Category: MediaGo – SecurityGuruOnline – TotalAV – Mobile – IOS

Here’s how I made my old Android way faster for less than $3!

I’m going to let you into a little secret of how I made my old Android phone way faster by removing junk files & harmful apps

I purchased this app called TotalAV the other day and it’s completely changed my life.

Within just a few minutes of installing it my Android felt like it had been supercharged!

I’m not entirely sure how it works, but what I do know is that it quickly tuned up my phone by removing duplicate photos & junk files.

It even carried out a security scan on every app installed on my phone, removing anything that was consisdered a threat or potentially harmful.

I never realized this but Android phones are prone for becoming infected with viruses and harmful threats.

They’re typically hidden within what seem to be legitimate apps from the Google Play store, but infact, they are designed to monitor your every move and steal your personal information.

The good news is, there is now finally an Android app which not only speeds up your phones performance, keep you protected from malware threats & hackers.

That’s not all, it even tells you if your internet connection is safe or not, and provides an added layer of protection if needed

This is great when I’m using my phone in coffee shops or connected to open hotspots.

You should check it out for yourself, click the button below to see if the official $3 promo is running

I’m not sure how long it’s likely to last but you should definitely grab a copy while it’s still available!