Category: IWMedia – SmartphoneTechTips – TotalAdblock – Mobile – Android

Android Users Can Finally Turn Off All Annoying Ads & Get Faster Web Browsing…

This month the “Must-Have” Android app of 2024 was updated, and it’s awesome!

If you’re an Android user, and fed up of seeing constant ads, then this could be one of the most useful articles you will read this year.

Android users across the U.S are in a hurry to get a new app that will instantly remove annoying ads and pop-ups.

Nowadays you struggle to watch a video, browse a news site or even shop online without having an annoying advert thrown at you.

These ads are slowing down your phone and using up to 80% of your data.

How about when you view an item on Amazon or eBay and for the next 3 months you see nothing other than ads for this very same product on every website you visit.

This is because advertisers are tracking you!

The reality is mobile ads are getting worse. More intrusive, more annoying and more harmful.

The good news is, there is finally an Android app which blocks all ads to speed up your browsing by up to 400%.

Total Adblock makes your browsing faster, stops all annoying ads and removes any advertising tracking.

This will save you money on data usage as well as speeding up your web browsing.

Online scams and phishing sites are massively on the rise, Total Adblock will also help you to stay protected by not allowing scam adverts to show.

You can now start to enjoy video streaming sites like YouTube with no ads, so you will never have to wait for an irrelevant ad to finish again.

Millions of Android users across the U.S are now in a hurry to get this incredible app whilst they can at a special introductory price of just $1.99

July 2024: It looks like you can still claim this deal at $1.99 but we don't know how long this will last so encourage readers to take advantage whilst they can.


The Top 5 Reasons To Start Blocking Ads On Your Android Smartphone Today

Finally, Android owners can start blocking ads as we reveal recently updated popular ad-blocking app

Own an Android phone? If you are fed up of seeing countless ads then this could be one of the most important articles you will read this year.

Android users across the U.S are in a hurry to get a new app that instantly stops & removes annoying ads as well as pesky pop-ups.

But first let’s cover the top 5 reasons to start blocking ads on your mobile device today

  1. Speed Up Your Browsing – Ads slow down your browsing, it’s that simple. In fact ads can increase page load speeds by up to 400% as you wait for the images & video’s to download.
  2. Save on Data Costs – Ads increase the amount of data you download by a considerable amount. By preventing them from downloading you can very quickly cut down on data usage.
  3. Protecting Your Privacy – We have all experienced it; you view an item on eBay or Amazon and for the next 3 months you see nothing but ads for that very same product on every page you visit. Adblockers can prevent this by stopping trackers in their tracks.
  4. Improve Battery Life – Ads can place additional strain on your devices battery life by increasing cpu cycles required to load pages, forcing long prevideo adverts and increasing the time it takes you to navigate the webpage.
  5. Prevent Malicious Links – What’s better than not clicking malicious links? Not letting them load in the first place. By blocking ads you also help ensure malicious links disguised as pop-ups & banners cannot be accidentally tapped.

So how can you start blocking ads immediately? Total Adblock. This tried and trusted app has recently been updated and millions of customers across the U.S have been in a hurry to download it. 

You can start enjoying sites like Youtube with no ads, prevent scam adverts to show and claim back up to 80% of your data being used to download unnecessary ads.

You can take advantage of a special introductory price of just $1.99 today and start blocking ads right away.


July 2024: It looks like you can still claim this deal at $1.99 but we don't know how long this will last so encourage readers to take advantage whilst they can.


Android-Benutzer können endlich lästige Werbung blockieren & schneller im Internet surfen

Wenn Sie ein Android-Gerät besitzen und die ständige Werbung satthaben, dann könnte dies einer der nützlichsten Artikel sein, den Sie dieses Jahr lesen werden.

Android-Benutzer in Deutschland haben es derzeit eilig, eine neue App herunterzuladen, die lästige Anzeigen und Pop-ups sofort entfernt.

Sie können jetzt alle unerwünschten Werbeanzeigen auf allen Websites entfernen. Dazu gehören auch Nachrichten-Websites, Social-Media-Apps wie Facebook, Twitter und sogar Videoanzeigen auf YouTube.

Heutzutage kann man nur schwer ein Video ansehen, eine Nachrichtenseite durchsuchen oder sogar online einkaufen, ohne mit nerviger Werbung konfrontiert zu werden. Anzeigen verlangsamen Ihr Telefon und verbrauchen bis zu 80 % Ihres Datenvolumens.

Und was passiert, wenn Sie sich ein Produkt bei Amazon oder eBay ansehen? Erhalten Sie dann in den nächsten 3 Monaten auf jeder Website nur noch Anzeigen für dieses Produkt?

Dies ist nur möglich, weil Werbetreibende Sie verfolgen!

Die Realität ist, dass Anzeigen auf Mobilgeräten immer schlimmer werden. Aufdringlicher, nerviger und schadhafter.

Die gute Nachricht ist, dass es endlich eine Android-App gibt, die alle Anzeigen blockiert und Ihre Surfgeschwindigkeit um bis zu 400 % steigern kann. Und diese App heißt Total Adblock.

Die App stoppt nicht nur sofort alle lästigen Anzeigen und Pop-ups, sondern entfernt auch alle Werbetracker.

Dadurch sparen Sie Geld bei der Datennutzung und beschleunigen Ihre Internetrecherchen.

Online-Betrug und Phishing-Websites nehmen massiv zu. Total Adblock hilft Ihnen auch, geschützt zu bleiben, indem es nicht zulässt, dass betrügerische Werbung angezeigt wird.

Sie können jetzt Video-Streaming-Websites wie YouTube ohne Werbung genießen, sodass Sie nie wieder auf das Ende einer irrelevanten Anzeige warten müssen.

Millionen von iPhone-Nutzern in Deutschland haben es jetzt eilig, sich diese unglaubliche App zu einem günstigen Einführungspreis von nur 1,99$ zu sichern.

Mit diesem exklusiven Link für Mobilgeräte können Sie heute satte 60 % sparen.



Android Users Can Finally Turn Off All Annoying Ads & Get Faster Web Browsing…

This month the “Must-Have” Android app of 2024 was updated, and it’s awesome!

If you’re an Android user, and fed up of seeing constant ads, then this could be one of the most useful articles you will read this year.

Android users across the U.S are in a hurry to get a new app that will instantly remove annoying ads and pop-ups.

Nowadays you struggle to watch a video, browse a news site or even shop online without having an annoying advert thrown at you.

These ads are slowing down your phone and using up to 80% of your data.

How about when you view an item on Amazon or eBay and for the next 3 months you see nothing other than ads for this very same product on every website you visit.

This is because advertisers are tracking you!

The reality is mobile ads are getting worse. More intrusive, more annoying and more harmful.

The good news is, there is finally an Android app which blocks all ads to speed up your browsing by up to 400%.

Total Adblock makes your browsing faster, stops all annoying ads and removes any advertising tracking.

This will save you money on data usage as well as speeding up your web browsing.

Online scams and phishing sites are massively on the rise, Total Adblock will also help you to stay protected by not allowing scam adverts to show.

You can now start to enjoy video streaming sites like YouTube with no ads, so you will never have to wait for an irrelevant ad to finish again.

Millions of Android users across the U.S are now in a hurry to get this incredible app whilst they can at a special introductory price of just $1.99

July 2024: It looks like you can still claim this deal at $1.99 but we don't know how long this will last so encourage readers to take advantage whilst they can.