Author: admin

Millones de Usuarios de Windows Han Agilizado Sus Antiguas PC con Este Sencillo Truco… ¡Y es Gratis!

¡Si estás buscando cómo acelerar tu vieja PC con Windows, este va a ser el artículo más importante que leerás este año! TotalAV, la aplicación gratuita indispensable para Windows en 2023, acaba de actualizar sus funciones de limpieza de PC, ¡y créenos, son realmente asombrosas!

Si vives en España, probablemente ya hayas oído hablar de TotalAV. La popularidad de esta nueva aplicación ha crecido rápidamente entre los usuarios de Windows, ya que cada vez más personas se dan cuenta de que sus datos personales ya no son tan privados como solían serlo.

Aunque Windows sigue siendo el sistema operativo más utilizado, probablemente no te sorprenda que con el tiempo tu confiable computadora termine volviéndose más lenta, lo que te obliga a actualizar tu hardware. Una PC lenta podría estar infectada, luchando con sistemas desactualizados, problemas ocultos o atascada con archivos basura.

¿Sabías que el año pasado un hacker robó los datos personales de alguien cada 39 segundos? Las víctimas de estas actividades fraudulentas terminaron perdiendo un promedio de $10,000 cada una, y desafortunadamente, se prevé que estas cifras aumenten en 2023.

Aquí es donde entra en juego TotalAV


Durante años, TotalAV ha estado protegiendo a los usuarios de Internet con seguridad de nivel empresarial. Y ahora, con el alarmante aumento de las estafas y el fraude en línea, han desarrollado un completo conjunto de protección especialmente diseñado para usuarios de Windows, ¡y lo mejor es que… su avanzado escaneo de seguridad de limpieza ahora está disponible para el público completamente GRATIS!

TotalAV analizará minuciosamente tu PC con Windows, e incluso tu smartphone, en busca de malware oculto. Va un paso más allá al revisar la dark web para ver si tu información personal ha sido comprometida. También elimina todas las cookies de seguimiento de sitios web, adware, spyware y virus, garantizando que tus dispositivos estén limpios y seguros.

¡Pero eso no es todo! TotalAV ha incluido funciones de seguridad adicionales para protegerte de las estafas de phishing en Internet y los sitios web fraudulentos. Además, hay una característica ingeniosa que te permite borrar fácilmente el historial y la caché de tu navegador, brindándote tranquilidad.

  • ✅ ¿Cansado de los anuncios molestos? ¡Diles adiós con TotalAV! La aplicación te permite desactivar los anuncios y elegir solo los que deseas ver.
    ✅ ¿Preocupado por tu seguridad en general? TotalAV oculta todo tu tráfico en línea, manteniendo completamente privada tu información personal. Su capa de red adicional proporciona una seguridad mejorada e incluso cambia la dirección IP de tu dispositivo para garantizar la máxima protección.
    ✅ ¿Harto de los dolores de cabeza con la gestión de contraseñas? TotalAV viene con una bóveda segura donde puedes almacenar tus contraseñas, lejos de los hackers y ojos curiosos. ¡Gestionar tus contraseñas será un sueño en lugar de una pesadilla!

Con todas estas increíbles funciones incluidas, no es de extrañar que la gente esté corriendo para obtener esta increíble aplicación, ¡y lo mejor es que no te costará ni un centavo! TotalAV realmente es el único producto de seguridad que necesitas.

¡Obtén tu copia gratuita hoy mismo!

Probablemente te estés preguntando “Entonces, ¿es realmente el mejor software de protección para PC con Windows?”

TotalAV ya se ha ganado una reputación por brindar a los usuarios una seguridad informática de primera categoría. De hecho, Trustpilot los ha calificado como el software de seguridad en línea número 1. Con tan altos elogios y una oferta tan inmejorable, no es de extrañar que haya tanto revuelo en torno a TotalAV.

¿Listo para obtener tu copia gratuita de esta destacada aplicación? Así es como puedes empezar:

Paso 1: Simplemente visita la Oferta Gratuita Oficial aquí o haz clic en el botón de abajo.

Paso 2: Después de la instalación, activa el escaneo de seguridad gratuito.

Paso 3: Relájate mientras TotalAV analiza el rendimiento de tu sistema, identificando posibles amenazas dañinas que deben ser puestas en cuarentena.

Si decides actualizar al paquete premium, no solo recibirás un enorme descuento del 80%, sino que también se te entregarán 2 licencias adicionales gratuitas para tu smartphone y/o tablet. Asegúrate de instalar tu protección en esos dispositivos también, sin costo adicional.

Esta oferta no durará para siempre, especialmente a medida que la aplicación se vuelva más popular. Por ahora, nos han informado que hay copias gratuitas disponibles en España, así que te recomendamos instalar la aplicación hoy mismo para aprovechar al máximo esta oferta gratuita.

Hazte un favor, aprovecha esta oferta y mantente un paso adelante del ciberdelito… tu yo del futuro te lo agradecerá.

¡Obtén tu copia gratuita hoy mismo!



** TotalAV’s recent reports for their latest awards can be found here:

TotalAV Awarded VB100 Award


TotalAV is an AV-Test TOP PRODUCT

Millions Of Windows Users Have Made Their Old PC Faster With This PC Cleaner… (And It’s Free!)

If you’re wondering how to speed-up your old Windows PC, this is going to be the most important article you read all year. TotalAV, the must-have free Windows app for 2023, has just upgraded their PC cleaner features, and trust us, they’re truly amazing!

If you live in the U.S, you have probably already heard about TotalAV – the popularity of this new app has grown fast among Windows users as more and more people realize their personal data is not as private as it once was.

Although Windows is still the most widely used operating system, it likely comes as no surprise that overtime your trusty computer ultimately slows down requiring you to upgrade your hardware.

A slow PC could be infected, struggling with outdated systems, hidden problems or clogged up with unwanted junk files!

That’s where TotalAV comes in….

For years, TotalAV has been protecting internet users with enterprise-level security. And now, with increase in demand, they have developed a comprehensive PC cleaner specifically tailored for Windows users, and the best part is it’s available to Windows users in the U.S for absolutely FREE!

TotalAV will thoroughly scan your Windows PC, and yes, even your smartphone, for junk, unwanted files and even hidden malware slowing your system down. It goes a step further by checking the dark web to see if your personal information has been compromised. It also removes all website tracking cookies, adware, spyware, and viruses, ensuring your devices are clean and secure.

That’s not all! TotalAV has included additional built-in security features to protect you from internet phishing scams and fraudulent websites. Plus, there’s a nifty feature that allows you to easily clear your browser history and cache, giving you peace of mind.

  • ✅ Tired of annoying ads? Say goodbye to them with TotalAV! The app lets you disable ads and choose only the ones you want to see.
  • ✅ Worried about your overall security? TotalAV masks all of your online traffic, keeping your personal information completely private. Its additional network layer provides enhanced security and even changes your device’s IP address to ensure maximum protection.
  • ✅ Fed up with password management headaches? TotalAV comes with a secure vault where you can store your passwords, away from hackers and prying eyes. Managing your passwords will be a dream instead of a nightmare!

With all these incredible features bundled together, it’s no surprise that people are rushing to get their hands on this amazing app, and the best part is, it won’t cost you a penny. TotalAV truly is the only security product you need.

Claim Your Free PC Cleaner Today!

You are probably asking yourself  ‘So, is this software really the best Windows PC Cleaner available?’

TotalAV has already garnered a reputation for providing users with top-of-the-line computer security. In fact, Trustpilot has ranked them as the #1 Online Security Software. With such high acclaim and at such an unbeatable giveaway, it’s no wonder there’s so much buzz surrounding TotalAV!

Ready to claim your free copy of this outstanding app? Here’s how you can get started:

Step 1: Simply visit the Offical Free PC Cleaner Giveaway Here or click the button below.

Step 2: After installation, activate the free clean-up scan

Step 3: Relax as TotalAV analyzes your system performance, identifying any potential harmful threats that need to be quarantined.

If you decide to upgrade to the premium package not only will you receive a huge 80% discount, but you will also be given 2 additional free licenses for your smartphone and/or tablet so be sure to install your protection on those as well, at no extra cost.

This deal won’t last forever, especially as the app becomes more popular. For now, we are advised that there are free copies available in the U.S, we recommend installing the app today to make the most of this free offer.

Do yourself a favor, claim this deal and stay ahead of cybercrime… your future self will thank you.

Claim Your Free PC Cleaner Today!



** TotalAV’s recent reports for their latest awards can be found here:

TotalAV Awarded VB100 Award


TotalAV is an AV-Test TOP PRODUCT

Millionen von Windows-Benutzern haben ihren alten PC mit diesem einen einfachen Trick schneller gemacht… (Und es ist kostenlos!)

Wenn Sie sich fragen, wie Sie Ihren alten Windows-PC schneller machen können, wird dies der wichtigste Artikel sein, den Sie in diesem Jahr lesen. TotalAV, die unverzichtbare kostenlose Windows-App für 2023, hat gerade ihre PC-Reinigungsfunktionen aktualisiert, und glauben Sie uns, sie sind wirklich erstaunlich!

Wenn Sie in Deutschland leben, haben Sie wahrscheinlich bereits von TotalAV gehört – die Beliebtheit dieser neuen App hat unter Windows-Benutzern schnell zugenommen, da immer mehr Menschen erkennen, dass ihre persönlichen Daten nicht mehr so privat sind wie früher.

Obwohl Windows immer noch das am weitesten verbreitete Betriebssystem ist, dürfte es kaum überraschen, dass im Laufe der Zeit Ihr treuer Computer letztendlich langsamer wird und ein Upgrade Ihrer Hardware erforderlich macht. Ein langsamer PC kann infiziert sein, mit veralteten Systemen kämpfen, versteckte Probleme haben oder mit Junk-Dateien verstopft sein.

Wussten Sie, dass im letzten Jahr alle 39 Sekunden die persönlichen Daten eines Menschen von einem Hacker gestohlen wurden? Opfer solcher betrügerischer Aktivitäten verloren durchschnittlich $10.000, und leider wird erwartet, dass diese Zahlen im Jahr 2023 steigen.

Genau hier setzt TotalAV an…

TotalAV schützt seit Jahren Internetnutzer mit Sicherheitsfunktionen auf Unternehmensniveau. Und jetzt, angesichts des alarmierenden Anstiegs von Online-Betrug und -Scams, haben sie eine umfassende Schutzsuite speziell für Windows-Benutzer entwickelt, und das Beste daran ist… Ihr fortschrittlicher Sicherheitsscan zur Bereinigung steht der Öffentlichkeit jetzt völlig KOSTENLOS zur Verfügung!

TotalAV wird Ihren Windows-PC und sogar Ihr Smartphone gründlich auf versteckte Malware scannen. Es geht noch einen Schritt weiter, indem es das Dark Web überprüft, um festzustellen, ob Ihre persönlichen Informationen kompromittiert wurden. Es entfernt auch alle Website-Tracking-Cookies, Adware, Spyware und Viren, um sicherzustellen, dass Ihre Geräte sauber und geschützt sind.

Das ist noch nicht alles! TotalAV hat zusätzliche integrierte Sicherheitsfunktionen eingeführt, um Sie vor Internet-Phishing-Betrügereien und betrügerischen Websites zu schützen. Außerdem gibt es eine praktische Funktion, mit der Sie ganz einfach Ihren Browserverlauf und den Cache löschen können, um Ihnen Ruhe zu geben.

  • Genug von lästigen Anzeigen? Sagen Sie ihnen mit TotalAV Lebewohl! Die App ermöglicht es Ihnen, Anzeigen zu deaktivieren und nur diejenigen auszuwählen, die Sie sehen möchten.
  • Machen Sie sich Sorgen um Ihre Gesamtsicherheit? TotalAV maskiert Ihren gesamten Online-Verkehr und hält Ihre persönlichen Informationen vollständig privat. Seine zusätzliche Netzwerkschicht bietet erweiterten Schutz und ändert sogar die IP-Adresse Ihres Geräts, um maximalen Schutz zu gewährleisten.
  • Genug von Kopfschmerzen bei der Passwortverwaltung? TotalAV verfügt über einen sicheren Tresor, in dem Sie Ihre Passwörter speichern können, fern von Hackern und neugierigen Blicken. Die Verwaltung Ihrer Passwörter wird ein Traum anstatt eines Albtraums!

Mit all diesen unglaublichen Funktionen, die gebündelt sind, überrascht es nicht, dass die Leute sich beeilen, diese erstaunliche App zu bekommen, und das Beste daran ist, sie kostet Sie keinen Cent. TotalAV ist wirklich das einzige Sicherheitsprodukt, das Sie benötigen.

Holen Sie sich noch heute Ihre kostenlose Kopie!

Sie fragen sich wahrscheinlich: “Ist diese Software wirklich der beste Schutz für meinen Windows-PC?”

TotalAV hat bereits einen Ruf für erstklassige Computersicherheit erlangt. Tatsächlich hat Trustpilot sie als die Nr. 1 für Online-Sicherheitssoftware eingestuft. Bei einer solch hohen Anerkennung und bei einem so unschlagbaren Angebot ist es kein Wunder, dass so viel Aufregung um TotalAV herrscht!

Bereit, Ihre kostenlose Kopie dieser herausragenden App zu beanspruchen? Hier erfahren Sie, wie Sie loslegen können:

 Schritt 1: Besuchen Sie einfach die offizielle kostenlose Giveaway-Seite hier oder klicken Sie auf den unten stehenden Button.

Schritt 2 : Nach der Installation aktivieren Sie den kostenlosen Sicherheitsscan.

Schritt 3 : Lehnen Sie sich zurück, während TotalAV die Leistung Ihres Systems analysiert und potenzielle schädliche Bedrohungen erkennt, die isoliert werden müssen.

Wenn Sie sich dazu entscheiden, auf das Premium-Paket aufzurüsten, erhalten Sie nicht nur einen riesigen Rabatt von 80%, sondern Sie erhalten auch 2 zusätzliche kostenlose Lizenzen für Ihr Smartphone und/oder Tablet, installieren Sie also Ihren Schutz auch auf diesen Geräten, ohne zusätzliche Kosten.

Dieses Angebot wird nicht ewig dauern, besonders wenn die App immer beliebter wird. Derzeit gibt es laut unseren Informationen noch kostenlose Kopien in Deutschland. Wir empfehlen Ihnen daher, die App heute zu installieren, um das Beste aus diesem kostenlosen Angebot zu machen.

Tun Sie sich selbst einen Gefallen, sichern Sie sich dieses Angebot und bleiben Sie der Cyberkriminalität einen Schritt voraus… Ihr zukünftiges Ich wird Ihnen danken.

Holen Sie sich noch heute Ihre kostenlose Kopie!



** TotalAV’s recent reports for their latest awards can be found here:

TotalAV Awarded VB100 Award


TotalAV is an AV-Test TOP PRODUCT

Seniors Now Eligible For Free Online Protection Ahead of Annual Enrollment Period

Whether you’re due to turn 65 in the next couple of months, considering switching Mediacare plans or simply reviewing what you are eligible for, this is going to be the most important article you before the Annual Enrollment Period.

In today’s digital age, the convenience of online services has revolutionized the way we manage our healthcare, with Medicare being no exception. However, this convenience comes with a caveat – the rise of Medicare scams that put your personal and financial information at risk.  These scams are not just an inconvenience; they can have devastating consequences for those who fall victim.

Did you know that last year, a hacker stole someone’s personal data every 39 seconds? Victims of such fraudulent activities ended up losing an average of $10,000 each, and unfortunately, these numbers are projected to rise in 2023.

That’s where TotalAV comes in….

For years, TotalAV has been protecting internet users with enterprise-level security. And now, with the alarming increase in Medicare scams and fraud, they have developed a comprehensive protection plan specifically tailored for seniors over the age of 65, and the best part is… Their advanced security scan is now available to the public absolutely FREE!

TotalAV will thoroughly scan your Windows PC, and yes, even your smartphone, for hidden malware. It goes a step further by checking the dark web to see if your personal information has been compromised. It also removes all website tracking cookies, adware, spyware, and viruses, ensuring your devices are clean and secure.

That’s not all! TotalAV has included additional built-in security features to protect you from internet phishing scams and fraudulent websites. Plus, there’s a nifty feature that allows you to easily clear your browser history and cache, giving you peace of mind.

  • TotalAV’s state-of-the-art data breach scanning technology actively watches over your online activities, promptly notifying you at the earliest opportunity if you personal email is compromised 
  • Say goodbye to the fear of falling for Medicare phishing scams – TotalAV has your back! Their cutting-edge phishing protection technology acts as your vigilant guardian, intelligently identifying and blocking suspicious websites and emails that aim to steal your personal data.
  • ✅ Revitalize your PC with TotalAV’s PC cleaner which instantly removes clutter, optimizing system resources, and boosting speed.

With all these incredible features bundled together, it’s no surprise that people are rushing to get their hands on this amazing app, and the best part is, it won’t cost you a penny. TotalAV truly is the only security product you need.

Claim Your Free Copy Today!

You are probably asking yourself  ‘So, is this software really the best Windows PC protection?’

TotalAV has already garnered a reputation for providing users with top-of-the-line computer security. In fact, Trustpilot has ranked them as the #1 Online Security Software. With such high acclaim and at such an unbeatable giveaway, it’s no wonder there’s so much buzz surrounding TotalAV!

Ready to claim your free copy of this outstanding app? Here’s how you can get started:

Step 1: Simply visit the Offical Free Giveaway Here or click the button below.

Step 2: After installation, activate the free security scan

Step 3: Relax as TotalAV analyzes your system performance, identifying any potential harmful threats that need to be quarantined.

If you decide to upgrade to the premium package not only will you receive a huge 80% discount, but you will also be given 2 additional free licenses for your smartphone and/or tablet so be sure to install your protection on those as well, at no extra cost.

This deal won’t last forever, especially as the app becomes more popular. For now, we are advised that there are free copies available for over 65’s in the U.S, we recommend installing the app today to make the most of this free giveaway.

Do yourself a favor, claim this free security scan ahead of AEP… your future self will thank you.

Claim Your Free Copy Today!



** TotalAV’s recent reports for their latest awards can be found here:

TotalAV Awarded VB100 Award


TotalAV is an AV-Test TOP PRODUCT

Millions Of Windows Users Have Made Their Old PC Faster With This One Simple Trick… (And It’s Free!)

If you’re wondering how to speed-up your old Windows PC, this is going to be the most important article you read all year. TotalAV, the must-have free Windows app for 2023, has just upgraded their PC cleaner features, and trust us, they’re truly amazing!

If you live in the U.S, you have probably already heard about TotalAV – the popularity of this new app has grown fast among Windows users as more and more people realize their personal data is not as private as it once was.

Although Windows is still the most widely used operating system, it likely comes as no surprise that overtime your trusty computer ultimately slows down requiring you to upgrade your hardware.  A slow PC could be infected, struggling with outdated systems, hidden problems or clogged up with junk files.  

Did you know that last year, a hacker stole someone’s personal data every 39 seconds? Victims of such fraudulent activities ended up losing an average of $10,000 each, and unfortunately, these numbers are projected to rise in 2023.

That’s where TotalAVcomes in….

For years, TotalAV has been protecting internet users with enterprise-level security. And now, with the alarming increase in online scams and fraud, they have developed a comprehensive protection suite specifically tailored for Windows users, and the best part is… Their advanced clean-up security scan is now available to the public absolutely FREE!

TotalAV will thoroughly scan your Windows PC, and yes, even your smartphone, for hidden malware. It goes a step further by checking the dark web to see if your personal information has been compromised. It also removes all website tracking cookies, adware, spyware, and viruses, ensuring your devices are clean and secure.

That’s not all! TotalAV has included additional built-in security features to protect you from internet phishing scams and fraudulent websites. Plus, there’s a nifty feature that allows you to easily clear your browser history and cache, giving you peace of mind.

  • ✅ Tired of annoying ads? Say goodbye to them with TotalAV! The app lets you disable ads and choose only the ones you want to see.
  • ✅ Worried about your overall security? TotalAV masks all of your online traffic, keeping your personal information completely private. Its additional network layer provides enhanced security and even changes your device’s IP address to ensure maximum protection.
  • ✅ Fed up with password management headaches? TotalAV comes with a secure vault where you can store your passwords, away from hackers and prying eyes. Managing your passwords will be a dream instead of a nightmare!

With all these incredible features bundled together, it’s no surprise that people are rushing to get their hands on this amazing app, and the best part is, it won’t cost you a penny. TotalAV truly is the only security product you need.

Claim Your Free Copy Today!

You are probably asking yourself  ‘So, is this software really the best Windows PC protection?’

TotalAV has already garnered a reputation for providing users with top-of-the-line computer security. In fact, Trustpilot has ranked them as the #1 Online Security Software. With such high acclaim and at such an unbeatable giveaway, it’s no wonder there’s so much buzz surrounding TotalAV!

Ready to claim your free copy of this outstanding app? Here’s how you can get started:

Step 1: Simply visit the Offical Free Giveaway Here or click the button below.

Step 2: After installation, activate the free security scan

Step 3: Relax as TotalAV analyzes your system performance, identifying any potential harmful threats that need to be quarantined.

If you decide to upgrade to the premium package not only will you receive a huge 80% discount, but you will also be given 2 additional free licenses for your smartphone and/or tablet so be sure to install your protection on those as well, at no extra cost.

This deal won’t last forever, especially as the app becomes more popular. For now, we are advised that there are free copies available in the U.S, we recommend installing the app today to make the most of this free offer.

Do yourself a favor, claim this deal and stay ahead of cybercrime… your future self will thank you.

Claim Your Free Copy Today!



** TotalAV’s recent reports for their latest awards can be found here:

TotalAV Awarded VB100 Award


TotalAV is an AV-Test TOP PRODUCT

This Free Update Will Make Your Old Windows PC Run Like New… Here’s What You Need To Know.

The must-have Windows app for 2023 has just added more features, and its awesome. If you own a Windows PC that is at least 6 months old, this will be the most useful article you read this year!

In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, Windows PCs and laptops continue to dominate the market, being used by millions worldwide. However, a frustrating reality plagues these devices over time – they slow down, become clogged with junk applications and duplicate files, causing inconvenience and frustration for users like you. But what if we told you that leading computer manufacturers rely on this inevitable decline, hoping you’ll buy a newer model?

It’s true – they want you to believe that your only solution is to purchase the latest and greatest model. However, we’ve uncovered a secret that leading manufacturers don’t want you to know: TotalAV, the ultimate game-changer in PC maintenance and security are now giving Windows users in the U.S the chance to upgrade their PC for free.

But that’s not all – TotalAV is not just about speeding up your PC. In today’s digital age, data privacy and security are more critical than ever before. Cybercriminals are lurking in the shadows, seeking to exploit vulnerabilities and compromise your personal data. Shockingly, a hacker steals personal information every 39 seconds, and victims of fraud are losing an average of $10,000 each.

TotalAV emerges as the ultimate defender against these online perils. Renowned for its enterprise-level security,TotalAV now introduces a full-featured protection suite designed explicitly for Windows users. The best part? This powerful tool is now available to Windows users in the U.S completely free of charge, that’s right, FREE!

Empowering you with robust defense,TotalAV will meticulously scan your Windows PC, ensuring no lurking malware or viruses go undetected. Its vigilance extends beyond your computer, safeguarding your smartphone as well. Moreover, it conducts regular checks on the dark web, alerting you if your sensitive information has been breached, thereby preserving your privacy.

But that’s not all—TotalAV goes the extra mile to cleanse your online experience thoroughly. Wave goodbye to invasive website tracking cookies and pesky adware, spyware, and viruses. Say hello to a safer online journey with built-in security against phishing scams and fraudulent websites. Additionally, TotalAV user-friendly features allow you to effortlessly clear your browser history and cache, ensuring your digital footprint remains discreet.

  • ✅ Fed up of annoying ads?  No problem! The app contains a function that lets you disable them and choose only the ads you want to see.
  • ✅ Concerned about your overall security? This app will mask all of your online traffic so your personal information stays private. The additional network layer provides enhanced security, and will even change your devices IP to keep your information protected.
  • Password management causing you a headache?  Store your passwords away from hackers and other prying eyes with the secure vault provided in the app. This will make password management a dream rather than a nightmare!

Millions have already trusted TotalAV to deliver top-of-the-line computer security, with the mobile version receiving accolades from satisfied users. Notably, Trustpilot ranks TotalAV as the #1 Online Security Software, reinforcing its credibility and effectiveness.

Seize this opportunity to claim your copy of the TotalAV app today for free! Follow these simple steps to secure your Windows PC:

Claim Your Free Copy Today!

Follow these simple steps to secure your Windows PC Today:

It’s not just us that believe they are the #1 app for your Windows PC security… even Trustpilot has ranked them the #1 Online Security Software. At such a cheap price, it is no shock there is so much hype surrounding it!

So how do I claim my copy of the app?

Step 1: Visit the Official Free Promotion Here or click the button below.

Step 2: Download your free copy of TotalAV

Step 3: Once installed, TotalAV will carry out a indepth system scan which will identify areas for optimization and even hidden malware that could be slowing your system down.  You will then be able to action these results completely free of charge

That’s not all—As a new user, if you decide to activate their premium service you will save a huge 80% and also receive 2 additional free licenses for your smartphone and/or tablet, adding extra value at no extra cost.

This offer won’t last forever, especially as TotalAV continues to gain popularity. Take action now, and claim your free copy of TotalAV equip yourself with the ultimate defense against cybercrime. Your future self will undoubtedly thank you for making this intelligent choice.

Stay ahead of the curve and revitalize your old PC and protect what matters most—your digital world, now powered by TotalAV.

Claim Your Free Copy Today!



** TotalAV’s recent reports for their latest awards can be found here:

TotalAV Awarded VB100 Award


TotalAV is an AV-Test TOP PRODUCT

LATEST: Windows Users Urged To Do This Today To Keep Their System Healthy!

If you’re a Windows PC user and live in the U.S, this will be the most important article you read this year.  Cyberthreats have been on the rise in the last 12-months, and this is how to keep yourself safe, for free!

Microsoft recently announced that they too had identified a large number of security issues within both Windows 10 and Windows 11 operating systems, with seven of these vulnerabilities being classified as ‘Critical’. 

As the most widely used operating system, Windows continues to be a prime target for malware and viruses. Cybercriminals are constantly developing malicious software that specifically exploits Windows vulnerabilities in order to gain unauthorized access to your personal information.

Whilst it’s positive to see leading manufacturers owning up to defects, it doesn’t always provide you with full reassurance, especially when it’s related to your online security. 

Did you know that last year, a hacker stole someone’s personal data every 39 seconds? Victims of such fraudulent activities ended up losing an average of £10,000 each, and unfortunately, these numbers are projected to rise in 2023.

That’s where TotalAV comes in….

For years, TotalAV has been protecting internet users with enterprise-level security. And now, with the alarming increase in online scams and fraud, they have developed a comprehensive protection suite specifically tailored for Windows users, and the best part is… Their advanced security scan is now avaialble to the public absolutely FREE!

TotalAV will thoroughly scan your Windows PC, and yes, even your smartphone, for hidden malware. It goes a step further by checking the dark web to see if your personal information has been compromised. It also removes all website tracking cookies, adware, spyware, and viruses, ensuring your devices are clean and secure.

That’s not all! TotalAV has included additional built-in security features to protect you from internet phishing scams and fraudulent websites. Plus, there’s a nifty feature that allows you to easily clear your browser history and cache, giving you peace of mind.

  • ✅ Tired of annoying ads? Say goodbye to them with TotalAV! The app lets you disable ads and choose only the ones you want to see.
  • ✅ Worried about your overall security? TotalAV masks all of your online traffic, keeping your personal information completely private. Its additional network layer provides enhanced security and even changes your device’s IP address to ensure maximum protection.
  • ✅ Fed up with password management headaches? TotalAV comes with a secure vault where you can store your passwords, away from hackers and prying eyes. Managing your passwords will be a dream instead of a nightmare!

With all these incredible features bundled together, it’s no surprise that people are rushing to get their hands on this amazing app, and the best part is, it won’t cost you a penny. TotalAV truly is the only security product you need.

Claim Your Free Copy Today!

You are probably asking yourself  ‘So, is this software really the best Windows PC protection?’

TotalAV has already garnered a reputation for providing users with top-of-the-line computer security. In fact, Trustpilot has ranked them as the #1 Online Security Software. With such high acclaim and at such an unbeatable giveaway, it’s no wonder there’s so much buzz surrounding TotalAV!

Ready to claim your free copy of this outstanding app? Here’s how you can get started:

Step 1: Simply visit the Offical Free Giveaway Here or click the button below.

Step 2: After installation, activate the free security scan

Step 3: Relax as TotalAV analyzes your system performance, identifying any potential harmful threats that need to be quarantined.

If you decide to upgrade to the premium package not only will you receive a huge 80% discount, but you will also be given 2 additional free licenses for your smartphone and/or tablet so be sure to install your protection on those as well, at no extra cost.

This deal won’t last forever, especially as the app becomes more popular. For now, we are advised that there are free copies available in the U.S, we recommend installing the app today to make the most of this free offer.

Do yourself a favor, claim this deal and stay ahead of cybercrime… your future self will thank you.

Claim Your Free Copy Today!



** TotalAV’s recent reports for their latest awards can be found here:

TotalAV Awarded VB100 Award


TotalAV is an AV-Test TOP PRODUCT

This Simple Update Will Make Your Old Windows PC Run Like New… Here’s What You Need To Know.

The must-have Windows app for 2023 has just added more features, and its awesome. If you own a Windows PC that is at least 6 months old, this will be the most useful article you read this year!

In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, Windows PCs and laptops continue to dominate the market, being used by millions worldwide. However, a frustrating reality plagues these devices over time – they slow down, become clogged with junk applications and duplicate files, causing inconvenience and frustration for users like you. But what if we told you that leading computer manufacturers rely on this inevitable decline, hoping you’ll buy a newer model?

It’s true – they want you to believe that your only solution is to purchase the latest and greatest model. However, we’ve uncovered a secret that leading manufacturers don’t want you to know: TotalAV, the ultimate game-changer in PC maintenance and security – For less than $3 you can now make your old computer run just like new!

But that’s not all – TotalAV is not just about speeding up your PC. In today’s digital age, data privacy and security are more critical than ever before. Cybercriminals are lurking in the shadows, seeking to exploit vulnerabilities and compromise your personal data. Shockingly, a hacker steals personal information every 39 seconds, and victims of fraud are losing an average of $10,000 each.

TotalAV emerges as the ultimate defender against these online perils. Renowned for its enterprise-level security,TotalAV now introduces a full-featured protection suite designed explicitly for Windows users. The best part? This powerful tool is now available to the public for an unbelievably affordable price of only $3!

Empowering you with robust defense,TotalAV will meticulously scan your Windows PC, ensuring no lurking malware or viruses go undetected. Its vigilance extends beyond your computer, safeguarding your smartphone as well. Moreover, it conducts regular checks on the dark web, alerting you if your sensitive information has been breached, thereby preserving your privacy.

But that’s not all—TotalAV goes the extra mile to cleanse your online experience thoroughly. Wave goodbye to invasive website tracking cookies and pesky adware, spyware, and viruses. Say hello to a safer online journey with built-in security against phishing scams and fraudulent websites. Additionally, TotalAV user-friendly features allow you to effortlessly clear your browser history and cache, ensuring your digital footprint remains discreet.

  • ✅ Fed up of annoying ads?  No problem! The app contains a function that lets you disable them and choose only the ads you want to see.
  • ✅ Concerned about your overall security? This app will mask all of your online traffic so your personal information stays private. The additional network layer provides enhanced security, and will even change your devices IP to keep your information protected.
  • Password management causing you a headache?  Store your passwords away from hackers and other prying eyes with the secure vault provided in the app. This will make password management a dream rather than a nightmare!

Millions have already trusted TotalAV to deliver top-of-the-line computer security, with the mobile version receiving accolades from satisfied users. Notably, Trustpilot ranks TotalAV as the #1 Online Security Software, reinforcing its credibility and effectiveness.

Seize this opportunity to claim your copy of the TotalAV app today, priced at less than $3! Follow these simple steps to secure your Windows PC:

Claim Your Discount Today

Follow these simple steps to secure your Windows PC Today:

It’s not just us that believe they are the #1 app for your Windows PC security… even Trustpilot has ranked them the #1 Online Security Software. At such a cheap price, it is no shock there is so much hype surrounding it!

So how do I claim my copy of the app?

Step 1: Visit the Official Protection Promotion Here or click the button below.

Step 2: Pay less than $3 and activate your protection.

Step 3: Install your TotalAV security app on your Windows PC, sign in using your email address and instantly activate your security.

That’s not all—the deal includes two additional free licenses for your smartphone and/or tablet, adding extra value at no extra cost.

This offer won’t last forever, especially as TotalAV continues to gain popularity. Take action now, invest less than $3, and equip yourself with the ultimate defense against cybercrime. Your future self will undoubtedly thank you for making this intelligent choice.

Stay ahead of the curve and revitalize your old PC and protect what matters most—your digital world, now powered by TotalAV.

Claim Your Discount Today



** TotalAV’s recent reports for their latest awards can be found here:

TotalAV Awarded VB100 Award


TotalAV is an AV-Test TOP PRODUCT

This Incredible New App That Makes Your iPhone Like New… Here’s What You Need To Know.

If you own an iPhone and it’s more than 6 months old, this is the most vital information you’ll come across in 2023…

As iPhone technology advances, we entrust our precious data to these pocket-sized powerhouses. However, what many fail to grasp is that battery drainage, lack of storage due to duplicate photos, and clutter from unnecessary apps are the underlying culprits of their device’s gradual decline.

But fear not! The ultimate solution has finally arrived – introducing the must-have iPhone app of 2023, TotalAV. Packed with incredible new features, this app is your knight in shining armor, guarding against the pitfalls that plague your beloved iPhone.

How does it work? Here’s how…

Whilst TotalAV plays a large focus on security (which we’ll get to in a minute) they’ve recently made an update which can de-clutter your iPhone and improve your battery health in a matter of mintues.

Picture this: you’re out and about, and suddenly your iPhone dies. Familiar scenario, right? Battery drainage is the sneaky adversary that haunts all smartphone users. But TotalAV comes to the rescue! Its cutting-edge technology efficiently manages your iPhone’s power consumption, ensuring you get the most out of every charge.

Remember scrolling through hundreds of duplicate photos, vainly attempting to free up storage? Those days are gone! TotalAV’s intelligent photo management feature identifies and eradicates duplicate images, instantly reclaiming valuable space on your iPhone. Say goodbye to clutter and hello to smooth sailing!


Picture this: you’re out and about, and suddenly your iPhone dies. Familiar scenario, right? Battery drainage is the sneaky adversary that haunts all smartphone users. But TotalAV comes to the rescue! Its cutting-edge technology efficiently manages your iPhone’s power consumption, ensuring you get the most out of every charge.

Let’s not even get started on

  • ✅ Fed up of annoying ads?  No problem! The app contains a function that lets you disable them and choose only the ads you want to see.
  • ✅ Concerned about your overall security? This app will mask all of your online traffic so your personal information stays private. The additional network layer provides enhanced security, and will even change your devices IP to keep your information protected.
  • Password management causing you a headache?  Store your passwords away from hackers and other prying eyes with the secure vault provided in the app. This will make password management a dream rather than a nightmare!

With all this included in the package, It’s no wonder people are rushing to claim a copy of this incredible app, at the incredible price of $2. This really is the only security product you need.

TotalAV has long had a reputation for providing users with top-of-the-line computer security, and it is no surprise millions of users have already downloaded their iPhone version.

Claim Your $2 Protection Now >

You are probably asking yourself  ‘So, is this software really the best smartphone protection?’

It’s not just us that believe they are the #1 app for your iPhone security… even Trustpilot has ranked them the #1 Online Security Software. At such a cheap price, it is no shock there is so much hype surrounding it!

So how do I claim my copy of the app?

Step 1: Simply visit the Official $2 iPhone Promotion Here

Step 2: Fill in your email address and pay $2.

Step 3: Install your TotalAV security app from the App store, sign in using your email address and instantly activate your security.

You will instantly be given 2 additional free licenses for your PC. laptop or tablet so be sure to install your protection on those as well, at no extra cost.

This deal won’t last forever, especially as the app becomes more popular. For now, at a price of only $2, we recommend installing the app today to make the most of this deal.

Do yourself a favor, claim this deal and stay ahead of cybercrime… your future self will thank you.

Claim Your $2 Protection Now >





iPhone Users Can Finally Turn Off All Annoying Ads & Get Faster Web Browsing…

The “Must Have” iPhone App of 2023 has just been updated, and it’s really setting the benchmark!

If you’re an iPhone user, and fed up of seeing constant ads, then this could be one of the most useful articles you will read this year.

iPhone users across the U.S are in a hurry to get a new app that will instantly remove annoying ads and pop-ups.

What effect do ads & pop-ups have on your iPhone?…

– Ads can consume an additional 80% extra data per page load; eating into your data allowance

– Pages load up to 4x faster when ads are prevented from loading

– Accidentally tapping on malicious ads/pop-ups can expose you to scams & theft

– Youtube ads can interrupt your viewing experience

– Advertisers can be tracking you between sites

The reality is mobile ads are getting worse. More intrusive, more annoying and more harmful.

The good news is, there is finally an iPhone app which blocks all ads to speed up your browsing by up to 400%.

Total Adblock makes your browsing faster, stops all annoying ads and removes any advertising tracking.

This will save you money on data usage as well as speeding up your web browsing.

Online scams and phishing sites are massively on the rise, Total Adblock will also help you to stay protected by not allowing scam adverts to show.

You can now start to enjoy video streaming sites like YouTube with no ads, so you will never have to wait for an irrelevant ad to finish again.

Millions of iPhone users across the U.S are now in a hurry to get this incredible app whilst they can at a special introductory price; less than a cup of coffee!

July 2023: Whilst it is unknown how long this promotional offer is likely to last, we are encouraging all of our readers to take advantage today to avoid disappointment