-up of cookies, codes, and unwanted files that is dragging your computer down.

This is actually quite normal – and now the solution is easier than ever…

So what if I told you there was a free tool for Edge Users that could keep your computer clean and healthy, save you money on maintenance fees, and stop you spending on new machines before you need them?

So What Is It?

It’s called Total WebShield, and it is the latest technology helping users worldwide keep their computers safer and running at full capacity for longer!

Thanks to expertly trained developers at Total WebShield, every user in the the U.S now has the chance to protect their entire PC system, for FREE! Using the latest in computer technologies, the team at Total WebShield has produced an award-winning tool to help users maintain their PC without the need to learn basic computer science.

Since the launch of this incredible deal, millions of Edge users have benefited from the free technology already, and rated it 5★ across Trustpilot!

This deal is certain to not last forever, and we would advise all of our readers to capitalize on this free promotion, while it is still running.

So How Do I Claim My Copy Of This Free Tool & Keep My Computer Healthy?

Simple! Just click the button below to see if the promotion is still ongoing – follow the on-screen instructions and add it to your browser in seconds.

Total WebShield will then instantly block malicious websites attempting to steal your money, personal information, and identity – but don’t worry, it all runs in the background and won’t affect your day-to-day usage.

Once you use this tool, you can kick back, relax, and let Total WebShield take care of your PC, without needing to pay for a new machine – Just make sure you follow their advice!

Edit (23rd May 2022): Whilst it’s unknown how long this free offer will remain available, we anticipate it to expire soon so we strongly encourage all of our readers to claim their copy today to avoid disappointment.

Claim Total Webshield For Free Now

Millions Of Edge Users Are Keeping Their PC Secure Using This One Simple Trick… (And It’s Free!)

breakthrough technology for Edge Users is growing in popularity in the UK, thanks to the huge benefits it has for personal computers. This simple piece of tech can help secure your device, and keep it running faster for longer…

Everyone owns a computer these days. They are crucial for our day-to-day lives and help us with everything from managing our finances to online shopping. But how many people know how to keep their computers healthy and secure?

We all know the feeling – You buy a brand new PC because your old one is too slow (or not working entirely), only for the new one to start acting strange after a year or so, without any explanation. Sound familiar?

Don’t worry, you’re not alone, and you haven’t done anything wrong! It’s actually a build-up of cookies, codes, and unwanted files that is dragging your computer down.

This is actually quite normal – and now the solution is easier than ever…

So what if I told you there was a free tool for Edge Users that could keep your computer clean and healthy, save you money on maintenance fees, and stop you spending on new machines before you need them?

So What Is It?

It’s called Total WebShield, and it is the latest technology helping users worldwide keep their computers safer and running at full capacity for longer!

Thanks to expertly trained developers at Total WebShield, every user in the the U.S now has the chance to protect their entire PC system, for FREE! Using the latest in computer technologies, the team at Total WebShield has produced an award-winning tool to help users maintain their PC without the need to learn basic computer science.

Since the launch of this incredible deal, millions of Edge users have benefited from the free technology already, and rated it 5★ across Trustpilot!

This deal is certain to not last forever, and we would advise all of our readers to capitalize on this free promotion, while it is still running.

So How Do I Claim My Copy Of This Free Tool & Keep My Computer Healthy?

Simple! Just click the button below to see if the promotion is still ongoing – follow the on-screen instructions and add it to your browser in seconds.

Total WebShield will then instantly block malicious websites attempting to steal your money, personal information, and identity – but don’t worry, it all runs in the background and won’t affect your day-to-day usage.

Once you use this tool, you can kick back, relax, and let Total WebShield take care of your PC, without needing to pay for a new machine – Just make sure you follow their advice!

Edit (23rd May 2022): Total WebShield has recently been updated and now contains more features than ever, taking the stress out of computer maintenance! Discover all of the new features and more using the button below.

Claim Total Webshield For Free Now