Author: Robert Grint

Un’estensione di Microsoft Windows può ora bloccare tutti gli annunci e velocizzare la navigazione…

Se, come il resto del pianeta, non ne puoi più dei continui e fastidiosi annunci pubblicitari che rallentano il computer, allora non puoi perderti questo….

Se, come il resto del pianeta, non ne puoi più dei continui e fastidiosi annunci pubblicitari che rallentano il computer, allora non puoi perderti questo….

Al giorno d’oggi si fa una gran fatica a guardare un video intero, sfogliare un sito di notizie o persino fare shopping online senza vedere ovunque annunci pubblicitari. Non solo questo è irritante, ma rallenta il nostro computer.

In media, le pagine web si caricano il 400% più velocemente senza annunci che le rallentano: Internet adora questo nuovo strumento strepitoso, apprezzato in tutto il mondo per aver dato agli utenti di Apple Mac un browser più veloce, più pulito e senza annunci. Milioni di persone hanno già installato l’estensione e molte altre si stanno affrettando a procurarsela.

Rimuovere gli annunci e velocizzare la navigazione non è mai stato più facile.

La buona notizia è che finalmente esiste un’applicazione che blocca tutti gli annunci e velocizza la navigazione: è Total Adblock

Bloccherà immediatamente tutti gli annunci irritanti, i pop-up e rimuoverà anche qualsiasi tracker pubblicitario per caricare alla velocità della luce le pagine Web.

Non c’è da stupirsi che le persone si stiano affrettando a mettere le mani su questa incredibile app, visto che costa meno di $3! – (È circa il costo di un cappuccino con brioche)

Usa questo link esclusivo per Microsoft Windows per risparmiare subito il 70%.

Come faccio a iniziare a rimuovere gli annunci?

Disattivare gli annunci online non potrebbe essere più facile. Il segreto è una nuova e brillante estensione per browser chiamata Total Adblock. Questo strumento di blocco degli annunci ultraveloce rimuove all’istante tutti i fastidiosi annunci e pop-up.

È completamente automatizzato e servono solo 2 clic per iniziare a bloccare tutti gli annunci.

Fase 1: Fai clic sul pulsante “Inizia a bloccare la pubblicità” qui sotto per ottenere uno sconto esclusivo del 70%…

Fase 2: Richiedi il tuo sconto esclusivo del 70%.

Fase 3: Installa Total Adblock, che lavorerà silenziosamente in background bloccando gli annunci pubblicitari per trasformare la tua navigazione online.

Poiché è un’operazione velocissima e completamente automatizzata, c’è ben poco da mostrarti… Cosa aspetti, allora? Prendi subito il controllo della tua esperienza di navigazione!

Inizia a bloccare la pubblicità!

Un’estensione di Apple Mac può ora bloccare tutti gli annunci e velocizzare la navigazione…

Se, come il resto del pianeta, non ne puoi più dei continui e fastidiosi annunci pubblicitari che rallentano il computer, allora non puoi perderti questo….

Se, come il resto del pianeta, non ne puoi più dei continui e fastidiosi annunci pubblicitari che rallentano il computer, allora non puoi perderti questo….

Al giorno d’oggi si fa una gran fatica a guardare un video intero, sfogliare un sito di notizie o persino fare shopping online senza vedere ovunque annunci pubblicitari. Non solo questo è irritante, ma rallenta il nostro computer.

In media, le pagine web si caricano il 400% più velocemente senza annunci che le rallentano: Internet adora questo nuovo strumento strepitoso, apprezzato in tutto il mondo per aver dato agli utenti di Apple Mac un browser più veloce, più pulito e senza annunci. Milioni di persone hanno già installato l’estensione e molte altre si stanno affrettando a procurarsela.

Rimuovere gli annunci e velocizzare la navigazione non è mai stato più facile.

La buona notizia è che finalmente esiste un’applicazione che blocca tutti gli annunci e velocizza la navigazione: è Total Adblock

Bloccherà immediatamente tutti gli annunci irritanti, i pop-up e rimuoverà anche qualsiasi tracker pubblicitario per caricare alla velocità della luce le pagine Web.

Non c’è da stupirsi che le persone si stiano affrettando a mettere le mani su questa incredibile app, visto che costa meno di $3! – (È circa il costo di un cappuccino con brioche)

Usa questo link esclusivo per Mac per risparmiare subito il 70%.

Come faccio a iniziare a rimuovere gli annunci?

Disattivare gli annunci online non potrebbe essere più facile. Il segreto è una nuova e brillante estensione per browser chiamata Total Adblock. Questo strumento di blocco degli annunci ultraveloce rimuove all’istante tutti i fastidiosi annunci e pop-up.

È completamente automatizzato e servono solo 2 clic per iniziare a bloccare tutti gli annunci.

Fase 1: Fai clic sul pulsante “Inizia a bloccare la pubblicità” qui sotto per ottenere uno sconto esclusivo del 70%…

Fase 2: Richiedi il tuo sconto esclusivo del 70%.

Fase 3: Installa Total Adblock, che lavorerà silenziosamente in background bloccando gli annunci pubblicitari per trasformare la tua navigazione online.

Poiché è un’operazione velocissima e completamente automatizzata, c’è ben poco da mostrarti… Cosa aspetti, allora? Prendi subito il controllo della tua esperienza di navigazione!

Inizia a bloccare la pubblicità!

Apple Mac Users Can Now Block All Annoying Ads & Get Faster Web Browsing…

If you’re like the rest of the planet and tired of the constant annoying advertisements slowing down your computer then you don’t want to miss this….

You can now remove all unwanted ads instantly on every single website online. This includes all news websites, social media apps like Facebook, Twitter, and even video ads on YouTube.

Nowadays you can barely watch a video, browse a news site or even shop freely without having an advert thrown at you, this is not only annoying but is also slowing down your computer.

On average web pages load 400% faster with no ads slowing them down – The internet has gone wild for this awesome new tool which is loved worldwide for giving computers owners a faster, cleaner Internet without ads.

This is how easy it was to remove ads and speed up my web browsing.

Not only will it stop all ads, but you will also stop all annoying pop-ups which just won’t go away.

Have you ever viewed an item on Amazon or eBay and for the next 3 months you see nothing but ads for this very same product on every website you visit. This is because the advertisers are tracking you!

The reality is, ads are getting worse! More intrusive, more annoying and more harmful.

The good news is, there is finally an app which blocks all ads and speed up your browsing called Total Adblock

It will immediately stop all annoying ads, pop-ups, and remove all advertising tracking to supercharge your web page speed.

It’s no wonder people are rushing to get their hands on this incredible browser addon as it costs less than $3! – (That’s less than a cup of coffee)

Use this exclusive Apple Mac link to save 70% off today.

How Can I Start Removing Ads?

It couldn’t be any easier to turn off your online ads. The secret is a brilliant new browser addon called Total AdBlock. This ultra-fast adblocking tool instantly removes all annoying ads & pop-ups.

It’s fully automated and takes just 2 clicks to start blocking all ads.

Step 1: Click the  “Start Blocking Ads” button below…

Step 2: Claim your exclusive 70% discount

Step 3: Total Adblock will run silently in the background blocking ads to ensure your online experience is transformed.

As everything is lightning fast and completely automated there’s very little else to show you – What are you waiting for? Take control of your browsing experience today!

Start Blocking Ads Now!

Microsoft Windows Users Can Now Block All Annoying Ads & Get Faster Web Browsing…

If you’re like the rest of the planet and tired of the constant annoying advertisements slowing down your computer then you don’t want to miss this….

You can now remove all unwanted ads instantly on every single website online. This includes all news websites, social media apps like Facebook, Twitter, and even video ads on YouTube.

Nowadays you can barely watch a video, browse a news site or even shop freely without having an advert thrown at you, this is not only annoying but is also slowing down your computer.

On average web pages load 400% faster with no ads slowing them down – The internet has gone wild for this awesome new tool which is loved worldwide for giving computers owners a faster, cleaner Internet without ads.

This is how easy it was to remove ads and speed up my web browsing.

Not only will it stop all ads, but you will also stop all annoying pop-ups which just won’t go away.

Have you ever viewed an item on Amazon or eBay and for the next 3 months you see nothing but ads for this very same product on every website you visit. This is because the advertisers are tracking you!

The reality is, ads are getting worse! More intrusive, more annoying and more harmful.

The good news is, there is finally an app which blocks all ads and speed up your browsing called Total Adblock

It will immediately stop all annoying ads, pop-ups, and remove all advertising tracking to supercharge your web page speed.

It’s no wonder people are rushing to get their hands on this incredible browser addon as it costs less than $3! – (That’s less than a cup of coffee)

Use this exclusive Microsoft Windows link to save 70% off today.

How Can I Start Removing Ads?

It couldn’t be any easier to turn off your online ads. The secret is a brilliant new browser addon called Total AdBlock. This ultra-fast adblocking tool instantly removes all annoying ads & pop-ups.

It’s fully automated and takes just 2 clicks to start blocking all ads.

Step 1: Click the  “Start Blocking Ads” button below…

Step 2: Claim your exclusive 70% discount

Step 3: Total Adblock will run silently in the background blocking ads to ensure your online experience is transformed.

As everything is lightning fast and completely automated there’s very little else to show you – What are you waiting for? Take control of your browsing experience today!

Start Blocking Ads Now!

Microsoft Windows Users Can Now Block All Annoying Ads & Get Faster Web Browsing…

If you’re like the rest of the planet and tired of the constant annoying advertisements slowing down your computer then you don’t want to miss this….

You can now remove all unwanted ads instantly on every single website online. This includes all news websites, social media apps like Facebook, Twitter, and even video ads on YouTube.

Nowadays you can barely watch a video, browse a news site or even shop freely without having an advert thrown at you, this is not only annoying but is also slowing down your computer.

On average web pages load 400% faster with no ads slowing them down – The internet has gone wild for this awesome new tool which is loved worldwide for giving computers owners a faster, cleaner Internet without ads.

This is how easy it was to remove ads and speed up my web browsing.

Not only will it stop all ads, but you will also stop all annoying pop-ups which just won’t go away.

Have you ever viewed an item on Amazon or eBay and for the next 3 months you see nothing but ads for this very same product on every website you visit. This is because the advertisers are tracking you!

The reality is, ads are getting worse! More intrusive, more annoying and more harmful.

The good news is, there is finally an app which blocks all ads and speed up your browsing called Total Adblock

It will immediately stop all annoying ads, pop-ups, and remove all advertising tracking to supercharge your web page speed.

It’s no wonder people are rushing to get their hands on this incredible browser addon as it costs less than $3! – (That’s less than a cup of coffee)

Use this exclusive Microsoft Windows link to save 70% off today.

How Can I Start Removing Ads?

It couldn’t be any easier to turn off your online ads. The secret is a brilliant new browser addon called Total AdBlock. This ultra-fast adblocking tool instantly removes all annoying ads & pop-ups.

It’s fully automated and takes just 2 clicks to start blocking all ads.

Step 1: Click the  “Start Blocking Ads” button below…

Step 2: Claim your exclusive 70% discount

Step 3: Total Adblock will run silently in the background blocking ads to ensure your online experience is transformed.

As everything is lightning fast and completely automated there’s very little else to show you – What are you waiting for? Take control of your browsing experience today!

Start Blocking Ads Now!

Firefox Users Can Now Block All Annoying Ads & Get Faster Web Browsing…

If you’re like the rest of the planet and tired of the constant annoying advertisements slowing down your computer then you don’t want to miss this….

You can now remove all unwanted ads instantly on every single website online. This includes all news websites, social media apps like Facebook, Twitter, and even video ads on YouTube.

Nowadays you can barely watch a video, browse a news site or even shop freely without having an advert thrown at you, this is not only annoying but is also slowing down your computer.

On average web pages load 400% faster with no ads slowing them down – The internet has gone wild for this awesome new tool which is loved worldwide for giving computers owners a faster, cleaner Internet without ads.

This is how easy it was to remove ads and speed up my web browsing.

Not only will it stop all ads, but you will also stop all annoying pop-ups which just won’t go away.

Have you ever viewed an item on Amazon or eBay and for the next 3 months you see nothing but ads for this very same product on every website you visit. This is because the advertisers are tracking you!

The reality is, ads are getting worse! More intrusive, more annoying and more harmful.

The good news is, there is finally an app which blocks all ads and speed up your browsing called Total Adblock

It will immediately stop all annoying ads, pop-ups, and remove all advertising tracking to supercharge your web page speed.

It’s no wonder people are rushing to get their hands on this incredible browser addon as it costs less than $3! – (That’s less than a cup of coffee)

Use this exclusive Firefox link to save 70% off today.

How Can I Start Removing Ads?

It couldn’t be any easier to turn off your online ads. The secret is a brilliant new browser addon called Total AdBlock. This ultra-fast adblocking tool instantly removes all annoying ads & pop-ups.

It’s fully automated and takes just 2 clicks to start blocking all ads.

Step 1: Click the  “Start Blocking Ads” button below…

Step 2: Claim your exclusive 70% discount

Step 3: Total Adblock will run silently in the background blocking ads to ensure your online experience is transformed.

As everything is lightning fast and completely automated there’s very little else to show you – What are you waiting for? Take control of your browsing experience today!

Start Blocking Ads Now!

Microsoft Edge Users Can Now Block All Annoying Ads & Get Faster Web Browsing…

If you’re like the rest of the planet and tired of the constant annoying advertisements slowing down your computer then you don’t want to miss this….

You can now remove all unwanted ads instantly on every single website online. This includes all news websites, social media apps like Facebook, Twitter, and even video ads on YouTube.

Nowadays you can barely watch a video, browse a news site or even shop freely without having an advert thrown at you, this is not only annoying but is also slowing down your computer.

On average web pages load 400% faster with no ads slowing them down – The internet has gone wild for this awesome new tool which is loved worldwide for giving computers owners a faster, cleaner Internet without ads.

This is how easy it was to remove ads and speed up my web browsing.

Not only will it stop all ads, but you will also stop all annoying pop-ups which just won’t go away.

Have you ever viewed an item on Amazon or eBay and for the next 3 months you see nothing but ads for this very same product on every website you visit. This is because the advertisers are tracking you!

The reality is, ads are getting worse! More intrusive, more annoying and more harmful.

The good news is, there is finally an app which blocks all ads and speed up your browsing called Total Adblock

It will immediately stop all annoying ads, pop-ups, and remove all advertising tracking to supercharge your web page speed.

It’s no wonder people are rushing to get their hands on this incredible browser addon as it costs less than $2! – (That’s less than a cup of coffee)

Use this exclusive Microsoft Edge link to save 80% off today.

How Can I Start Removing Ads?

It couldn’t be any easier to turn off your online ads. The secret is a brilliant new browser addon called Total AdBlock. This ultra-fast adblocking tool instantly removes all annoying ads & pop-ups.

It’s fully automated and takes just 2 clicks to start blocking all ads.

Step 1: Click the  “Start Blocking Ads” button below…

Step 2: Claim your 80% discount

Step 3: Total Adblock will run silently in the background blocking ads to ensure your online experience is transformed.

As everything is lightning fast and completely automated there’s very little else to show you – What are you waiting for? Take control of your browsing experience today!

Start Blocking Ads Now!

September 2024: It looks like you can still claim this deal at $1.99 but we don't know how long this will last so encourage readers to take advantage whilst they can.

Google Chrome Users Can Now Block All Annoying Ads & Get Faster Web Browsing…

If you’re like the rest of the planet and tired of the constant annoying advertisements slowing down your computer then you don’t want to miss this….

You can now remove all unwanted ads instantly on every single website online. This includes all news websites, social media apps like Facebook, Twitter, and even video ads on YouTube.

Nowadays you can barely watch a video, browse a news site or even shop freely without having an advert thrown at you, this is not only annoying but is also slowing down your computer.

On average web pages load 400% faster with no ads slowing them down – The internet has gone wild for this awesome new tool which is loved worldwide for giving computers owners a faster, cleaner Internet without ads.

This is how easy it was to remove ads and speed up my web browsing.

Not only will it stop all ads, but you will also stop all annoying pop-ups which just won’t go away.

Have you ever viewed an item on Amazon or eBay and for the next 3 months you see nothing but ads for this very same product on every website you visit. This is because the advertisers are tracking you!

The reality is, ads are getting worse! More intrusive, more annoying and more harmful.

The good news is, there is finally an app which blocks all ads and speed up your browsing called Total Adblock

It will immediately stop all annoying ads, pop-ups, and remove all advertising tracking to supercharge your web page speed.

It’s no wonder people are rushing to get their hands on this incredible browser addon as it costs less than $2! – (That’s less than a cup of coffee)

Use this exclusive Google Chrome link to save 80% off today.

How Can I Start Removing Ads?

It couldn’t be any easier to turn off your online ads. The secret is a brilliant new browser addon called Total AdBlock. This ultra-fast adblocking tool instantly removes all annoying ads & pop-ups.

It’s fully automated and takes just 2 clicks to start blocking all ads.

Step 1: Click the  “Start Blocking Ads” button below…

Step 2: Claim your 80% discount

Step 3: Total Adblock will run silently in the background blocking ads to ensure your online experience is transformed.

As everything is lightning fast and completely automated there’s very little else to show you – What are you waiting for? Take control of your browsing experience today!

Start Blocking Ads Now!

September 2024: It looks like you can still claim this deal at $1.99 but we don't know how long this will last so encourage readers to take advantage whilst they can.

Microsoft Windows Users Can Now Turn Off All Annoying Online Ads & Get Faster Web Browsing…

If you’re like the rest of the planet and tired of the constant annoying advertisements slowing down your computer then you don’t want to miss this….

You can now remove all unwanted ads instantly on every single website online. This includes all news websites, social media apps like Facebook, Twitter, and even video ads on YouTube.

Nowadays you can barely watch a video, browse a news site or even shop freely without having an advert thrown at you, this is not only annoying but is also slowing down your computer.

On average web pages load 400% faster with no ads slowing them down – The internet has gone wild for this awesome new tool which is loved worldwide for giving computers owners a faster, cleaner Internet without ads.

This is how easy it was to remove ads and speed up my web browsing.

Not only will it stop all ads, but you will also stop all annoying pop-ups which just won’t go away.

Have you ever viewed an item on Amazon or eBay and for the next 3 months you see nothing but ads for this very same product on every website you visit.

This is because the advertisers are tracking you!

The reality is, ads are getting worse! More intrusive, more annoying and more harmful.

The good news is, there is finally an app which blocks all ads and speed up your browsing called Total Adblock

It will immediately stop all annoying ads, pop-ups, and remove all advertising tracking to supercharge your web page speed.

It’s no wonder people are rushing to get their hands on this incredible app as it costs less than $3! – (That’s less than a cup of coffee)

Use this exclusive Microsoft Windows link to save 70% off today.

How Can I Start Removing Ads?

It couldn’t be any easier to turn off your online ads. The secret is a brilliant new browser addon called Total AdBlock. This ultra-fast adblocking tool instantly removes all annoying ads & pop-ups.

It’s fully automated and takes just 2 clicks to start blocking all ads.

Step 1: Click the  “Start Blocking Ads” button below…

Step 2: Claim your exclusive 70% discount

Step 3: Total Adblock will run silently in the background blocking ads to ensure your online experience is transformed.

As everything is lightning fast and completely automated there’s very little else to show you – What are you waiting for? Take control of your browsing experience today for less than $3!

Start Blocking Ads Now!

The Incredible New Windows App That Just Got Even Better… Here’s What You Need To Know.

The must-have Windows app for 2023 has just added more features, and its awesome. If you own a Windows PC, this will be the most useful article you read this year!

If you live in the U.S, you have probably already heard about TotalAV – the popularity of this new app has grown fast among Windows users as more and more people realize their personal data is not as private as it once was.

Windows is the most widely used operating system, which makes it a prime target for malware and viruses. Cybercriminals often develop malicious software specifically targeting Windows vulnerabilities, aiming to gain unauthorized access to personal data.

Last year, a hacker stole personal data every 39 seconds, with victims of fraud losing on average $10,000 each. This is set to rise in 2023.

That’s where TotalAV comes in….

TotalAV has long protected internet users with enterprise-level security, and with the recent increases in online scams & fraud, they have produced a full-featured protection suite for Windows which is now available to the public… for only $3!!! 

The app will scan your Windows PC (and even Smartphone) for hidden malware, check the dark web to see if your information has been breached, remove all website tracking cookies, remove adware, spyware and viruses.

In addition to this, TotalAV have also included built-in security against internet phishing scams and fraud websites, and there is a cool feature to easily clear your browser history and cache.

  • ✅ Fed up of annoying ads?  No problem! The app contains a function that lets you disable them and choose only the ads you want to see.
  • ✅ Concerned about your overall security? This app will mask all of your online traffic so your personal information stays private. The additional network layer provides enhanced security, and will even change your devices IP to keep your information protected.
  • Password management causing you a headache?  Store your passwords away from hackers and other prying eyes with the secure vault provided in the app. This will make password management a dream rather than a nightmare!

With all this included in the package, It’s no wonder people are rushing to claim a copy of this incredible app, for less than $3. This really is the only security product you need.

TotalAV has long had a reputation for providing users with top-of-the-line computer security, and it is no surprise millions of users have already downloaded their mobile version.

Claim Your Discount Today

You are probably asking yourself  ‘So, is this software really the best Windows PC protection?’

It’s not just us that believe they are the #1 app for your Windows PC security… even Trustpilot has ranked them the #1 Online Security Software. At such a cheap price, it is no shock there is so much hype surrounding it!

So how do I claim my copy of the app?

Step 1: Simply visit the Official Protection Promotion Here or click the button below

Step 2: Pay less than $3 and activate your protection.

Step 3: Install your TotalAV security app on your Windows PC, sign in using your email address and instantly activate your security.

You will instantly be given 2 additional free licenses for your smartphone and/or tablet so be sure to install your protection on those as well, at no extra cost.

This deal won’t last forever, especially as the app becomes more popular. For now, it’s less than $3, we recommend installing the app today to make the most of this deal.

Do yourself a favor, claim this deal and stay ahead of cybercrime… your future self will thank you.

Claim Your Discount Today



** TotalAV’s recent reports for their latest awards can be found here:

TotalAV Awarded VB100 Award


TotalAV is an AV-Test TOP PRODUCT