Author: Robert Grint

Block All Ads & Speed Up Your Browsing with This Free Microsoft Edge Extension

If you’re like the rest of the planet and tired of the constant annoying advertisements slowing down your computer then you don’t want to miss this….

You can now remove all unwanted ads instantly on every single website online. This includes all news websites, social media apps like Facebook, Twitter, and even video ads on YouTube.

Nowadays you can barely watch a video, browse a news site or even shop freely without having an advert thrown at you, this is not only annoying but is also slowing down your computer.

On average web pages load 400% faster with no ads slowing them down – the internet has gone wild for this awesome new tool which is loved worldwide for giving Microsoft Edge owners a faster, cleaner browser without ads. Millions have already installed the extension, and many more are rushing to get it.

It has never been easier to remove ads and speed up your browsing.

How about when you view an item on Amazon or eBay and for the next 3 months you see nothing but ads for this very same product on every website you visit. This is because the advertisers are tracking you!

The reality is, ads are getting worse. More intrusive, more annoying and more harmful.

The good news is, the Total Adblock extension makes it impossible for advertisers to track you AND it can block all ads to speed up your browsing.

So, How Can I Start Blocking Ads?

The secret is a brilliant new browser extension called Total AdBlock. This 100% free online tool does everything for you.

It’s fully automated and takes just 2 clicks to start blocking all ads.

Step 1: Click the  “Start Blocking Ads Now” button below…

Step 2: Follow the simple instructions to enable ad blocker for your browser.

Total AdBlock will run silently in the background blocking ads to ensure your online experience is transformed and you will never see an ad again!

As everything is lightning fast and completely automated there’s very little else to show you.

Start Blocking Ads Now!


Block All Ads & Speed Up Your Browsing with This Free Google Chrome Extension

If you’re like the rest of the planet and tired of the constant annoying advertisements slowing down your computer then you don’t want to miss this….

You can now remove all unwanted ads instantly on every single website online. This includes all news websites, social media apps like Facebook, Twitter, and even video ads on YouTube.

Nowadays you can barely watch a video, browse a news site or even shop freely without having an advert thrown at you, this is not only annoying but is also slowing down your computer.

On average web pages load 400% faster with no ads slowing them down – the internet has gone wild for this awesome new tool which is loved worldwide for giving Google Chrome owners a faster, cleaner browser without ads. Millions have already installed the extension, and many more are rushing to get it.

It has never been easier to remove ads and speed up your browsing.

How about when you view an item on Amazon or eBay and for the next 3 months you see nothing but ads for this very same product on every website you visit. This is because the advertisers are tracking you!

The reality is, ads are getting worse. More intrusive, more annoying and more harmful.

The good news is, the Total Adblock extension makes it impossible for advertisers to track you AND it can block all ads to speed up your browsing.

So, How Can I Start Blocking Ads?

The secret is a brilliant new browser extension called Total AdBlock. This 100% free online tool does everything for you.

It’s fully automated and takes just 2 clicks to start blocking all ads.

Step 1: Click the  “Start Blocking Ads Now” button below…

Step 2: Follow the simple instructions to enable ad blocker for your browser.

Total AdBlock will run silently in the background blocking ads to ensure your online experience is transformed and you will never see an ad again!

As everything is lightning fast and completely automated there’s very little else to show you.

Start Blocking Ads Now!


Millions Of Mac Users Rush To Get Free Protection For 2023. Here’s What You Should Know.

If you own a Mac computer and live in the the U.S, you can protect your Apple device today for free in just a few minutes…

Your Mac computer is a personal storage facility, and it contains all of your most important, precious and private information. The problem is, your device is much easier to access than government or corporate computer systems, making you a prime target for the ever hunting cyber-criminals.

Some myths also suggest that Mac computers are immune to viruses or are impenetrable by hackers however this is unfortunately completely false. In a matter of fact, Mac computers are becoming more of a target for cybercriminals due to this as many are left unprotected. Mac threats actually increased by 200% in the last year and over double the amount of threats were detected per device on an Apple Mac compared to a Windows computer.

The problem is, there aren’t many Mac security applications that will protect you from these dangers for a reasonable price. Until now…

Over 10 million computer owners have taken advantage of this free protection already, TotalAV is all you need to keep your Mac secure.

Here’s the deal: TotalAV has partnered up with top-rated developers and are giving away instant virus and malware security scans to all Mac owners for free. As part of a special promotion that sees the renowned software provider, release their most sophisticated protection package yet and announce that they plan to have their protection in as many homes as possible by the end of 2023.

With TotalAV’s free security tool, you can utilize their advanced algorithm to detect hidden viruses and malicious malware in a matter of seconds. Then by activating their real-time protection & secure browsing feature, you can ensure that no single threat can make its way onto your device, ultimately keeping you, and your computer, safe.

What Makes This Protection So Incredible?

TotalAV has a cutting edge algorithm that can detect and remove any viruses, adware, malware, and spyware that may be lying undetected within your Mac. It’s common that hidden threats go undetected until they start to slow down your device, bombard you with advertising or even steal personal information when browsing, shopping or banking online. TotalAV instantly detects any of these unwanted systems and removes them, ensuring your Mac is never at risk.

That’s not all; it also protects you from phishing scams that cloak links in emails to steal your personal data. Privacy protection, real-time security alerts, secure web browsing, virus removal, password manager, even a system tune-up optimizer are all rolled into one in this full Security Suite. TotalAV covers it all.

This software is revolutionizing the way we protect our online devices, and completely automating the process.

The good thing is, it’s super quick and easy to set up and you don’t need to be technical to get started. The process is extremely simple and it only takes a few minutes. Get me Started

How Can I Claim My Free Copy?

It’s simple. If you have an Apple Mac, you automatically qualify for a free copy. Just follow the steps below, or click here to claim your free copy now. You’ll soon see just how incredible this protection is.

Claiming this promotion is a no-brainer. Check your Mac’s security for free and relax whilst being online knowing your device is safe. Even if you don’t think you are at risk right now, the expiration date of TotalAV’s free scan is unknown, so you might as well take advantage of it whilst you can.

Follow These Simple Steps To Get Your Free Protection Package Today:

Step 1: Select the button below to claim your free copy or click here to visit the official website.

Step 2: Download your TotalAV Free security scan and follow the on screen instructions.

Step 3: Activate your TotalAV scan and remove any harmful threats or viruses immediately.

Claim My Free TotalAV Protection!

Update: TotalAV free security scan is still currently available. The expiration and availability are unknown, however, we are advising readers to claim this today to avoid disappointment. Take advantage of this incredible offer whilst it is still available and relax knowing your computer is protected.




Apple® is a trademark of Apple Inc. Use of this trademark is subject to Apple permissions.

** TotalAV’s recent reports for their latest awards can be found here:

TotalAV Awarded VB100 Award


TotalAV is an AV-Test TOP PRODUCT



La nuova incredibile app per iPhone è stata da poco migliorata… Ecco cosa c’è da sapere.

L’app per iPhone indispensabile per il 2023 ha appena aggiunto altre funzioni, ed è fantastica. Se possiedi un dispositivo iPhone, questo sarà l’articolo più utile che leggerai…

Se vivi nel the U.S, probabilmente avrai già sentito parlare di TotalAV: la popolarità di questa nuova app è cresciuta rapidamente tra gli utenti di iPhone, poiché sempre più persone si rendono conto che i loro dati personali non sono più privati come un tempo.

Con la tecnologia della telefonia mobile dotata di una capacità di elaborazione pari a quella di un computer desktop, molte persone affidano le loro preziose informazioni personali alla memoria del telefono. Tuttavia, non si rendono conto che i loro dati vengono condivisi e i dispositivi telefonici non protetti li rendono un bersaglio più facile per i criminali informatici.

Nell’ultimo anno ogni 39 secondi si è verificato un furto di dati personali da parte degli hacker e le vittime di truffe e raggiri hanno perso una media di 10,000$ ciascuna. Questo dato è destinato ad aumentare nel 2023.

È qui che entra in gioco TotalAV…
TotalAV protegge da tempo gli utenti di Internet con una sicurezza di livello aziendale e, con il recente aumento delle frodi mobili, ha prodotto una suite di protezione completa per iPhone che è ora disponibile al pubblico… a soli 3$!

L’app scansionerà il tuo dispositivo iPhone alla ricerca di malware nascosto, controllerà il dark Web per vedere se le tue informazioni sono state violate, rimuoverà tutti i cookie di tracciamento del sito web, oltre all’adware, allo spyware e ai virus.

Oltre a questo, TotalAV ha incluso anche una protezione integrata contro le truffe di phishing su Internet e i siti web fraudolenti, e una funzione interessante per cancellare facilmente la cronologia e la cache del browser.

  • ✅ Non ne puoi più di annunci fastidiosi? Nessun problema! L’app contiene una funzione che ti consente di disabilitarli e di scegliere solo quelli che vuoi visualizzare.
  • ✅ Ti preme la tua sicurezza in generale? Questa app “maschera” tutto il tuo traffico online in modo che le tue informazioni personali rimangano private. Il livello di rete aggiuntivo offre una maggiore sicurezza e modifica persino l’IP dei tuoi dispositivi per proteggere le tue informazioni.
  • ✅ La gestione delle password ti fa venire i brividi? Conservale lontano dagli occhi indiscreti di hacker e altri malintenzionati con la cassaforte protetta fornita nell’app. In questo modo, gestire le password sarà un sogno, e non più un incubo!

Con tutto questo incluso nel pacchetto, non c’è da stupirsi che la gente si affretti a richiedere una copia di questa incredibile app all’incredibile prezzo di 3$. È questo l’unico prodotto di sicurezza che ti serve.

TotalAV ha da tempo la reputazione di fornire agli utenti il massimo della sicurezza informatica e non c’è da sorprendersi che milioni di utenti abbiano già scaricato la sua versione per dispositivi mobili.

Richiedi la protezione a 3$

Probabilmente ti starai chiedendo: “Allora, questo software è davvero la migliore protezione per lo smartphone?”

Non siamo solo noi a credere che sia l’app numero uno per la sicurezza del tuo iPhone… anche Trustpilot l’ha classificata come il software di sicurezza online numero uno. A un prezzo tanto conveniente, non c’è da stupirsi se tutti ne parlano!

Come faccio ad avere una copia dell’app?

Fase 1 : visita il sito ufficiale della promozione per iPhone a 3$ qui oppure fai clic sul pulsante qui sotto

Fase 2: inserisci il tuo indirizzo e-mail e paga 3$.

Fase 3: installa l’app di sicurezza TotalAV dallo store iPhone, accedi con il tuo indirizzo e-mail e attiva immediatamente la sicurezza.

Riceverai immediatamente 2 licenze aggiuntive gratuite per il PC, il laptop o il tablet, quindi assicurati di installare la protezione anche su questi, senza costi aggiuntivi.

L’offerta non dura all’infinito, soprattutto perché l’app sta ottenendo grande popolarità. Per ora, al prezzo di soli 3$, consigliamo di installare subito l’app per usufruire fin da ora di questa offerta.

Concediti un regalo e usufruisci dell’offerta per stare al passo con la criminalità informatica… il tuo futuro ti ringrazierà.

Richiedi la protezione a 3$





** TotalAV’s recent reports for their latest awards can be found here:

TotalAV Awarded VB100 Award


TotalAV is an AV-Test TOP PRODUCT

La nuova incredibile app per Android è stata da poco migliorata… Ecco cosa c’è da sapere.

L’app per Android indispensabile per il 2023 ha appena aggiunto altre funzioni, ed è fantastica. Se possiedi un dispositivo Android, questo sarà l’articolo più utile che leggerai…

Se vivi nel the U.S, probabilmente avrai già sentito parlare di TotalAV: la popolarità di questa nuova app è cresciuta rapidamente tra gli utenti di Android, poiché sempre più persone si rendono conto che i loro dati personali non sono più privati come un tempo.

Con la tecnologia della telefonia mobile dotata di una capacità di elaborazione pari a quella di un computer desktop, molte persone affidano le loro preziose informazioni personali alla memoria del telefono. Tuttavia, non si rendono conto che i loro dati vengono condivisi e i dispositivi telefonici non protetti li rendono un bersaglio più facile per i criminali informatici.

Nell’ultimo anno ogni 39 secondi si è verificato un furto di dati personali da parte degli hacker e le vittime di truffe e raggiri hanno perso una media di 10,000$ ciascuna. Questo dato è destinato ad aumentare nel 2023.

È qui che entra in gioco TotalAV…
TotalAV protegge da tempo gli utenti di Internet con una sicurezza di livello aziendale e, con il recente aumento delle frodi mobili, ha prodotto una suite di protezione completa per Android che è ora disponibile al pubblico… a soli 3$!

L’app scansionerà il tuo dispositivo Android alla ricerca di malware nascosto, controllerà il dark Web per vedere se le tue informazioni sono state violate, rimuoverà tutti i cookie di tracciamento del sito web, oltre all’adware, allo spyware e ai virus.

Oltre a questo, TotalAV ha incluso anche una protezione integrata contro le truffe di phishing su Internet e i siti web fraudolenti, e una funzione interessante per cancellare facilmente la cronologia e la cache del browser.

  • ✅ Non ne puoi più di annunci fastidiosi? Nessun problema! L’app contiene una funzione che ti consente di disabilitarli e di scegliere solo quelli che vuoi visualizzare.
  • ✅ Ti preme la tua sicurezza in generale? Questa app “maschera” tutto il tuo traffico online in modo che le tue informazioni personali rimangano private. Il livello di rete aggiuntivo offre una maggiore sicurezza e modifica persino l’IP dei tuoi dispositivi per proteggere le tue informazioni.
  • ✅ La gestione delle password ti fa venire i brividi? Conservale lontano dagli occhi indiscreti di hacker e altri malintenzionati con la cassaforte protetta fornita nell’app. In questo modo, gestire le password sarà un sogno, e non più un incubo!

Con tutto questo incluso nel pacchetto, non c’è da stupirsi che la gente si affretti a richiedere una copia di questa incredibile app all’incredibile prezzo di 3$. È questo l’unico prodotto di sicurezza che ti serve.

TotalAV ha da tempo la reputazione di fornire agli utenti il massimo della sicurezza informatica e non c’è da sorprendersi che milioni di utenti abbiano già scaricato la sua versione per dispositivi mobili.

Richiedi la protezione a 3$

Probabilmente ti starai chiedendo: “Allora, questo software è davvero la migliore protezione per lo smartphone?”

Non siamo solo noi a credere che sia l’app numero uno per la sicurezza del tuo Android… anche Trustpilot l’ha classificata come il software di sicurezza online numero uno. A un prezzo tanto conveniente, non c’è da stupirsi se tutti ne parlano!

Come faccio ad avere una copia dell’app?

Fase 1 : visita il sito ufficiale della promozione per Android a 3$ qui oppure fai clic sul pulsante qui sotto

Fase 2: inserisci il tuo indirizzo e-mail e paga 3$.

Fase 3: installa l’app di sicurezza TotalAV dallo store Android, accedi con il tuo indirizzo e-mail e attiva immediatamente la sicurezza.

Riceverai immediatamente 2 licenze aggiuntive gratuite per il PC, il laptop o il tablet, quindi assicurati di installare la protezione anche su questi, senza costi aggiuntivi.

L’offerta non dura all’infinito, soprattutto perché l’app sta ottenendo grande popolarità. Per ora, al prezzo di soli 3$, consigliamo di installare subito l’app per usufruire fin da ora di questa offerta.

Concediti un regalo e usufruisci dell’offerta per stare al passo con la criminalità informatica… il tuo futuro ti ringrazierà.

Richiedi la protezione a 3$






** TotalAV’s recent reports for their latest awards can be found here:

TotalAV Awarded VB100 Award


TotalAV is an AV-Test TOP PRODUCT

Cette nouvelle application iPhone incroyable vient de s’améliorer… Voici ce qu’il faut savoir.

L’application iPhone incontournable de 2023 vient de s’enrichir de nouvelles fonctionnalités, et elles sont géniales. Vous possédez un appareil iPhone ? Cet article sera le plus utile de tous…

Si vous habitez en the U.S, vous avez déjà probablement entendu parler de TotalAV. Cette nouvelle appli est adoptée par de plus en plus d’utilisateurs iPhone, qui se rendent compte que leurs données personnelles sont exposées à des risques.

Aujourd’hui, la technologie mobile peut traiter autant de données qu’un ordinateur et beaucoup d’utilisateurs n’hésitent pas à stocker leurs données personnelles et sensibles sur leur téléphone. Toutefois, ils ne se rendent pas compte que leurs données sont partagées et que les téléphones non protégés sont une cible privilégiée des pirates et hackeurs.

L’année dernière, des données personnelles ont été piratées toutes les 39 secondes. Chaque victime de fraude a perdu 10 000$ en moyenne. Ce chiffre devrait augmenter en 2023.

C’est là que TotalAV intervient…
Depuis longtemps, TotalAV protège les internautes à l’aide d’une sécurité de niveau professionnel. Suite à l’augmentation des piratages de téléphone, l’entreprise a développé une suite de sécurité complète pour iPhone qui est désormais proposée au grand public pour seulement… 3$ !

L’appli analyse votre appareil iPhone pour y détecter des logiciels malveillants dissimulés, recherche sur le dark web si certaines de vos données ont été piratées, supprime tous les cookies de suivi ainsi que les adwares, spywares et virus.

De plus, TotalAV comporte une protection intégrée contre les tentatives d’hameçonnage et les sites web frauduleux. Une fonctionnalité pratique vous permet de facilement effacer l’historique de navigation et le cache.

  • ✅ Vous en avez assez des publicités indésirables ? Pas de problème ! L’appli contient une fonctionnalité qui vous permet de les désactiver et de choisir uniquement les publicités que vous souhaitez voir.
  • ✅ Vous êtes préoccupé par la protection de vos données ? L’appli masque vos activités en ligne pour que vos données personnelles restent privées. La couche réseau supplémentaire renforce la sécurité et modifie l’adresse IP de votre appareil pour protéger vos données.
  • ✅ Vous n’arrivez pas à gérer vos mots de passe ? Avec le coffre-fort sécurisé inclus dans l’appli, vous pouvez stocker vos mots de passe et les protéger des hackeurs et regards indiscrets. La gestion de vos mots de passe ne sera plus un cauchemar !

Avec toutes ces fonctionnalités incluses, vous comprenez que de nombreux utilisateurs s’empressent de télécharger cette appli remarquable, au prix incroyable de 3$. Ce produit assure votre sécurité en ligne en intégralité.

TotalAV a une réputation établie dans le domaine de la protection d’ordinateur, il n’est donc pas surprenant que des millions d’utilisateurs adoptent la version mobile de ce logiciel ultra-performant.

Profitez de votre protection à 3$ immédiatement

Vous vous demandez surement : « Ce logiciel est-il vraiment la solution de protection idéale pour mon smartphone ? »

Nous ne sommes pas les seuls à être convaincus que cette appli est idéale pour la protection de votre appareil iPhone… Trustpilot l’a également classée n° 1 des logiciels de protection en ligne. À ce prix-là, ce n’est pas surprenant !

Que dois-je faire pour télécharger cette app ?

Étape 1 : Accédez à la promotion iPhone officielle à 3$ ici ou cliquez sur le bouton ci-dessous.

Étape 2: Saisissez votre adresse e-mail et payez 3$.

Étape 3: Installez l’appli de protection TotalAV dans la boutique iPhone, connectez-vous avec votre adresse e-mail et activez instantanément votre protection.

Vous recevrez instantanément 2 licences supplémentaires gratuites pour votre ordinateur ou tablette, n’oubliez pas d’installer cette protection complémentaire entièrement gratuite.

Cette offre ne va pas durer, car l’application est de plus en plus populaire ! Nous vous conseillons d’installer l’application dès aujourd’hui pour profiter de cette promotion exceptionnelle à 3$.

N’hésitez plus, profitez de l’offre pour vous protéger contre les piratages… Vous ne le regretterez pas.

Profitez de votre protection à 3$ immédiatement






** TotalAV’s recent reports for their latest awards can be found here:

TotalAV Awarded VB100 Award


TotalAV is an AV-Test TOP PRODUCT

Cette nouvelle application Android incroyable vient de s’améliorer… Voici ce qu’il faut savoir.

L’application Android incontournable de 2023 vient de s’enrichir de nouvelles fonctionnalités, et elles sont géniales. Vous possédez un appareil Android ? Cet article sera le plus utile de tous…

Si vous habitez en the U.S, vous avez déjà probablement entendu parler de TotalAV. Cette nouvelle appli est adoptée par de plus en plus d’utilisateurs Android, qui se rendent compte que leurs données personnelles sont exposées à des risques.

Aujourd’hui, la technologie mobile peut traiter autant de données qu’un ordinateur et beaucoup d’utilisateurs n’hésitent pas à stocker leurs données personnelles et sensibles sur leur téléphone. Toutefois, ils ne se rendent pas compte que leurs données sont partagées et que les téléphones non protégés sont une cible privilégiée des pirates et hackeurs.

L’année dernière, des données personnelles ont été piratées toutes les 39 secondes. Chaque victime de fraude a perdu 10 000$ en moyenne. Ce chiffre devrait augmenter en 2023.

C’est là que TotalAV intervient…
Depuis longtemps, TotalAV protège les internautes à l’aide d’une sécurité de niveau professionnel. Suite à l’augmentation des piratages de téléphone, l’entreprise a développé une suite de sécurité complète pour Android qui est désormais proposée au grand public pour seulement… 3$ !

L’appli analyse votre appareil Android pour y détecter des logiciels malveillants dissimulés, recherche sur le dark web si certaines de vos données ont été piratées, supprime tous les cookies de suivi ainsi que les adwares, spywares et virus.

De plus, TotalAV comporte une protection intégrée contre les tentatives d’hameçonnage et les sites web frauduleux. Une fonctionnalité pratique vous permet de facilement effacer l’historique de navigation et le cache.

  • ✅ Vous en avez assez des publicités indésirables ? Pas de problème ! L’appli contient une fonctionnalité qui vous permet de les désactiver et de choisir uniquement les publicités que vous souhaitez voir.
  • ✅ Vous êtes préoccupé par la protection de vos données ? L’appli masque vos activités en ligne pour que vos données personnelles restent privées. La couche réseau supplémentaire renforce la sécurité et modifie l’adresse IP de votre appareil pour protéger vos données.
  • ✅ Vous n’arrivez pas à gérer vos mots de passe ? Avec le coffre-fort sécurisé inclus dans l’appli, vous pouvez stocker vos mots de passe et les protéger des hackeurs et regards indiscrets. La gestion de vos mots de passe ne sera plus un cauchemar !

Avec toutes ces fonctionnalités incluses, vous comprenez que de nombreux utilisateurs s’empressent de télécharger cette appli remarquable, au prix incroyable de 3$. Ce produit assure votre sécurité en ligne en intégralité.

TotalAV a une réputation établie dans le domaine de la protection d’ordinateur, il n’est donc pas surprenant que des millions d’utilisateurs adoptent la version mobile de ce logiciel ultra-performant.

Profitez de votre protection à 3$ immédiatement

Vous vous demandez surement : « Ce logiciel est-il vraiment la solution de protection idéale pour mon smartphone ? »

Nous ne sommes pas les seuls à être convaincus que cette appli est idéale pour la protection de votre appareil Android… Trustpilot l’a également classée n° 1 des logiciels de protection en ligne. À ce prix-là, ce n’est pas surprenant !

Que dois-je faire pour télécharger cette app ?

Étape 1 : Accédez à la promotion Android officielle à 3$ ici ou cliquez sur le bouton ci-dessous.

Étape 2: Saisissez votre adresse e-mail et payez 3$.

Étape 3: Installez l’appli de protection TotalAV dans la boutique Android, connectez-vous avec votre adresse e-mail et activez instantanément votre protection.

Vous recevrez instantanément 2 licences supplémentaires gratuites pour votre ordinateur ou tablette, n’oubliez pas d’installer cette protection complémentaire entièrement gratuite.

Cette offre ne va pas durer, car l’application est de plus en plus populaire ! Nous vous conseillons d’installer l’application dès aujourd’hui pour profiter de cette promotion exceptionnelle à 3$.

N’hésitez plus, profitez de l’offre pour vous protéger contre les piratages… Vous ne le regretterez pas.

Profitez de votre protection à 3$ immédiatement





** TotalAV’s recent reports for their latest awards can be found here:

TotalAV Awarded VB100 Award


TotalAV is an AV-Test TOP PRODUCT

Millions Of Mac Users Rush To Get Free Protection For 2023. Here’s What You Should Know.

If you own a Mac computer and live in the the U.S, you can protect your Apple® device today for free in just a few minutes…

Your Mac computer is a personal storage facility, and it contains all of your most important, precious and private information. The problem is, your device is much easier to access than government or corporate computer systems, making you a prime target for the ever hunting cyber-criminals.

Some myths also suggest that Mac computers are immune to viruses or are impenetrable by hackers however this is unfortunately completely false. In a matter of fact, Mac computers are becoming more of a target for cybercriminals due to this as many are left unprotected. Mac threats actually increased by 200% in the last year and over double the amount of threats were detected per device on an Apple Mac compared to a Windows computer.

With over 5 billion people connected to the internet worldwide, it’s no surprise that cyber attacks have seen a dramatic increase and are now more common than ever. Hidden Malware can be found in popular Mac programs and emails. Not running regular security scans could pose a significant risk.

The problem is, there aren’t many Mac security applications that will protect you from these dangers for a reasonable price. Until now…

Over 10 million computer owners have taken advantage of this free protection already, TotalAV is all you need to keep your Mac secure.

Here’s the deal: TotalAV has partnered up with top-rated developers and are giving away instant virus and malware security scans to all Mac owners for free. As part of a special promotion that sees the renowned software provider, release their most sophisticated protection package yet and announce that they plan to have their protection in as many homes as possible by the end of 2023.

Sounds too good to be true? We thought so too… We’ve seen millions of consumers right across the the U.S rush to claim the complete protection plan.

It has been tried and tested, and we must say, without any disappointment.

With TotalAV’s free security tool, you can utilize their advanced algorithm to detect hidden viruses and malicious malware in a matter of seconds. Then by activating their real-time protection & secure browsing feature, you can ensure that no single threat can make its way onto your device, ultimately keeping you, and your computer, safe.

What Makes This Protection So Incredible?

TotalAV has a cutting edge algorithm that can detect and remove any viruses, adware, malware, and spyware that may be lying undetected within your Mac. It’s common that hidden threats go undetected until they start to slow down your device, bombard you with advertising or even steal personal information when browsing, shopping or banking online. TotalAV instantly detects any of these unwanted systems and removes them, ensuring your Mac is never at risk.

That’s not all; it also protects you from phishing scams that cloak links in emails to steal your personal data. Privacy protection, real-time security alerts, secure web browsing, virus removal, password manager, even a system tune-up optimizer are all rolled into one in this full Security Suite. TotalAV covers it all.

This software is revolutionizing the way we protect our online devices, and completely automating the process.

The good thing is, it’s super quick and easy to set up and you don’t need to be technical to get started. The process is extremely simple and it only takes a few minutes. Get me Started

How Can I Claim My Free Copy?

It’s simple. If you have an Apple Mac, you automatically qualify for a free copy. Just follow the steps below, or click here to claim your free copy now. You’ll soon see just how incredible this protection is.

Claiming this promotion is a no-brainer. Check your Mac’s security for free and relax whilst being online knowing your device is safe. Even if you don’t think you are at risk right now, the expiration date of TotalAV’s free scan is unknown, so you might as well take advantage of it whilst you can.

Follow These Simple Steps To Get Your Free Protection Package Today:

Step 1: Select the button below to claim your free copy or click here to visit the official website.

Step 2: Download your TotalAV Free security scan and follow the on screen instructions.

Step 3: Activate your TotalAV scan and remove any harmful threats or viruses immediately.

Claim My Free TotalAV Protection!

Update: TotalAV free security scan is still currently available. The expiration and availability are unknown, however, we are advising readers to claim this today to avoid disappointment. Take advantage of this incredible offer whilst it is still available and relax knowing your computer is protected.




Apple® is a trademark of Apple Inc. Use of this trademark is subject to Apple permissions.

** TotalAV’s recent reports for their latest awards can be found here:

TotalAV Awarded VB100 Award


TotalAV is an AV-Test TOP PRODUCT



The Incredible New iPhone App That Just Got Even Better… Here’s What You Need To Know.

The must-have iPhone app for 2023 has just added more features, and its awesome. If you own an iPhone device, this will be the most useful article you read…

If you live in the U.S, you have probably already heard about TotalAV – the popularity of this new app has grown fast among iPhone users as more and more people realize their personal data is not as private as it once was.

With mobile phone technology now able to process as much as a desktop computer, many people are trusting their personal and precious information in their phone storage. However, they don’t realize that their data is being shared, and unprotected phone devices make them an easier target for cybercriminals.

Last year, a hacker stole personal data every 39 seconds, with victims of fraud losing on average $10,000 each. This is set to rise in 2023.

That’s where TotalAV comes in….

TotalAV has long protected internet users with enterprise-level security, and with the recent increases in mobile fraud, they have produced a full-featured protection suite for iPhone which is now available to the public… for only $3!!! 

The app will protect your iPhone by adding an additional security layer between you and the web. This layer will encrypt your private information, prevent your data from being harvested, and protect you from identity theft.

In addition to this, TotalAV have also included built-in security against internet phishing scams and fraud websites, and there is a cool feature to easily clear your browser history and cache.

  • ✅ Fed up of annoying ads?  No problem! The app contains a function that lets you disable them and choose only the ads you want to see.
  • ✅ Concerned about your overall security? This app will mask all of your online traffic so your personal information stays private. The additional network layer provides enhanced security, and will even change your devices IP to keep your information protected.
  • Password management causing you a headache?  Store your passwords away from hackers and other prying eyes with the secure vault provided in the app. This will make password management a dream rather than a nightmare!

With all this included in the package, It’s no wonder people are rushing to claim a copy of this incredible app, at the incredible price of $3. This really is the only security product you need.

TotalAV has long had a reputation for providing users with top-of-the-line computer security, and it is no surprise millions of users have already downloaded their iPhone version.

Claim Your Protection Now

You are probably asking yourself  ‘So, is this software really the best smartphone protection?’

It’s not just us that believe they are the #1 app for your iPhone security… even Trustpilot has ranked them the #1 Online Security Software. At such a cheap price, it is no shock there is so much hype surrounding it!

So how do I claim my copy of the app?

Step 1: Simply visit the Official $3 iPhone Promotion Here or click the button below

Step 2: Fill in your email address and pay $3.

Step 3: Install your TotalAV security app from the App store, sign in using your email address and instantly activate your security.

You will instantly be given 2 additional free licenses for your PC. laptop or tablet so be sure to install your protection on those as well, at no extra cost.

This deal won’t last forever, especially as the app becomes more popular. For now, at a price of only $3, we recommend installing the app today to make the most of this deal.

Do yourself a favor, claim this deal and stay ahead of cybercrime… your future self will thank you.

Claim Your $3 Protection Package

The Incredible New Android App That Just Got Even Better… Here’s What You Need To Know.

The must-have Android app for 2023 has just added more features, and its awesome. If you own an Android device, this will be the most useful article you read…

In today’s world, mobile devices are increasingly being used to store personal and precious information. But did you know that your data is being shared, making you an easy target for hackers? In fact, every 39 seconds, a hacker steals personal data, causing victims to lose an average of $10,000 each. This is why you need TotalAV.

TotalAV provides enterprise-level security for internet users, and now, it’s available for Android devices too. For just $3, you’ll get a full-featured protection suite that scans your device for hidden malware, checks the dark web to see if your information has been breached, removes all website tracking cookies, adware, spyware and viruses.

But that’s not all. TotalAV also includes built-in security against internet phishing scams and fraud websites. With a cool feature to easily clear your browser history and cache, and the ability to disable annoying ads, you’ll have complete control over your online experience.

Concerned about your overall security? TotalAV masks all your online traffic, so your personal information stays private. The additional network layer provides enhanced security, and will even change your device’s IP to keep your information protected.

Tired of password management causing you a headache? TotalAV offers a secure vault to store your passwords away from hackers and other prying eyes, making password management a breeze.

Claim Your $3 Protection

But don’t just take our word for it. Trustpilot has ranked TotalAV as the #1 Online Security Software. And at such a low price, it’s no surprise that millions of users have already downloaded the mobile version.

Claiming your copy of TotalAV is easy. Simply visit the Official $3 Android Promotion Here or click the button below, fill in your email address and pay $3. Install your TotalAV security app from the Android store, sign in using your email address and instantly activate your security. You’ll even get 2 additional free licenses for your PC, laptop or tablet, at no extra cost.

This deal won’t last forever, so take advantage of it today. Protect yourself from cybercrime and claim your $3 protection now.

Claim Your $3 Protection