Author: Robert Grint

Gli utenti Android possono finalmente bloccare annunci pubblicitari irritanti e navigare più rapidamente sul Web

Se sei un utente Android e sei stufo di visualizzare sempre annunci pubblicitari, allora questo potrebbe essere uno degli articoli più utili che leggerai quest’anno.

Gli utenti Android in the U.S si affrettano a scaricare una nuova app che rimuoverà all’istante annunci e pop-up irritanti.

Ora puoi rimuovere tutti gli annunci indesiderati su ogni singolo sito Web online. Sono inclusi tutti i siti Web di notizie, le app dei social media come Facebook, Twitter e persino gli annunci video su YouTube.

Al giorno d’oggi si fa una gran fatica a guardare un video intero, sfogliare un sito di notizie o persino fare shopping online senza vedere ovunque irritanti annunci pubblicitari.

Questi annunci rallentano il tuo telefono e usano fino all’80% del traffico dati.

E quando vediamo un oggetto su Amazon o eBay e per i 3 mesi successivi non visualizziamo altro che annunci su quello stesso oggetto su ogni sito Web che apriamo?

Questo perché gli inserzionisti ci tracciano!

La realtà è che gli annunci sui dispositivi mobili stanno peggiorando. Sono più invadenti, più irritanti e più pericolosi.

La buona notizia è che finalmente c’è un’app che blocca tutti gli annunci e velocizza la tua navigazione fino al 400%… si chiama Total Adblock.

Total Adblock velocizza la tua navigazione online, blocca tutti gli annunci fastidiosi e neutralizza qualsiasi tracciamento da parte degli inserzionisti.

In questo modo risparmierai denaro sull’utilizzo del traffico dati e velocizzerai la tua navigazione sul Web.

Ora puoi iniziare a fruire dei siti Web di video streaming come YouTube senza annunci, così non dovrai più aspettare il termine di una pubblicità che ti interessa poco.

Milioni di utenti Android in the U.S ora si affrettano a scaricare questa incredibile app a un prezzo di presentazione speciale di soli $1,99.

Usa questo esclusivo link per dispositivi mobili che trovi sotto per uno sconto immediato del 60%.


iPhone Users Can Finally Turn Off All Annoying Ads & Get Faster Web Browsing…

This month the “Must-Have” iPhone app of 2023 was updated, and it’s awesome!

If you’re an iPhone user, and fed up of seeing constant ads, then this could be one of the most useful articles you will read this year.

iPhone users across the U.S are in a hurry to get a new app that will instantly remove annoying ads and pop-ups.

Nowadays you struggle to watch a video, browse a news site or even shop online without having an annoying advert thrown at you.

These ads are slowing down your phone and using up to 80% of your data.

How about when you view an item on Amazon or eBay and for the next 3 months you see nothing other than ads for this very same product on every website you visit.

This is because advertisers are tracking you!

The reality is mobile ads are getting worse. More intrusive, more annoying and more harmful.

The good news is, there is finally an iPhone app which blocks all ads to speed up your browsing by up to 400%.

Total Adblock makes your browsing faster, stops all annoying ads and removes any advertising tracking.

This will save you money on data usage as well as speeding up your web browsing.

Online scams and phishing sites are massively on the rise, Total Adblock will also help you to stay protected by not allowing scam adverts to show.

You can now start to enjoy video streaming sites like YouTube with no ads, so you will never have to wait for an irrelevant ad to finish again.

Millions of iPhone users across the U.S are now in a hurry to get this incredible app whilst they can at a special introductory price of just $1.99

July 2023 Offer: Whilst it is unknown how long this promotional offer is likely to last, we are encouraging all of our readers to take advantage today to avoid disappointment


Android Users Can Finally Turn Off All Annoying Ads & Get Faster Web Browsing…

This month the “Must-Have” Android app of 2023 was updated, and it’s awesome!

If you’re an Android user, and fed up of seeing constant ads, then this could be one of the most useful articles you will read this year.

Android users across the U.S are in a hurry to get a new app that will instantly remove annoying ads and pop-ups.

Nowadays you struggle to watch a video, browse a news site or even shop online without having an annoying advert thrown at you.

These ads are slowing down your phone and using up to 80% of your data.

How about when you view an item on Amazon or eBay and for the next 3 months you see nothing other than ads for this very same product on every website you visit.

This is because advertisers are tracking you!

The reality is mobile ads are getting worse. More intrusive, more annoying and more harmful.

The good news is, there is finally an Android app which blocks all ads to speed up your browsing by up to 400%.

Total Adblock makes your browsing faster, stops all annoying ads and removes any advertising tracking.

This will save you money on data usage as well as speeding up your web browsing.

Online scams and phishing sites are massively on the rise, Total Adblock will also help you to stay protected by not allowing scam adverts to show.

You can now start to enjoy video streaming sites like YouTube with no ads, so you will never have to wait for an irrelevant ad to finish again.

Millions of Android users across the U.S are now in a hurry to get this incredible app whilst they can at a special introductory price of just $1.99

July 2023 Offer: Whilst it is unknown how long this promotional offer is likely to last, we are encouraging all of our readers to take advantage today to avoid disappointment


The Incredible New Android App That Just Got Even Better… Here’s What You Need To Know.

The must-have Android app for 2023 has just added more features, and its awesome. If you own an Android device, this will be the most useful article you read…

If you live in the U.S, you have probably already heard about TotalAV – the popularity of this new app has grown fast among Android users as more and more people realize their personal data is not as private as it once was.

With mobile phone technology now able to process as much as a desktop computer, many people are trusting their personal and precious information in their phone storage. However, they don’t realize that their data is being shared, and unprotected phone devices make them an easier target for cybercriminals.

Last year, a hacker stole personal data every 39 seconds, with victims of fraud losing on average $10,000 each. This is set to rise in 2023.

That’s where TotalAV comes in….TotalAV has long protected internet users with enterprise-level security, and with the recent increases in mobile fraud, they have produced a full-featured protection suite for Android which is now available to the public… for only $3!!! 

The app will scan your Android device for hidden malware, check the dark web to see if your information has been breached, remove all website tracking cookies, remove adware, spyware and viruses.

In addition to this, TotalAV have also included built-in security against internet phishing scams and fraud websites, and there is a cool feature to easily clear your browser history and cache.

  • ✅ Fed up of annoying ads?  No problem! The app contains a function that lets you disable them and choose only the ads you want to see.
  • ✅ Concerned about your overall security? This app will mask all of your online traffic so your personal information stays private. The additional network layer provides enhanced security, and will even change your devices IP to keep your information protected.
  • Password management causing you a headache?  Store your passwords away from hackers and other prying eyes with the secure vault provided in the app. This will make password management a dream rather than a nightmare!

With all this included in the package, It’s no wonder people are rushing to claim a copy of this incredible app, at the incredible price of $3. This really is the only security product you need.

TotalAV has long had a reputation for providing users with top-of-the-line computer security, and it is no surprise millions of users have already downloaded their mobile version.

Claim Your $3 Protection

You are probably asking yourself  ‘So, is this software really the best smartphone protection?’

It’s not just us that believe they are the #1 app for your Android security… even Trustpilot has ranked them the #1 Online Security Software. At such a cheap price, it is no shock there is so much hype surrounding it!

So how do I claim my copy of the app?

Step 1: Simply visit the Official $3 Android Promotion Here or click the button below

Step 2: Fill in your email address and pay $3.

Step 3: Install your TotalAV security app from the Android store, sign in using your email address and instantly activate your security.

You will instantly be given 2 additional free licenses for your PC, laptop or tablet so be sure to install your protection on those as well, at no extra cost.

This deal won’t last forever, especially as the app becomes more popular. For now, at a price of only $3, we recommend installing the app today to make the most of this deal.

Do yourself a favor, claim this deal and stay ahead of cybercrime… your future self will thank you.

Claim Your $3 Protection

This Incredible New Google Chrome Extension Will Never Let You Forget A Password Again… Here’s What You Need To Know

This game-changing password manager app has expanded its capabilities and it’s simply outstanding! If you use Google Chrome, this will be the most useful article you read this year!

We’ve all been there, you’re trying to quickly log-in to your favourite online clothes store or streaming service but can’t remember your damn password. Constant red warnings about invalid details and passwords. It’s frustrating because you know it’s just a variation of the same password you use everywhere else! 

We all use these simple variation passwords because they are “easy” to remember, but when it comes to it you never can. Unfortunately, these weak, old and reused passwords are becoming less secure and in fact, 81% of stolen passwords are exactly these!

So if you are guilty of reusing passwords, you’re going to want to listen up as Total Password has just had it’s outstanding 2023 update. 

It is becoming increasingly important to have secure password management, to ensure you don’t fall a victim of password breaches. Did you know that huge companies such as Facebook, Yahoo and LinkedIn have fallen victim to password breaches, of which yours might have been one of them. 

Once a hacker has access to breached passwords they will thoroughly try to access your personal details such as bank details, addresses and phone numbers. So it is of the most importance that your passwords are secured and encrypted. 

How Does Total Password Protect You? 

Here are some of the amazing features that come with the Total Password Package:

✓ Secure Encrypted Storage: AES-256, in simple terms, no person or machine would be able to decrypt data stored by Total Password.

✓ Leaked Password Checker: get notified if your password appears in a data breach, allowing you to be one step ahead. It will recognize and pinpoint any weak or outdated passwords you have, making it easy for you to identify which need replacing using the Password Generator.

✓ Auto-filled Password: it’s time to discard those reused passwords, let Total Password take care of automatically filling in your credentials, speeding up the login process.

Password managers are convenient and secure, so say goodbye to the hassle of managing passwords and the stress of trying to stay safe online.

Experience the comfort that comes from knowing your online accounts are secure by trying Total Password right now for just $2 (A Huge 80% Discount).

Claim Your 80% Discount Today!

Edit – July 2023: Right now Total Password are including a free adblock product for anyone that sign-ups which is compatible across Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome and Safari!

iPhone Users Can Finally Turn Off All Annoying Ads & Get Faster Web Browsing…

This month the “Must-Have” iPhone app of 2024 was updated, and it’s awesome!

If you’re an iPhone user, and fed up of seeing constant ads, then this could be one of the most useful articles you will read this year.

iPhone users across the U.S are in a hurry to get a new app that will instantly remove annoying ads and pop-ups.

Nowadays you struggle to watch a video, browse a news site or even shop online without having an annoying advert thrown at you.

These ads are slowing down your phone and using up to 80% of your data.

How about when you view an item on Amazon or eBay and for the next 3 months you see nothing other than ads for this very same product on every website you visit.

This is because advertisers are tracking you!

The reality is mobile ads are getting worse. More intrusive, more annoying and more harmful.

The good news is, there is finally an iPhone app which blocks all ads to speed up your browsing by up to 400%.

Total Adblock makes your browsing faster, stops all annoying ads and removes any advertising tracking.

This will save you money on data usage as well as speeding up your web browsing.

Online scams and phishing sites are massively on the rise, Total Adblock will also help you to stay protected by not allowing scam adverts to show.

You can now start to enjoy video streaming sites like YouTube with no ads, so you will never have to wait for an irrelevant ad to finish again.

Millions of iPhone users across the U.S are now in a hurry to get this incredible app whilst they can at a special introductory price of just $1.99

New Year 2024 Offer: Whilst it is unknown how long this promotional offer is likely to last, we are encouraging all of our readers to take advantage today to avoid disappointment


Android Users Can Finally Turn Off All Annoying Ads & Get Faster Web Browsing…

This month the “Must-Have” Android app of 2024 was updated, and it’s awesome!

If you’re an Android user, and fed up of seeing constant ads, then this could be one of the most useful articles you will read this year.

Android users across the U.S are in a hurry to get a new app that will instantly remove annoying ads and pop-ups.

Nowadays you struggle to watch a video, browse a news site or even shop online without having an annoying advert thrown at you.

These ads are slowing down your phone and using up to 80% of your data.

How about when you view an item on Amazon or eBay and for the next 3 months you see nothing other than ads for this very same product on every website you visit.

This is because advertisers are tracking you!

The reality is mobile ads are getting worse. More intrusive, more annoying and more harmful.

The good news is, there is finally an Android app which blocks all ads to speed up your browsing by up to 400%.

Total Adblock makes your browsing faster, stops all annoying ads and removes any advertising tracking.

This will save you money on data usage as well as speeding up your web browsing.

Online scams and phishing sites are massively on the rise, Total Adblock will also help you to stay protected by not allowing scam adverts to show.

You can now start to enjoy video streaming sites like YouTube with no ads, so you will never have to wait for an irrelevant ad to finish again.

Millions of Android users across the U.S are now in a hurry to get this incredible app whilst they can at a special introductory price of just $1.99

New Year 2024 Offer: Whilst it is unknown how long this promotional offer is likely to last, we are encouraging all of our readers to take advantage today to avoid disappointment


Millioni di utenti Windows mantengono il loro PC in salute utilizzando un semplice trucco… (ed è gratuito!)

Se sei un utente di Windows PC, questo articolo sta per diventare il tuo nuovo migliore amico. TotalAV, l’applicazione gratuita per Windows indispensabile per il 2023, è stata appena aggiornata con ancora più funzionalità e, fidati di noi, è davvero incredibile!

Se vivi in the U.S, probabilmente hai già sentito parlare di TotalAV: la popolarità di questa nuova app è cresciuta rapidamente tra gli utenti di Windows, man mano che sempre più persone si rendono conto che i loro dati personali non sono più privati come un tempo.

Essendo il sistema operativo più utilizzato, Windows è un obiettivo privilegiato per malware e virus. I criminali informatici sviluppano costantemente software dannosi che sfruttano specificamente le vulnerabilità di Windows per ottenere accesso non autorizzato alle tue informazioni personali.

Sapevi che l’anno scorso un hacker rubava i dati personali di qualcuno ogni 39 secondi? Le vittime di tali attività fraudolente hanno perso in media $10.000 ciascuna e purtroppo questi numeri si prevede che aumenteranno nel 2023.

Ecco dove entra in gioco TotalAV…

Da anni, TotalAV protegge gli utenti di Internet con una sicurezza di livello enterprise. E ora, con l’allarmante aumento delle truffe online e delle frodi, hanno sviluppato una suite di protezione completa appositamente studiata per gli utenti di Windows e la cosa migliore è… La loro avanzata scansione di sicurezza è ora disponibile gratuitamente per il pubblico!

TotalAV effettuerà una scansione approfondita del tuo PC Windows e, sì, anche del tuo smartphone, per individuare malware nascosti. Va ancora oltre controllando il dark web per vedere se le tue informazioni personali sono state compromesse. Rimuove anche tutti i cookie di tracciamento dei siti web, adware, spyware e virus, garantendo che i tuoi dispositivi siano puliti e sicuri.

Ma non è tutto! TotalAV ha incluso ulteriori funzioni di sicurezza integrate per proteggerti dalle truffe di phishing su Internet e dai siti web fraudolenti. Inoltre, c’è una funzione fantastica che ti consente di cancellare facilmente la cronologia del tuo browser e la cache, per tranquillità tua.

  • Stanziato dagli annunci fastidiosi? Salutali con TotalAV! L’app ti consente di disabilitare gli annunci e di scegliere solo quelli che desideri visualizzare.
  • ✅ Preoccupato per la tua sicurezza complessiva? TotalAV maschera tutto il tuo traffico online, mantenendo le tue informazioni personali completamente private. Il suo strato di rete aggiuntivo offre una sicurezza avanzata e cambia persino l’indirizzo IP del tuo dispositivo per garantire la massima protezione.
  • ✅ Stufo dei problemi di gestione delle password? TotalAV include una cassaforte sicura in cui puoi memorizzare le tue password, lontano dagli hacker e da occhi indiscreti. Gestire le tue password sarà un sogno invece di un incubo!

Con tutte queste incredibili funzionalità raggruppate insieme, non sorprende che le persone si affrettino ad avere tra le mani questa fantastica app e la cosa migliore è che non ti costerà nemmeno un centesimo. TotalAV è davvero l’unico prodotto di sicurezza di cui hai bisogno.

Ottieni la tua copia gratuita oggi!

Probabilmente ti starai chiedendo: “Quindi, questo software è davvero la migliore protezione per Windows PC?”

TotalAV ha già guadagnato una reputazione per fornire agli utenti una sicurezza informatica di prima classe. Infatti, Trustpilot li ha classificati come il software di sicurezza online numero 1. Con un tale acclamo e a un prezzo così imbattibile, non è sorprendente che ci sia tanto fermento intorno a TotalAV!

Pronto per ottenere la tua copia gratuita di questa eccezionale app? Ecco come puoi iniziare:

Passo 1: Visita semplicemente l’Offerta di Regalo Ufficiale Qui o fai clic sul pulsante qui sotto.

Passo 2: Dopo l’installazione, attiva la scansione di sicurezza gratuita.

Passo 3: Rilassati mentre TotalAV analizza le prestazioni del tuo sistema, individuando eventuali minacce dannose che devono essere messe in quarantena.

Se decidi di passare alla versione premium, non solo riceverai uno sconto enorme dell’80%, ma ti verranno fornite anche 2 licenze gratuite aggiuntive per il tuo smartphone e/o tablet, quindi assicurati di installare la protezione anche su quelli, senza costi aggiuntivi.

Questa offerta non durerà per sempre, specialmente man mano che l’app diventa più popolare. Per ora, ci è stato comunicato che ci sono copie gratuite disponibili in Italia, ti consigliamo quindi di installare l’app oggi stesso per sfruttare al massimo questa offerta gratuita.

Fai un favore a te stesso, approfitta di questa offerta e mantieniti un passo avanti al crimine informatico… il tuo futuro te ne sarà grato.

Ottieni la tua copia gratuita oggi!



** TotalAV’s recent reports for their latest awards can be found here:

TotalAV Awarded VB100 Award


TotalAV is an AV-Test TOP PRODUCT

Millionen von Windows-Benutzern halten ihren PC gesund, indem sie diesen einfachen Trick anwenden… und das Beste daran ist, es ist kostenlos!

Wenn du ein Windows-PC-Benutzer bist, wird dieser Artikel dein neuer bester Freund werden. TotalAV, die unverzichtbare kostenlose Windows-App für 2023, wurde gerade mit noch mehr Funktionen aktualisiert, und vertrau uns, es ist wirklich erstaunlich!

Wenn du in the U.S lebst, hast du wahrscheinlich schon von TotalAV gehört – die Beliebtheit dieser neuen App hat unter Windows-Benutzern schnell zugenommen, da immer mehr Menschen erkennen, dass ihre persönlichen Daten nicht mehr so privat sind wie früher.

Als am weitesten verbreitetes Betriebssystem ist Windows ein Hauptziel für Malware und Viren. Cyberkriminelle entwickeln ständig bösartige Software, die gezielt Windows-Schwachstellen ausnutzt, um unbefugten Zugriff auf deine persönlichen Informationen zu erlangen.

Wusstest du, dass im letzten Jahr alle 39 Sekunden die persönlichen Daten einer Person von einem Hacker gestohlen wurden? Opfer solcher betrügerischer Aktivitäten verloren durchschnittlich $10.000, und leider wird erwartet, dass diese Zahlen im Jahr 2023 weiter steigen.

Und genau hier kommt TotalAV ins Spiel…

Jahrelang hat TotalAV Internetbenutzer mit Sicherheit auf Unternehmensebene geschützt. Und nun, angesichts des alarmierenden Anstiegs von Online-Betrug und -Scams, haben sie eine umfassende Schutzsuite speziell für Windows-Benutzer entwickelt, und das Beste daran ist… Ihre fortschrittliche Sicherheitsprüfung ist jetzt für die Öffentlichkeit absolut KOSTENLOS verfügbar!

TotalAV wird deinen Windows-PC und sogar dein Smartphone gründlich auf versteckte Malware scannen. Es geht noch weiter, indem es das Darknet überprüft, um festzustellen, ob deine persönlichen Informationen gefährdet sind. Es entfernt auch alle Website-Tracking-Cookies, Adware, Spyware und Viren, um sicherzustellen, dass deine Geräte sauber und sicher sind.

Aber das ist noch nicht alles! TotalAV hat zusätzliche integrierte Sicherheitsfunktionen hinzugefügt, um dich vor Phishing-Betrug und betrügerischen Websites zu schützen. Außerdem gibt es eine praktische Funktion, mit der du ganz einfach deinen Browserverlauf und den Cache löschen kannst, um dir Sicherheit zu geben.

  • ✅ Genug von lästigen Anzeigen? Verabschiede dich von ihnen mit TotalAV! Die App ermöglicht es dir, Anzeigen zu deaktivieren und nur diejenigen auszuwählen, die du sehen möchtest.
  • ✅ Sorgst du dich um deine allgemeine Sicherheit? TotalAV tarnt deinen gesamten Online-Verkehr und hält deine persönlichen Informationen vollständig privat. Die zusätzliche Netzwerkschicht bietet erweiterte Sicherheit und ändert sogar die IP-Adresse deines Geräts, um maximalen Schutz zu gewährleisten.
  • ✅ Hast du genug von Problemen mit der Passwortverwaltung? TotalAV verfügt über einen sicheren Tresor, in dem du deine Passwörter speichern kannst, fernab von Hackern und neugierigen Blicken. Die Verwaltung deiner Passwörter wird ein Traum anstatt eines Albtraums sein!

Mit all diesen unglaublichen Funktionen in einem Paket ist es kein Wunder, dass die Leute sich beeilen, diese erstaunliche App zu bekommen, und das Beste daran ist, dass sie dich keinen Cent kostet. TotalAV ist wirklich das einzige Sicherheitsprodukt, das du brauchst.

Hole dir heute deine kostenlose Kopie!

Du fragst dich wahrscheinlich: “Ist diese Software wirklich der beste Schutz für Windows-PCs?”

TotalAV hat bereits einen Ruf für erstklassige Computersicherheit erlangt. Trustpilot hat sie sogar als Nummer 1 der Online-Sicherheitssoftware eingestuft. Bei einer solchen hohen Anerkennung und zu einem unschlagbaren Preis ist es kein Wunder, dass TotalAV so viel Aufmerksamkeit auf sich zieht!

Bist du bereit, deine kostenlose Kopie dieser herausragenden App zu beanspruchen? So kannst du beginnen:

Schritt 1: Besuche einfach hier die offizielle kostenlose Angebotsseite oder klicke auf den untenstehenden Button.

Schritt 2: Nach der Installation aktiviere den kostenlosen Sicherheitsscan.

Schritt 3: Entspanne dich, während TotalAV deine Systemleistung analysiert und potenzielle schädliche Bedrohungen erkennt, die in Quarantäne gestellt werden müssen.

Wenn du dich dazu entscheidest, auf das Premium-Paket zu upgraden, erhältst du nicht nur einen riesigen Rabatt von 80 %, sondern du bekommst auch 2 zusätzliche kostenlose Lizenzen für dein Smartphone und/oder Tablet, sodass du deinen Schutz auch dort installieren kannst, ohne zusätzliche Kosten.

Dieses Angebot wird nicht ewig halten, vor allem, da die App immer beliebter wird. Derzeit gibt es noch kostenlose Exemplare in Deutschland. Wir empfehlen dir daher, die App noch heute zu installieren, um von diesem kostenlosen Angebot zu profitieren.

Tu dir selbst einen Gefallen, beanspruche dieses Angebot und bleibe einen Schritt voraus bei Cyberkriminalität… dein zukünftiges Ich wird es dir danken.

Hole dir heute deine kostenlose Kopie!


** Die aktuellen Berichte von TotalAV über ihre neuesten Auszeichnungen findest du hier:

TotalAV Awarded VB100 Award


TotalAV is an AV-Test TOP PRODUCT

Android Users Can Finally Turn Off All Annoying Ads & Get Faster Web Browsing…

This month the “Must-Have” Android app of 2024 was updated, and it’s awesome!

If you’re an Android user, and fed up of seeing constant ads, then this could be one of the most useful articles you will read this year.

Android users across the U.S are in a hurry to get a new app that will instantly remove annoying ads and pop-ups.

Nowadays you struggle to watch a video, browse a news site or even shop online without having an annoying advert thrown at you.

These ads are slowing down your phone and using up to 80% of your data.

How about when you view an item on Amazon or eBay and for the next 3 months you see nothing other than ads for this very same product on every website you visit.

This is because advertisers are tracking you!

The reality is mobile ads are getting worse. More intrusive, more annoying and more harmful.

The good news is, there is finally an Android app which blocks all ads to speed up your browsing by up to 400%.

Total Adblock makes your browsing faster, stops all annoying ads and removes any advertising tracking.

This will save you money on data usage as well as speeding up your web browsing.

Online scams and phishing sites are massively on the rise, Total Adblock will also help you to stay protected by not allowing scam adverts to show.

You can now start to enjoy video streaming sites like YouTube with no ads, so you will never have to wait for an irrelevant ad to finish again.

Millions of Android users across the U.S are now in a hurry to get this incredible app whilst they can at a special introductory price of just $1.99

September 2024: It looks like you can still claim this deal at $1.99 but we don't know how long this will last so encourage readers to take advantage whilst they can.