Author: Robert Grint

Most Windows PC Users Didn’t Know This Simple Trick To Block All Ads (Here is How)

Are you fed up with those pesky online ads, worried about your privacy, and seeking a faster, smoother browsing experience? There’s a simple solution, and you’re only 30 seconds away from it…

You may not realise it but you are wasting hours of your life waiting for webpages to load. Thousands of Ads every day draining your PC’s ability to perform properly. On average web pages load 400% faster with no ads slowing them down.

The reality is, ads are getting worse! More intrusive, more annoying and more harmful. The FCA (Financial Conduct Authority) had to ban over 8000 scam ads last year targeting social media sites such as Facebook, YouTube and Tiktok. Unfortunately, you may only be one click away from these scam ads, and the majority have no idea how to spot one. 

Nowadays you can barely watch a video, browse a news site or even shop freely without having an advert thrown at you. So many are recommending the best thing to do is to block these ads all together. 

The internet has gone wild for this awesome new tool which is loved worldwide for giving computers owners a faster, cleaner and safer Internet without ads.

Now listen to how easy it is to remove ads and speed up your web browsing! The app is called Total Adblock and not only will it stop all ads, but you will also stop all annoying pop-ups which just won’t go away.

With Total AdBlock removing EVERY advert you might see, you will immediately become safer while surfing the internet. No more advert harressment and no more scam ads

It’s no wonder people are rushing to get their hands on this incredible browser addon as it costs less than $3! – (That’s less than a cup of coffee)

Use this exclusive Windows PC link to save 80% off today.

How Can I Start Removing Ads?

Total Adblock is fully automated and takes just 2 clicks to start blocking all ads.

Step 1: Click the  “Start Blocking Ads” button below to claim your 80% discount

Step 2: Let Total Adblock run silently in the background blocking ads to ensure your online experience is transformed.

As everything is lightning fast and completely automated there’s very little else to show you – What are you waiting for? Take control of your browsing experience today.

Start Blocking Ads Now!

Most Firefox Users Didn’t Know This Simple Trick To Block All Ads (Here is How)

Are you fed up with those pesky online ads, worried about your privacy, and seeking a faster, smoother browsing experience? There’s a simple solution, and you’re only 30 seconds away from it…

You may not realise it but you are wasting hours of your life waiting for webpages to load. Thousands of Ads every day draining your PC’s ability to perform properly. On average web pages load 400% faster with no ads slowing them down.

The reality is, ads are getting worse! More intrusive, more annoying and more harmful. The FCA (Financial Conduct Authority) had to ban over 8000 scam ads last year targeting social media sites such as Facebook, YouTube and Tiktok. Unfortunately, you may only be one click away from these scam ads, and the majority have no idea how to spot one. 

Nowadays you can barely watch a video, browse a news site or even shop freely without having an advert thrown at you. So many are recommending the best thing to do is to block these ads all together. 

The internet has gone wild for this awesome new tool which is loved worldwide for giving computers owners a faster, cleaner and safer Internet without ads.

Now listen to how easy it is to remove ads and speed up your web browsing! The app is called Total Adblock and not only will it stop all ads, but you will also stop all annoying pop-ups which just won’t go away.

With Total AdBlock removing EVERY advert you might see, you will immediately become safer while surfing the internet. No more advert harressment and no more scam ads

It’s no wonder people are rushing to get their hands on this incredible browser addon as it costs less than $3! – (That’s less than a cup of coffee)

Use this exclusive Firefox link to save 80% off today.

How Can I Start Removing Ads?

Total Adblock is fully automated and takes just 2 clicks to start blocking all ads.

Step 1: Click the  “Start Blocking Ads” button below to claim your 80% discount

Step 2: Let Total Adblock run silently in the background blocking ads to ensure your online experience is transformed.

As everything is lightning fast and completely automated there’s very little else to show you – What are you waiting for? Take control of your browsing experience today.

Start Blocking Ads Now!

Most Microsoft Edge Users Didn’t Know This Simple Trick To Block All Ads (Here is How)

Are you fed up with those pesky online ads, worried about your privacy, and seeking a faster, smoother browsing experience? There’s a simple solution, and you’re only 30 seconds away from it…

You may not realise it but you are wasting hours of your life waiting for webpages to load. Thousands of Ads every day draining your PC’s ability to perform properly. On average web pages load 400% faster with no ads slowing them down.

The reality is, ads are getting worse! More intrusive, more annoying and more harmful. The FCA (Financial Conduct Authority) had to ban over 8000 scam ads last year targeting social media sites such as Facebook, YouTube and Tiktok. Unfortunately, you may only be one click away from these scam ads, and the majority have no idea how to spot one. 

Nowadays you can barely watch a video, browse a news site or even shop freely without having an advert thrown at you. So many are recommending the best thing to do is to block these ads all together. 

The internet has gone wild for this awesome new tool which is loved worldwide for giving computers owners a faster, cleaner and safer Internet without ads.

Now listen to how easy it is to remove ads and speed up your web browsing! The app is called Total Adblock and not only will it stop all ads, but you will also stop all annoying pop-ups which just won’t go away.

With Total AdBlock removing EVERY advert you might see, you will immediately become safer while surfing the internet. No more advert harressment and no more scam ads

It’s no wonder people are rushing to get their hands on this incredible browser addon as it costs less than $3! – (That’s less than a cup of coffee)

Use this exclusive Microsoft Edge link to save 80% off today.

How Can I Start Removing Ads?

Total Adblock is fully automated and takes just 2 clicks to start blocking all ads.

Step 1: Click the  “Start Blocking Ads” button below to claim your 80% discount

Step 2: Let Total Adblock run silently in the background blocking ads to ensure your online experience is transformed.

As everything is lightning fast and completely automated there’s very little else to show you – What are you waiting for? Take control of your browsing experience today.

Start Blocking Ads Now!

La nuova incredibile app per Windows è stata da poco migliorata… Ecco cosa c’è da sapere.

L’app per Windows indispensabile per il 2023 ha appena aggiunto altre funzioni, ed è fantastica. Se possiedi un dispositivo Windows, questo sarà l’articolo più utile che leggerai…

Se vivi nel the U.S, probabilmente avrai già sentito parlare di TotalAV: la popolarità di questa nuova app è cresciuta rapidamente tra gli utenti di Windows, poiché sempre più persone si rendono conto che i loro dati personali non sono più privati come un tempo.

Con la tecnologia informatica che diventa sempre più potente, molte persone si affidano alle proprie informazioni personali e preziose nella memoria del telefono. Tuttavia, non si rendono conto che i loro dati vengono condivisi e i dispositivi non protetti li rendono un bersaglio più facile per i criminali informatici.

Nell’ultimo anno ogni 39 secondi si è verificato un furto di dati personali da parte degli hacker e le vittime di truffe e raggiri hanno perso una media di 10,000 sterline ciascuna. Questo dato è destinato ad aumentare nel 2023.

È qui che entra in gioco TotalAV…

TotalAV protegge da tempo gli utenti di Internet con una sicurezza di livello aziendale e, con il recente aumento delle frodi scrivania, ha prodotto una suite di protezione completa per Windows che è ora disponibile al pubblico… a soli $3!

L’app scansionerà il tuo dispositivo Windows PC alla ricerca di malware nascosto, controllerà il dark Web per vedere se le tue informazioni sono state violate, rimuoverà tutti i cookie di tracciamento del sito web, oltre all’adware, allo spyware e ai virus.

Oltre a questo, TotalAV ha incluso anche una protezione integrata contro le truffe di phishing su Internet e i siti web fraudolenti, e una funzione interessante per cancellare facilmente la cronologia e la cache del browser.

  • ✅ Non ne puoi più di annunci fastidiosi? Nessun problema! L’app contiene una funzione che ti consente di disabilitarli e di scegliere solo quelli che vuoi visualizzare.
  • ✅ Ti preme la tua sicurezza in generale? Questa app “maschera” tutto il tuo traffico online in modo che le tue informazioni personali rimangano private. Il livello di rete aggiuntivo offre una maggiore sicurezza e modifica persino l’IP dei tuoi dispositivi per proteggere le tue informazioni.
  • ✅ La gestione delle password ti fa venire i brividi? Conservale lontano dagli occhi indiscreti di hacker e altri malintenzionati con la cassaforte protetta fornita nell’app. In questo modo, gestire le password sarà un sogno, e non più un incubo!

Con tutto questo incluso nel pacchetto, non c’è da stupirsi che la gente si affretti a richiedere una copia di questa incredibile app all’incredibile prezzo di $3. È questo l’unico prodotto di sicurezza che ti serve.

Richiedi la protezione a $3!

Probabilmente ti starai chiedendo: “Allora, questo software è davvero la migliore protezione per lo Windows PC?”.

Non siamo solo noi a credere che sia l’app numero uno per la sicurezza del tuo Windows PC… anche Trustpilot l’ha classificata come il software di sicurezza online numero uno. A un prezzo tanto conveniente, non c’è da stupirsi se tutti ne parlano!

Come faccio ad avere una copia dell’app?

Fase 1: visita il sito ufficiale della promozione per Windows a $3 qui oppure fai clic sul pulsante qui sotto
Fase 2: installa la tua app di sicurezza TotalAV e attiva immediatamente la tua sicurezza.

Riceverai subito 2 licenze gratuite aggiuntive per il tuo smartphone o tablet, quindi assicurati di installare la protezione anche su queste, senza costi aggiuntivi.
L’offerta non dura all’infinito, soprattutto perché l’app sta ottenendo grande popolarità. Per ora, al prezzo di soli $3, consigliamo di installare subito l’app per usufruire fin da ora di questa offerta.
Concediti un regalo e usufruisci dell’offerta per stare al passo con la criminalità informatica… il tuo futuro ti ringrazierà.

Richiedi subito la tua protezione!

The Incredible New Android App That Just Got Even Better… Here’s What You Need To Know.

The must-have Android app for 2023 has just added more features, and its awesome. If you own an Android device, this will be the most useful article you read…

If you live in the the U.S, you have probably already heard about TotalAV – the popularity of this new app has grown fast among Android users as more and more people realize their personal data is not as private as it once was.

With mobile phone technology now able to process as much as a desktop computer, many people are trusting their personal and precious information in their phone storage. However, they don’t realize that their data is being shared, and unprotected phone devices make them an easier target for cybercriminals.

Last year, a hacker stole personal data every 39 seconds, with victims of fraud losing on average $10,000 each. This is set to rise in 2023.

That’s where TotalAV comes in….

TotalAV has long protected internet users with enterprise-level security, and with the recent increases in mobile fraud, they have produced a full-featured protection suite for Android which is now available to the public… for only $2/month!!! 

The app will scan your Android device for hidden malware, check the dark web to see if your information has been breached, remove all website tracking cookies, remove adware, spyware and viruses.

In addition to this, TotalAV have also included built-in security against internet phishing scams and fraud websites, and there is a cool feature to easily clear your browser history and cache.

  • ✅ Fed up of annoying ads?  No problem! The app contains a function that lets you disable them and choose only the ads you want to see.
  • ✅ Concerned about your overall security? This app will mask all of your online traffic so your personal information stays private. The additional network layer provides enhanced security, and will even change your devices IP to keep your information protected.
  • Password management causing you a headache?  Store your passwords away from hackers and other prying eyes with the secure vault provided in the app. This will make password management a dream rather than a nightmare!

With all this included in the package, It’s no wonder people are rushing to claim a copy of this incredible app, at the incredible price of $2/month. This really is the only security product you need.

TotalAV has long had a reputation for providing users with top-of-the-line computer security, and it is no surprise millions of users have already downloaded their mobile version.

Claim Your $2/month Protection Package

You are probably asking yourself ‘So, is this software really the best smartphone protection?’

It’s not just us that believe they are the #1 app for your Android security… even Trustpilot has ranked them the #1 Online Security Software. At such a cheap price, it is no shock there is so much hype surrounding it!

So how do I claim my copy of the app?

Step 1: Simply visit the Official $2/month Android Promotion Here or click the button below

Step 2: Fill in your email address and pay $2/month.

Step 3: Install your TotalAV security app from the Android store, sign in using your email address and instantly activate your security.

You will instantly be given 2 additional free licenses for your PC or laptop so be sure to install your protection on those as well, at no extra cost.

This deal won’t last forever, especially as the app becomes more popular. For now, at a price of only $2/month, we recommend installing the app today to make the most of this deal.

Do yourself a favor, claim this deal and stay ahead of cybercrime… your future self will thank you.

Claim Your $2/month Protection Package

Most Google Chrome Users Didn’t Know This Simple Trick To Block All Ads (Here is How)

Are you fed up with those pesky online ads, worried about your privacy, and seeking a faster, smoother browsing experience? There’s a simple solution, and you’re only 30 seconds away from it…

You may not realise it but you are wasting hours of your life waiting for webpages to load. Thousands of Ads every day draining your PC’s ability to perform properly. On average web pages load 400% faster with no ads slowing them down.

The reality is, ads are getting worse! More intrusive, more annoying and more harmful. The FCA (Financial Conduct Authority) had to ban over 8000 scam ads last year targeting social media sites such as Facebook, YouTube and Tiktok. Unfortunately, you may only be one click away from these scam ads, and the majority have no idea how to spot one. 

Nowadays you can barely watch a video, browse a news site or even shop freely without having an advert thrown at you. So many are recommending the best thing to do is to block these ads all together. 

The internet has gone wild for this awesome new tool which is loved worldwide for giving computers owners a faster, cleaner and safer Internet without ads.

Now listen to how easy it is to remove ads and speed up your web browsing! The app is called Total Adblock and not only will it stop all ads, but you will also stop all annoying pop-ups which just won’t go away.

With Total AdBlock removing EVERY advert you might see, you will immediately become safer while surfing the internet. No more advert harressment and no more scam ads

It’s no wonder people are rushing to get their hands on this incredible browser addon as it costs less than $3! – (That’s less than a cup of coffee)

Use this exclusive Google Chrome link to save 80% off today.

How Can I Start Removing Ads?

Total Adblock is fully automated and takes just 2 clicks to start blocking all ads.

Step 1: Click the  “Start Blocking Ads” button below to claim your 80% discount

Step 2: Let Total Adblock run silently in the background blocking ads to ensure your online experience is transformed.

As everything is lightning fast and completely automated there’s very little else to show you – What are you waiting for? Take control of your browsing experience today.

Start Blocking Ads Now!

iPhone Users Rush To Popular New iPhone App During a Time Of Digital Security Uncertainty…

The must-have iPhone app for 2024 has just added more features, and its awesome. If you own an iPhone device, this will be the most useful article you read…

If you live in the the U.S, you have probably already heard about TotalAV – the popularity of this new app has grown fast among iPhone users as more and more people realize their personal data is not as private as it once was.

With mobile phone technology now able to process as much as a desktop computer, many people are trusting their personal and precious information in their phone storage. However, they don’t realize that their data is being shared, and unprotected phone devices make them an easier target for cybercriminals.

Last year, a hacker stole personal data every 39 seconds, with victims of fraud losing on average $10,000 each. This is set to rise in 2024.

That’s where TotalAV comes in….

TotalAV has long protected internet users with enterprise-level security, and with the recent increases in mobile fraud, they have produced a full-featured protection suite for iPhone which is now available to the public… for only $2!!! 

The app will check your iPhone device to see if your personal information has been breached on the dark web, it will remove all website tracking cookies, and make storage optimizations.

In addition to this, TotalAV have also included built-in security against internet phishing scams and fraud websites, and there is a cool feature to easily clear your browser history and cache.

  • ✅ Fed up of annoying ads?  No problem! The app contains a function that lets you disable them and choose only the ads you want to see.
  • ✅ Concerned about your overall security? This app will mask all of your online traffic so your personal information stays private. The additional network layer provides enhanced security, and will even change your devices IP to keep your information protected.
  • Password management causing you a headache?  Store your passwords away from hackers and other prying eyes with the secure vault provided in the app. This will make password management a dream rather than a nightmare!

With all this included in the package, It’s no wonder people are rushing to claim a copy of this incredible app, at the incredible price of $2. This really is the only security product you need.

TotalAV has long had a reputation for providing users with top-of-the-line computer security, and it is no surprise millions of users have already downloaded their iPhone version.

Claim Your Protection Now

You are probably asking yourself ‘So, is this software really the best smartphone protection?’

It’s not just us that believe they are the #1 app for your iPhone security… even Trustpilot has ranked them the #1 Online Security Software. At such a cheap price, it is no shock there is so much hype surrounding it!

So how do I claim my copy of the app?

Step 1: Simply visit the Official $2 iPhone Promotion Here or click the button below

Step 2: Fill in your email address and Claim your 80% discount now!

Step 3: Install your TotalAV security app from the App store, sign in using your email address and instantly activate your security.

You will instantly be given 2 additional free licenses for your PC or laptop so be sure to install your protection on those as well, at no extra cost.

This deal won’t last forever, especially as the app becomes more popular. For now, at a price of only $2, we recommend installing the app today to make the most of this deal.

Do yourself a favor, claim this deal and stay ahead of cybercrime… your future self will thank you.

Claim Your $2 Protection Package

September 2024: It looks like you can still claim this deal at $1.99 but we don't know how long this will last so encourage readers to take advantage whilst they can.

This Popular iPhone App Just Got Even Better…..Here Is What You Need To Know!

2023 is coming to an end but one of the most popular apps of the year continues to impress with it’s latest update; If you own an iPhone device, this could be the most important article you read….

iPhone owners in the U.S have probably already heard of TotalAV – As personal data and online security is becoming more important, more and more smartphone owners are looking for ways to protect themselves and online threats. 

If like most you use your smartphone daily for your most sensitive tasks such as Online Banking, Emails, Photos, Social Media etc, you may not realise how often your data is shared & an unprotected device makes you a far easier target for cybercriminals.

This is set to rise in 2023. It’s a stark reality that last year, hackers stole personal data from unprotected devices every 39 seconds with victims of fraud losing on average $10,000 each. This is set to rise further in 2023/2024.

This is where TotalAV shines...

TotalAV has long protected internet users with enterprise-level security, and with the recent increases in mobile fraud, they have produced a full-featured protection suite for iPhone which is now available to the public… for only $2!!! 

The app will protect your iPhone by adding an additional security layer between you and the web. This layer will encrypt your private information, prevent your data from being harvested, and protect you from identity theft.

In addition to this, TotalAV have also included built-in security against internet phishing scams and fraudulant websites, and there is a cool feature to easily clear your browser history and cache. (And no, no amount of cocktail sticks or tweezers can remove these from your phone so no need to try!)

  • ✅ Fed up of annoying ads?  No problem! The app contains a function that lets you disable them and choose only the ads you want to see.
  • ✅ Concerned about your overall security? This app will mask all of your online traffic so your personal information stays private. The additional network layer provides enhanced security, and will even change your devices IP to keep your information protected.
  • Password management causing you a headache?  Store your passwords away from hackers and other prying eyes with the secure vault provided in the app. This will make password management a dream rather than a nightmare!

With all this included in the package, It’s no wonder people are rushing to claim a copy of this incredible app, at the incredible price of $2. This really is the only security product you need.

TotalAV has long had a reputation for providing users with top-of-the-line computer security, and it is no surprise millions of users have already downloaded their iPhone version.

Claim Your $2 Protection Now >

You are probably asking yourself  ‘So, is this software really the best smartphone protection?’

It’s not just us that believe they are the #1 app for your iPhone security… even Trustpilot has ranked them the #1 Online Security Software. At such a cheap price, it is no shock there is so much hype surrounding it!

So how do I claim my copy of the app?

Step 1: Simply visit the Official $2 iPhone Promotion Here

Step 2: Fill in your email address and pay $2.

Step 3: Install your TotalAV security app from the App store, sign in using your email address and instantly activate your security.

You will instantly be given 2 additional free licenses for your PC. laptop or tablet so be sure to install your protection on those as well, at no extra cost.

This deal won’t last forever, especially as the app becomes more popular. For now, at a price of only $2, we recommend installing the app today to make the most of this deal.

Do yourself a favor, claim this deal and stay ahead of cybercrime… your future self will thank you.

Claim Your $2 Protection Now >





Windows Users Don’t Forget To Do This Before You Turn Off Your Computer!

Millions of Windows PC users all across America can now fortify their online security and rejuvenate their aging computers to peak performance, all at absolutely no cost!

A team of skilled and certified Microsoft Windows developers, right here in the heartland, has unveiled a ground-breaking solution that not only safeguards your online presence but also optimizes your system, making it a powerhouse for everyday tasks.

Let’s face it, as time goes on, our computers tend to slow down and become susceptible to viruses. The idea of shelling out over $1,000 for a new laptop or computer every few years seems impractical for most of us.

That’s where TotalAV comes in, offering a breath of fresh air. Their installation process is swift, straightforward, and best of all, free. When you install TotalAV, they will conduct a comprehensive system diagnostics scan, identifying and eliminating duplicate files, unnecessary software, and even concealed malware that might be impairing your computer’s performance or, worse, spying on your online activities.

At first, we were sceptical, as most free software tends to have hidden agendas. However, TotalAV sets itself apart from the competition by providing a genuinely valuable free service. And the best part is, you can later choose to upgrade to our premium package for even more robust protection and optimization, just like the American dream.

What Benefits Are Included In Their Premium Service?

  • ✅ Tired of annoying ads? Say goodbye to them with TotalAV! The app lets you disable ads and choose only the ones you want to see.
  • ✅ Worried about your overall security? TotalAV also has a complimentary tool which identifies & blocks misleading fake websites to help protect your personal information and identity.
  • ✅ Fed up with password management headaches? TotalAV comes with a secure vault where you can store your passwords, away from hackers and prying eyes. Managing your passwords will be a dream instead of a nightmare!

So, why wait? Take the first step to a faster, safer, and more efficient computing experience right now. Join the TotalAV community of savvy computer users from coast to coast who are taking control of their digital lives. Download the free app today and experience the TotalAV advantage for yourself.

Don’t let your old computer slow you down or put your online security at risk. Make the smart choice today with TotalAV. It’s time to enjoy peace of mind and computer performance like never before. Get started now and discover why TotalAV is the trusted choice for millions of Americans just like you

What are you waiting for? It’s 100% free. Get your copy of TotalAV here today.

Claim Your Free Copy Today!

Don’t miss out on your free copy – this also grants you access to their adblock tool at no charge, which significantly enhances your web browsing speed by eliminating irritating and unwanted ads, including those on YouTube!



** TotalAV’s recent reports for their latest awards can be found here:

TotalAV Awarded VB100 Award


TotalAV is an AV-Test TOP PRODUCT

Millions Of Windows Users Have Made Their Old PC Faster With This PC Cleaner… (And It’s Free!)

If you’re wondering how to speed-up your old Windows PC, this is going to be the most important article you read all year. TotalAV, the must-have free Windows app for 2023, has just upgraded their PC cleaner features, and trust us, they’re truly amazing!

If you live in the U.S, you have probably already heard about TotalAV – the popularity of this new app has grown fast among Windows users as more and more people realize their personal data is not as private as it once was.

Although Windows is still the most widely used operating system, it likely comes as no surprise that overtime your trusty computer ultimately slows down requiring you to upgrade your hardware.

A slow PC could be infected, struggling with outdated systems, hidden problems or clogged up with unwanted junk files!

That’s where TotalAV comes in….

For years, TotalAV has been protecting internet users with enterprise-level security. And now, with increase in demand, they have developed a comprehensive PC cleaner specifically tailored for Windows users, and the best part is it’s available to Windows users in the U.S for absolutely FREE!

TotalAV will thoroughly scan your Windows PC, and yes, even your smartphone, for junk, unwanted files and even hidden malware slowing your system down. It goes a step further by checking the dark web to see if your personal information has been compromised. It also removes all website tracking cookies, adware, spyware, and viruses, ensuring your devices are clean and secure.

That’s not all! TotalAV has included additional built-in security features to protect you from internet phishing scams and fraudulent websites. Plus, there’s a nifty feature that allows you to easily clear your browser history and cache, giving you peace of mind.

  • ✅ Tired of annoying ads? Say goodbye to them with TotalAV! The app lets you disable ads and choose only the ones you want to see.
  • ✅ Worried about your overall security? TotalAV masks all of your online traffic, keeping your personal information completely private. Its additional network layer provides enhanced security and even changes your device’s IP address to ensure maximum protection.
  • ✅ Fed up with password management headaches? TotalAV comes with a secure vault where you can store your passwords, away from hackers and prying eyes. Managing your passwords will be a dream instead of a nightmare!

With all these incredible features bundled together, it’s no surprise that people are rushing to get their hands on this amazing app, and the best part is, it won’t cost you a penny. TotalAV truly is the only security product you need.

Claim Your Free PC Cleaner Today!

You are probably asking yourself  ‘So, is this software really the best Windows PC Cleaner available?’

TotalAV has already garnered a reputation for providing users with top-of-the-line computer security. In fact, Trustpilot has ranked them as the #1 Online Security Software. With such high acclaim and at such an unbeatable giveaway, it’s no wonder there’s so much buzz surrounding TotalAV!

Ready to claim your free copy of this outstanding app? Here’s how you can get started:

Step 1: Simply visit the Offical Free PC Cleaner Giveaway Here or click the button below.

Step 2: After installation, activate the free clean-up scan

Step 3: Relax as TotalAV analyzes your system performance, identifying any potential harmful threats that need to be quarantined.

If you decide to upgrade to the premium package not only will you receive a huge 80% discount, but you will also be given 2 additional free licenses for your smartphone and/or tablet so be sure to install your protection on those as well, at no extra cost.

This deal won’t last forever, especially as the app becomes more popular. For now, we are advised that there are free copies available in the U.S, we recommend installing the app today to make the most of this free offer.

Do yourself a favor, claim this deal and stay ahead of cybercrime… your future self will thank you.

Claim Your Free PC Cleaner Today!



** TotalAV’s recent reports for their latest awards can be found here:

TotalAV Awarded VB100 Award


TotalAV is an AV-Test TOP PRODUCT