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Milhões de usuários do Windows estão mantendo seus PCs saudáveis usando esse único truque simples… (E é gratuito!)

Se você é usuário de PC com Windows, este artigo está prestes a se tornar o seu novo melhor amigo. O TotalAV, o aplicativo gratuito indispensável para Windows em 2023, acaba de receber uma atualização com ainda mais recursos, e acredite, é verdadeiramente incrível!

Se você mora em Brasil, provavelmente já ouviu falar do TotalAV – a popularidade deste novo aplicativo tem crescido rapidamente entre os usuários de Windows, à medida que mais pessoas percebem que seus dados pessoais não são mais tão privados como antes.

Como o sistema operacional mais utilizado, o Windows é um alvo principal para malware e vírus. Cibercriminosos estão constantemente desenvolvendo softwares maliciosos que exploram especificamente as vulnerabilidades do Windows para obter acesso não autorizado às suas informações pessoais.

Sabia que no ano passado, um hacker roubou os dados pessoais de alguém a cada 39 segundos? As vítimas dessas atividades fraudulentas acabaram perdendo em média $10.000 cada, e infelizmente, esses números devem aumentar em 2023.

É aí que entra o TotalAV

Há anos, o TotalAV tem protegido os usuários da internet com segurança de nível empresarial. E agora, com o aumento alarmante de golpes e fraudes online, eles desenvolveram uma suíte abrangente de proteção especificamente adaptada para usuários de Windows, e a melhor parte é… Sua verificação avançada de segurança está disponível gratuitamente para o público!

O TotalAV fará uma verificação completa do seu PC com Windows, e sim, até mesmo do seu smartphone, em busca de malware oculto. Vai além, verificando a dark web para ver se suas informações pessoais foram comprometidas. Ele também remove todos os cookies de rastreamento de sites, adwares, spywares e vírus, garantindo que seus dispositivos estejam limpos e seguros.

Mas isso não é tudo! O TotalAV incluiu recursos de segurança adicionais para protegê-lo de golpes de phishing na internet e sites fraudulentos. Além disso, há um recurso prático que permite limpar facilmente o histórico do navegador e o cache, dando tranquilidade.

  •  Cansado de anúncios irritantes? Diga adeus a eles com o TotalAV! O aplicativo permite desativar anúncios e escolher apenas aqueles que você deseja ver.
  • ✅ Preocupado com sua segurança geral? O TotalAV mascara todo o seu tráfego online, mantendo suas informações pessoais completamente privadas. Sua camada de rede adicional oferece segurança aprimorada e até mesmo altera o endereço IP do seu dispositivo para garantir proteção máxim
  • ✅ Farto de problemas de gerenciamento de senhas? O TotalAV vem com um cofre seguro onde você pode armazenar suas senhas, longe de hackers e olhares curiosos. Gerenciar suas senhas será um sonho em vez de um pesadelo!

Com todos esses recursos incríveis reunidos, não é surpresa que as pessoas estejam correndo para ter esse aplicativo incrível, e a melhor parte é que não vai custar nada. O TotalAV é verdadeiramente o único produto de segurança que você precisa.

Obtenha sua cópia gratuita hoje mesmo!

Você provavelmente está se perguntando: ‘Então, este software é realmente a melhor proteção para Windows PC?’

O TotalAV já ganhou uma reputação por fornecer aos usuários segurança de computador de primeira linha. Na verdade, o Trustpilot os classificou como o melhor software de segurança online. Com tanto reconhecimento e a um preço tão irresistível, não é de surpreender que haja tanta expectativa em torno do TotalAV!

Pronto para obter sua cópia gratuita deste aplicativo excepcional? Veja como começar:

Passo 1: Basta visitar o site oficial da oferta gratuita aqui ou clicar no botão abaixo.

Passo 2:Após a instalação, ative a verificação de segurança gratuita.

Passo 3: Relaxe enquanto o TotalAV analisa o desempenho do seu sistema, identificando possíveis ameaças prejudiciais que precisam ser colocadas em quarentena.

Se você decidir fazer upgrade para o pacote premium, não apenas receberá um enorme desconto de 80%, mas também receberá 2 licenças adicionais gratuitas para seu smartphone e/ou tablet, portanto, certifique-se de instalar sua proteção nesses dispositivos também, sem custo adicional.

Essa oferta não durará para sempre, especialmente à medida que o aplicativo se tornar mais popular. Por enquanto, nos informaram que existem cópias gratuitas disponíveis em Brasil, recomendamos que você instale o aplicativo hoje mesmo para aproveitar ao máximo esta oferta gratuita.

Faça um favor a si mesmo, aproveite esta oferta e esteja à frente do crime cibernético… seu eu do futuro lhe agradecerá.

Obtenha sua cópia gratuita hoje mesmo!



** TotalAV’s recent reports for their latest awards can be found here:

TotalAV Awarded VB100 Award


TotalAV is an AV-Test TOP PRODUCT

Millionen von Windows-Benutzern halten ihren PC gesund, indem sie diesen einfachen Trick anwenden… und das Beste daran ist, es ist kostenlos!

Wenn du ein Windows-PC-Benutzer bist, wird dieser Artikel dein neuer bester Freund werden. TotalAV, die unverzichtbare kostenlose Windows-App für 2023, wurde gerade mit noch mehr Funktionen aktualisiert, und vertraue uns, es ist wirklich erstaunlich!

Wenn du in Deutschland lebst, hast du wahrscheinlich schon von TotalAV gehört – die Beliebtheit dieser neuen App hat schnell unter Windows-Benutzern zugenommen, da immer mehr Menschen erkennen, dass ihre persönlichen Daten nicht mehr so privat sind wie früher.

Als am weitesten verbreitetes Betriebssystem ist Windows ein Hauptziel für Malware und Viren. Cyberkriminelle entwickeln ständig bösartige Software, die gezielt Windows-Schwachstellen ausnutzt, um unbefugten Zugriff auf deine persönlichen Informationen zu erlangen.

Wusstest du, dass im letzten Jahr alle 39 Sekunden die persönlichen Daten einer Person von einem Hacker gestohlen wurden? Opfer solcher betrügerischer Aktivitäten verloren durchschnittlich $10.000, und leider wird erwartet, dass diese Zahlen im Jahr 2024 weiter steigen.

Und genau hier kommt TotalAV ins Spiel…

Jahrelang hat TotalAV Internetbenutzer mit Sicherheit auf Unternehmensebene geschützt. Und nun, angesichts des alarmierenden Anstiegs von Online-Betrug und -Scams, haben sie eine umfassende Schutzsuite speziell für Windows-Benutzer entwickelt, und das Beste daran ist… Ihre fortschrittliche Sicherheitsprüfung ist jetzt für die Öffentlichkeit absolut KOSTENLOS verfügbar!

TotalAV wird deinen Windows-PC und sogar dein Smartphone gründlich auf versteckte Malware scannen. Es geht noch weiter, indem es das Darknet überprüft, um festzustellen, ob deine persönlichen Informationen gefährdet sind. Es entfernt auch alle Website-Tracking-Cookies, Adware, Spyware und Viren, um sicherzustellen, dass deine Geräte sauber und sicher sind.

Aber das ist noch nicht alles! TotalAV hat zusätzliche integrierte Sicherheitsfunktionen hinzugefügt, um dich vor Phishing-Betrug und betrügerischen Websites zu schützen. Außerdem gibt es eine praktische Funktion, mit der du ganz einfach deinen Browserverlauf und den Cache löschen kannst, um dir Sicherheit zu geben.

  • ✅ Genug von lästigen Anzeigen? Verabschiede dich von ihnen mit TotalAV! Die App ermöglicht es dir, Anzeigen zu deaktivieren und nur diejenigen auszuwählen, die du sehen möchtest.
  • ✅ Sorgst du dich um deine allgemeine Sicherheit? TotalAV tarnt deinen gesamten Online-Verkehr und hält deine persönlichen Informationen vollständig privat. Die zusätzliche Netzwerkschicht bietet erweiterte Sicherheit und ändert sogar die IP-Adresse deines Geräts, um maximalen Schutz zu gewährleisten.
  • ✅ Hast du genug von Problemen mit der Passwortverwaltung? TotalAV verfügt über einen sicheren Tresor, in dem du deine Passwörter speichern kannst, fernab von Hackern und neugierigen Blicken. Die Verwaltung deiner Passwörter wird ein Traum anstatt eines Albtraums sein!

Mit all diesen unglaublichen Funktionen in einem Paket ist es kein Wunder, dass die Leute sich beeilen, diese erstaunliche App zu bekommen, und das Beste daran ist, dass sie dich keinen Cent kostet. TotalAV ist wirklich das einzige Sicherheitsprodukt, das du brauchst.

Hole dir heute deine kostenlose Kopie!

Du fragst dich wahrscheinlich: “Ist diese Software wirklich der beste Schutz für Windows-PCs?”

TotalAV hat bereits einen Ruf für erstklassige Computersicherheit erlangt. Trustpilot hat sie sogar als Nummer 1 der Online-Sicherheitssoftware eingestuft. Bei einer solchen hohen Anerkennung und zu einem unschlagbaren Preis ist es kein Wunder, dass TotalAV so viel Aufmerksamkeit auf sich zieht!

Bist du bereit, deine kostenlose Kopie dieser herausragenden App zu beanspruchen? So kannst du beginnen:

Schritt 1: Besuche einfach hier die offizielle kostenlose Angebotsseite oder klicke auf den untenstehenden Button.

Schritt 2: Nach der Installation aktiviere den kostenlosen Sicherheitsscan.

Schritt 3: Entspanne dich, während TotalAV deine Systemleistung analysiert und potenzielle schädliche Bedrohungen erkennt, die in Quarantäne gestellt werden müssen.

Wenn du dich dazu entscheidest, auf das Premium-Paket zu upgraden, erhältst du nicht nur einen riesigen Rabatt von 80 %, sondern du bekommst auch 2 zusätzliche kostenlose Lizenzen für dein Smartphone und/oder Tablet, sodass du deinen Schutz auch dort installieren kannst, ohne zusätzliche Kosten.

Dieses Angebot wird nicht ewig halten, vor allem, da die App immer beliebter wird. Derzeit gibt es noch kostenlose Exemplare in Deutschland. Wir empfehlen dir daher, die App noch heute zu installieren, um von diesem kostenlosen Angebot zu profitieren.

Tu dir selbst einen Gefallen, beanspruche dieses Angebot und bleibe einen Schritt voraus bei Cyberkriminalität… dein zukünftiges Ich wird es dir danken.

Hole dir heute deine kostenlose Kopie!


** Die aktuellen Berichte von TotalAV über ihre neuesten Auszeichnungen findest du hier:

TotalAV Awarded VB100 Award


TotalAV is an AV-Test TOP PRODUCT

Millions Of Windows Users Have Made Their Old PC Faster With This PC Cleaner… (And It’s Free!)

If you’re wondering how to speed-up your old Windows PC, this is going to be the most important article you read all year. TotalAV, the must-have free Windows app for 2023, has just upgraded their PC cleaner features, and trust us, they’re truly amazing!

If you live in the U.S, you have probably already heard about TotalAV – the popularity of this new app has grown fast among Windows users as more and more people realize their personal data is not as private as it once was.

Although Windows is still the most widely used operating system, it likely comes as no surprise that overtime your trusty computer ultimately slows down requiring you to upgrade your hardware.

A slow PC could be infected, struggling with outdated systems, hidden problems or clogged up with unwanted junk files!

That’s where TotalAV comes in….

For years, TotalAV has been protecting internet users with enterprise-level security. And now, with increase in demand, they have developed a comprehensive PC cleaner specifically tailored for Windows users, and the best part is it’s available to Windows users in the U.S for absolutely FREE!

TotalAV will thoroughly scan your Windows PC, and yes, even your smartphone, for junk, unwanted files and even hidden malware slowing your system down. It goes a step further by checking the dark web to see if your personal information has been compromised. It also removes all website tracking cookies, adware, spyware, and viruses, ensuring your devices are clean and secure.

That’s not all! TotalAV has included additional built-in security features to protect you from internet phishing scams and fraudulent websites. Plus, there’s a nifty feature that allows you to easily clear your browser history and cache, giving you peace of mind.

  • ✅ Tired of annoying ads? Say goodbye to them with TotalAV! The app lets you disable ads and choose only the ones you want to see.
  • ✅ Worried about your overall security? TotalAV masks all of your online traffic, keeping your personal information completely private. Its additional network layer provides enhanced security and even changes your device’s IP address to ensure maximum protection.
  • ✅ Fed up with password management headaches? TotalAV comes with a secure vault where you can store your passwords, away from hackers and prying eyes. Managing your passwords will be a dream instead of a nightmare!

With all these incredible features bundled together, it’s no surprise that people are rushing to get their hands on this amazing app, and the best part is, it won’t cost you a penny. TotalAV truly is the only security product you need.

Claim Your Free PC Cleaner Today!

You are probably asking yourself  ‘So, is this software really the best Windows PC Cleaner available?’

TotalAV has already garnered a reputation for providing users with top-of-the-line computer security. In fact, Trustpilot has ranked them as the #1 Online Security Software. With such high acclaim and at such an unbeatable giveaway, it’s no wonder there’s so much buzz surrounding TotalAV!

Ready to claim your free copy of this outstanding app? Here’s how you can get started:

Step 1: Simply visit the Offical Free PC Cleaner Giveaway Here or click the button below.

Step 2: After installation, activate the free clean-up scan

Step 3: Relax as TotalAV analyzes your system performance, identifying any potential harmful threats that need to be quarantined.

If you decide to upgrade to the premium package not only will you receive a huge 80% discount, but you will also be given 2 additional free licenses for your smartphone and/or tablet so be sure to install your protection on those as well, at no extra cost.

This deal won’t last forever, especially as the app becomes more popular. For now, we are advised that there are free copies available in the U.S, we recommend installing the app today to make the most of this free offer.

Do yourself a favor, claim this deal and stay ahead of cybercrime… your future self will thank you.

Claim Your Free PC Cleaner Today!



** TotalAV’s recent reports for their latest awards can be found here:

TotalAV Awarded VB100 Award


TotalAV is an AV-Test TOP PRODUCT

Millions Of Windows Users Are Keeping Their PC Healthy Using This One Simple Trick… (And It’s Free!)

If you’re a Windows PC user, this article is about to become your new best friend. TotalAV, the must-have free Windows app for 2023, has just been upgraded with even more features, and trust us, it’s truly amazing!

If you live in the U.S, you have probably already heard about TotalAV – the popularity of this new app has grown fast among Windows users as more and more people realize their personal data is not as private as it once was.

As the most widely used operating system, Windows is a prime target for malware and viruses. Cybercriminals are constantly developing malicious software that specifically exploits Windows vulnerabilities in order to gain unauthorized access to your personal information.

Did you know that last year, a hacker stole someone’s personal data every 39 seconds? Victims of such fraudulent activities ended up losing an average of $10,000 each, and unfortunately, these numbers are projected to rise in 2023.

That’s where TotalAV comes in….

For years, TotalAV has been protecting internet users with enterprise-level security. And now, with the alarming increase in online scams and fraud, they have developed a comprehensive protection suite specifically tailored for Windows users, and the best part is… Their advanced security scan is now avaialble to the public absolutely FREE!

TotalAV will thoroughly scan your Windows PC, and yes, even your smartphone, for hidden malware. It goes a step further by checking the dark web to see if your personal information has been compromised. It also removes all website tracking cookies, adware, spyware, and viruses, ensuring your devices are clean and secure.

That’s not all! TotalAV has included additional built-in security features to protect you from internet phishing scams and fraudulent websites. Plus, there’s a nifty feature that allows you to easily clear your browser history and cache, giving you peace of mind.

  • ✅ Tired of annoying ads? Say goodbye to them with TotalAV! The app lets you disable ads and choose only the ones you want to see.
  • ✅ Worried about your overall security? TotalAV masks all of your online traffic, keeping your personal information completely private. Its additional network layer provides enhanced security and even changes your device’s IP address to ensure maximum protection.
  • ✅ Fed up with password management headaches? TotalAV comes with a secure vault where you can store your passwords, away from hackers and prying eyes. Managing your passwords will be a dream instead of a nightmare!

With all these incredible features bundled together, it’s no surprise that people are rushing to get their hands on this amazing app, and the best part is, it won’t cost you a penny. TotalAV truly is the only security product you need.

Claim Your Free Copy Today!

You are probably asking yourself  ‘So, is this software really the best Windows PC protection?’

TotalAV has already garnered a reputation for providing users with top-of-the-line computer security. In fact, Trustpilot has ranked them as the #1 Online Security Software. With such high acclaim and at such an unbeatable giveaway, it’s no wonder there’s so much buzz surrounding TotalAV!

Ready to claim your free copy of this outstanding app? Here’s how you can get started:

Step 1: Simply visit the Offical Free Giveaway Here or click the button below.

Step 2: After installation, activate the free security scan

Step 3: Relax as TotalAV analyzes your system performance, identifying any potential harmful threats that need to be quarantined.

If you decide to upgrade to the premium package not only will you receive a huge 80% discount, but you will also be given 2 additional free licenses for your smartphone and/or tablet so be sure to install your protection on those as well, at no extra cost.

This deal won’t last forever, especially as the app becomes more popular. For now, we are advised that there are free copies available in the U.S, we recommend installing the app today to make the most of this free offer.

Do yourself a favor, claim this deal and stay ahead of cybercrime… your future self will thank you.

Claim Your Free Copy Today!



** TotalAV’s recent reports for their latest awards can be found here:

TotalAV Awarded VB100 Award


TotalAV is an AV-Test TOP PRODUCT

Facebook Has Experienced Multiple Data Leaks, Here’s How To Protect Yourself!

If you have used Facebook and reused passwords on multiple websites in the last 10 years this will be the most important article you read this year!

In recent years, Facebook, the world’s largest social media platform, has been making headlines for all the wrong reasons. Multiple data breaches have rocked the company, putting the personal information of millions of users (like you & I) at risk.

It’s time to take a closer look at these alarming incidents and understand the importance of safeguarding yourself and assist in preventing identity theft.

The Facebook Data Breach Timeline: 2018 and Beyond

In 2018, it was revealed that the data analytics firm Cambridge Analytica had improperly accessed and used the personal information of up to 87 million Facebook users.  This incident exposed not only users’ personal details but also their psychological profiles, raising serious concerns about privacy and data security.

Why You Should Be Concerned

These data breaches have significant implications for your privacy and online security:

⚠️ Identity Theft: Your personal information, such as your name, phone number, and email address, can be used by cybercriminals for identity theft or to impersonate you.
⚠️ Phishing Attacks: With access to your data, hackers can craft convincing phishing messages designed to deceive you into revealing sensitive information
⚠️ Financial Risks: Compromised data can lead to unauthorized access to your financial accounts and potentially result in financial loss.
⚠️ Privacy Invasion: Your personal conversations, photos, and messages may become accessible to unauthorized parties.

Take Control of Your Digital Privacy

It’s clear that data breaches can have far-reaching consequences, but you can take proactive steps to protect your online privacy.

We were lucky enough to speak with their Lead Project Manager, Nick, and he explains  “In recent years we’ve seen some of the worlds largest companies become hacked with personal information and credentials being leaked.  Due to the heartache that can be attached to identity theft, we wanted to provide all internet users the opporuntity to safeguard themselves and limit their exposure”

He continues, “Whilst people are aware of the risks they aren’t always equiped with the knowledge of what to do next.  This is why we have launched a huge promotion to help protect users private credentials for a fraction of the regular cost.”

After further discussion we were also advised that the $1.99 promotion also includes full access to other leading Total Security products at no additional cost (such as TotalAV antivirus, Total Adblock & Total Webshield)

If you feel as though you could have been exposed in the breach, below are a few steps you can take to help limit your exposure.

Review Your Privacy Settings: Regularly check and update your privacy settings on Facebook to control who can see your posts and personal information.

Change Your Passwords: Use Total Password to create strong, unique passwords for your accounts and change them periodically.

Enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): Activate 2FA to add an extra layer of security to your Facebook account.

Password Security: Store strong unique credentials with Total Password to limit your exposure

Stay Informed: Keep yourself informed about data breaches and security best practices to stay one step ahead of potential threats.

Use a secure Password Manager: Tools like Total Password can help you generate, store, and encrypt your passwords securely, reducing the risk of unauthorized access to your accounts.

What’s next?

In an era where our digital lives are deeply intertwined with social media, it’s crucial to stay vigilant and protect your online presence. By taking these steps and staying informed, you can enjoy the benefits of social media while safeguarding your personal information from potential data breaches. Your privacy is worth defending.


Claim Your Discount Today



** TotalAV’s recent reports for their latest awards can be found here:

TotalAV Awarded VB100 Award


TotalAV is an AV-Test TOP PRODUCT

Windows Users Urged To Protect Themselves As Massive Data Leaks Are Revealed

In an increasingly connected world, the risks associated with data breaches have reached an all-time high. Login credentials, passwords, phone numbers, physical addresses and even credit card numbers are vulnerable to being compromised, which can be a gateway to identity theft. 

If you weren’t already aware, major websites and global corporations such as Facebook, Yahoo, Linkedin, and Capital One Bank have all been victims of cyber attacks in recent years, resulting in significant data breaches. 

This has ultimately led to millions of internet users personal data (like yours) being stolen and being made readily available on the dark web – basically eBay for criminals

How can a data breach affect me? 

A data breach can lead to profound heartache and devastating consequences. Cybercriminals gaining unauthorized access to sensitive information can result in privacy invasion, identity theft, and financial fraud. 

Recent statistics show that hackers steal personal data every 39 seconds, with victims losing an average of £10,000 each. This alarming trend is expected to rise in 2023, making it crucial for users to take proactive steps to protect their information.

Introducing Total Password – Your All-in-One Password Manager:

Total Password, brought to you by the creators of TotalAV, is the ultimate solution to safeguard your online presence. Previously known for enterprise-level security, TotalAV has now developed a comprehensive protection suite tailored for Windows users. For an incredibly low price of just £3, you can secure your Windows PC and smartphone with Total Password.

Unbeatable Features for Unrivaled Protection:

  • ✅ Secure Password Vault: Managing passwords can be a headache, but with Total Password’s secure vault, you can store your passwords away from hackers and prying eyes, making password management a breeze.
  • ✅ Generate Unique Passwords at Signup: Total Password generates unique, secure passwords for each and every website you sign up to.
  • ✅ Autofilled Passwords at Website Login: Your passwords are prefilled on website login forms – no need to remember!
  • ✅ Sync Passwords Across Multiple Devices: No matter what device your passwords stay in sync – and ready at a click. (Windows, Mac, Android & iOS – They’ve got it covered)

That’s not all, if you take advantage of this exclusive offer today you will also receive additional benefits from multi-award winning antivirus provider, TotalAV

  • Comprehensive Malware Scan: Total Password will thoroughly scan your Windows PC and smartphone to detect and remove hidden malware, adware, spyware, and viruses, ensuring your devices are clean and secure.
  • Dark Web Monitoring: Worried about your personal information ending up on the dark web? Total Password monitors the dark web for any potential data breaches, alerting you if your information is compromised.
  • Protection Against Phishing Scams: With built-in security against internet phishing scams and fraud websites, Total Password shields you from falling victim to deceptive online traps.
  • Ad Blocker: Tired of annoying ads? Total Password allows you to disable them and choose the ads you want to see, giving you a seamless browsing experience.

How Do I Get My Copy of Total Password?

Claiming your copy of Total Password is easy and affordable. Follow these simple steps to enjoy unparalleled protection:

You are probably asking yourself  ‘So, is this software really the best Windows PC protection?’

It’s not just us that believe they are the #1 app for your Windows PC security… even Trustpilot has ranked them the #1 Online Security Software. At such a cheap price, it is no shock there is so much hype surrounding it!

So how do I claim my copy of the app?

{blockquote green} 

Step 1: Visit the Official Total Password Promotion Page or click the button below.

Step 2: Purchase Total Password for only £3 and activate your protection.

Step 3: Install the Total Password app on your Windows PC and sign in using your email address to instantly activate your security.

As a bonus, you’ll receive two additional free licenses for your smartphone and/or tablet, ensuring comprehensive protection across all your devices.

Don’t Miss Out on This Incredible Offer:

The demand for Total Password is soaring, and this deal won’t last forever. As the app gains popularity, its price may increase, but for now, you can get Total Password for less than £3. Protect your personal data and stay one step ahead of cybercrime – your future self will thank you.

Claim your discount today and experience the peace of mind that comes with Total Password’s robust protection against data breaches and online threats. Don’t wait; secure your digital life now!

Claim Your Discount Today



** TotalAV’s recent reports for their latest awards can be found here:

TotalAV Awarded VB100 Award


TotalAV is an AV-Test TOP PRODUCT

LATEST: Windows Users Urged To Do This Today To Keep Their System Healthy!

The must-have Windows app for 2023 has just added more features, and its awesome. If you own a Windows PC, this will be the most important article you read this year!

If you live in the U.S, you have probably already heard about TotalAV – the popularity of this new app has grown fast among Windows users as more and more people realize their personal data is not as private as it once was.

Windows is the most widely used operating system, which makes it a prime target for malware and viruses. Cybercriminals often develop malicious software specifically targeting Windows vulnerabilities, aiming to gain unauthorized access to personal data.

Last year, a hacker stole personal data every 39 seconds, with victims of fraud losing on average $10,000 each. This is set to rise in 2024.

That’s where TotalAV comes in….

TotalAV has long protected internet users with enterprise-level security, and with the recent increases in online scams & fraud, they have produced a full-featured protection suite for Windows which is now available to the public… for only $3!!! 

The app will scan your Windows PC (and even Smartphone) for hidden malware, check the dark web to see if your information has been breached, remove all website tracking cookies, remove adware, spyware and viruses.

In addition to this, TotalAV have also included built-in security against internet phishing scams and fraud websites, and there is a cool feature to easily clear your browser history and cache.

  • ✅ Fed up of annoying ads?  No problem! The app contains a function that lets you disable them and choose only the ads you want to see.
  • ✅ Concerned about your overall security? This app will mask all of your online traffic so your personal information stays private. The additional network layer provides enhanced security, and will even change your devices IP to keep your information protected.
  • Password management causing you a headache?  Store your passwords away from hackers and other prying eyes with the secure vault provided in the app. This will make password management a dream rather than a nightmare!

With all this included in the package, It’s no wonder people are rushing to claim a copy of this incredible app, for less than $3. This really is the only security product you need.

TotalAV has long had a reputation for providing users with top-of-the-line computer security, and it is no surprise millions of users have already downloaded their mobile version.

Claim Your Discount Today

You are probably asking yourself  ‘So, is this software really the best Windows PC protection?’

It’s not just us that believe they are the #1 app for your Windows PC security… even Trustpilot has ranked them the #1 Online Security Software. At such a cheap price, it is no shock there is so much hype surrounding it!

So how do I claim my copy of the app?

Step 1: Simply visit the Official Protection Promotion Here or click the button below

Step 2: Pay less than $3 and activate your protection.

Step 3: Install your TotalAV security app on your Windows PC, sign in using your email address and instantly activate your security.

You will instantly be given 2 additional free licenses for your smartphone and/or tablet so be sure to install your protection on those as well, at no extra cost.

This deal won’t last forever, especially as the app becomes more popular. For now, it’s less than $3, we recommend installing the app today to make the most of this deal.

Do yourself a favor, claim this deal and stay ahead of cybercrime… your future self will thank you.

Claim Your Discount Today



** TotalAV’s recent reports for their latest awards can be found here:

TotalAV Awarded VB100 Award


TotalAV is an AV-Test TOP PRODUCT

iPhone-Benutzer können endlich lästige Werbung blockieren & schneller im Internet surfen

Die iPhone-App, die man 2023 unbedingt haben muss, hat gerade weitere Funktionen erhalten. Einfach großartig! Wenn Sie ein iPhone besitzen, ist dies der nützlichste Artikel, den Sie in diesem Jahr lesen werden…

Wenn Sie in Deutschland leben, haben Sie wahrscheinlich bereits von TotalAV gehört – die Beliebtheit dieser neuen App ist unter iPhone-Nutzern schnell gewachsen, da immer mehr Menschen erkennen, dass ihre persönlichen Daten nicht mehr so privat sind wie früher.

Smartphones sind mittlerweile so leistungsfähig wie Desktop-Computer und viele Menschen vertrauen ihrem Handy persönliche und wertvolle Informationen an. Dabei ist ihnen jedoch nicht bewusst, dass ihre Daten geteilt werden und ein ungeschütztes Telefon sie zu einem leichten Ziel für Cyberkriminelle macht.

Letztes Jahr stahlen Hacker im Durchschnitt alle 39 Sekunden persönliche Daten, wobei Betrugsopfer jeweils 10,000 EUR verloren. Diese Zahlen werden sich aller Voraussicht nach 2023 weiter erhöhen.

Und hier kommt TotalAV ins Spiel …


TotalAV schützt seit langem Internetnutzer mit Technologie auf Unternehmensebene und hat angesichts der jüngsten Zunahme des mobilen Betrugs eine voll funktionsfähige Schutzsuite für das iPhone entwickelt, die jetzt der Öffentlichkeit zur Verfügung steht … und zwar für nur 2$

Die App schützt Ihr iPhone, indem sie eine zusätzliche Sicherheitsebene zwischen Ihnen und dem Internet hinzufügt. Diese Ebene verschlüsselt Ihre privaten Daten, verhindert Datendiebstahl und schützt Sie vor Identitätsdiebstahl.

Darüber hinaus enthält TotalAV eine integrierte Funktion, die Ihr Gerät aufräumt, indem unerwünschte Codes entfernt, Ihr Browserverlauf gelöscht und zusätzlicher RAM-Speicherplatz für das System geschaffen wird. (Und nein, keine menge cocktailstäbchen oder pinzetten können es von ihrem telefon entfernen, also brauchen sie es nicht zu versuchen!).

  • Sind Sie gefährdet, Opfer von Identitätsdiebstahl zu werden? Kein Problem! Die App maskiert jegliche Online-Aktivitäten, damit Ihre persönlichen Daten privat bleiben.
  • Bereiten Ihnen Tracking-Codes und Cookies Kopfschmerzen? Die App sorgt nicht nur für einen gründlichen Cleanup – sie enthält eine ganze Reihe an Funktionen, die unerwünschte Codes und Programme entfernen. Dadurch wird nicht nur Speicherplatz auf Ihrem Gerät frei, es wird auch verhindert, dass externe Unternehmen Ihr Browsingverhalten verfolgen können.
  • Machen Sie sich Sorgen um Ihre Sicherheit? Die zusätzliche Netzwerkebene bietet verbesserte Sicherheit und ändert sogar die IP Ihres Geräts, um Ihre Daten zu schützen.

Da all dies im Paket inbegriffen ist, wundert es nicht weiter, dass es viele so eilig haben, diese unglaubliche App zum sagenhaften Preis von nur 2$ herunterzuladen. Das ist wirklich das einzige Sicherheitsprodukt, das Sie brauchen.

TotalAV genießt schon lange den Ruf, Nutzern Computer-Sicherheit der Spitzenklasse bereitzustellen. Da überrascht es wenig, dass bereits Millionen von Nutzern die iPhone-Version heruntergeladen haben.

Beanspruchen Sie Ihren 2{currency Symbol}-Schutz jetzt >

Sie fragen sich bestimmt: “Bietet diese Software wirklich den besten Schutz für mein iPhone?”

Nicht nur wir glauben, dass TotalAV die Nummer 1 App für iPhone-Sicherheit ist … auch Trustpilot sieht sie auf Platz 1 der Software für Online-Sicherheit. Bei so einem günstigen Preis ist der Hype kein Wunder!

Also, wie sichere ich mir diese App?

Schritt 1: Besuchen Sie einfach hier die offizielle Seite der 2$ iPhone-Aktion.

Schritt 2: Geben Sie Ihre E-Mail-Adresse ein und zahlen Sie 2$.

Schritt 3: Installieren Sie Ihre TotalAV Sicherheits-App aus dem App Store, melden Sie sich mit Ihrer E-Mail-Adresse an und genießen Sie Ihre Sicherheit.

Sie erhalten sofort 2 zusätzliche kostenlose Lizenzen für Ihren PC oder Laptop, also installieren Sie den Schutz auch dort, ohne zusätzliche Kosten.

Dieses Angebot ist nicht ewig gültig, vor allem da die App immer beliebter wird. Bei einem Preis von nur 2$, empfehlen wir Ihnen, das Angebot zu nutzen und die App noch heute zu installieren.

Tun Sie sich selbst einen Gefallen und sichern Sie sich dieses Angebot, um der Cyberkriminalität einen Schritt voraus zu bleiben … Ihr zukünftiges Ich wird es Ihnen danken.

Beanspruchen Sie Ihren 2{currency Symbol}-Schutz jetzt >

The Incredible New Android App That Just Got Even Better… Here’s What You Need To Know.

The must-have Android app for 2023 has just added more features, and its awesome. If you own an Android device, this will be the most useful article you read…

If you live in the U.S, you have probably already heard about TotalAV – the popularity of this new app has grown fast among Android users as more and more people realize their personal data is not as private as it once was.

With mobile phone technology now able to process as much as a desktop computer, many people are trusting their personal and precious information in their phone storage. However, they don’t realize that their data is being shared, and unprotected phone devices make them an easier target for cybercriminals.

Last year, a hacker stole personal data every 39 seconds, with victims of fraud losing on average $10,000 each. This is set to rise in 2024.

That’s where TotalAV comes in….


TotalAV has long protected internet users with enterprise-level security, and with the recent increases in mobile fraud, they have produced a full-featured protection suite for Android which is now available to the public… for only $2!!! 

The app will protect your Android by adding an additional security layer between you and the web. This layer will encrypt your private information, prevent your data from being harvested, and protect you from identity theft.

In addition to this, TotalAV have also included built-in security against internet phishing scams and fraudulant websites, and there is a cool feature to easily clear your browser history and cache. (And no, no amount of cocktail sticks or tweezers can remove these from your phone so no need to try!)

  • ✅ Fed up of annoying ads?  No problem! The app contains a function that lets you disable them and choose only the ads you want to see.
  • ✅ Concerned about your overall security? This app will mask all of your online traffic so your personal information stays private. The additional network layer provides enhanced security, and will even change your devices IP to keep your information protected.
  • Password management causing you a headache?  Store your passwords away from hackers and other prying eyes with the secure vault provided in the app. This will make password management a dream rather than a nightmare!

With all this included in the package, It’s no wonder people are rushing to claim a copy of this incredible Android app, at the incredible price of just $2. This really is the only security product you need.

TotalAV has long had a reputation for providing users with top-of-the-line computer security, and it is no surprise millions of users have already downloaded their Android version.

Claim your $2 Protection now >

You are probably asking yourself  ‘So, is this software really the best smartphone protection?’

It’s not just us that believe they are the #1 app for your Android security… even Trustpilot has ranked them the #1 Online Security Software. At such a cheap price, it is no shock there is so much hype surrounding it!

So how do I claim my copy of the app?

Step 1: Simply visit the Official $2 Android Promotion Here

Step 2: Fill in your email address and pay just $2. (I know it’s ridiculously cheap!!)

Step 3: Install the Official TotalAV security app from the Google Play Store, you’ll be auto-logged into your premium account and your security will be instantly activated.

That’s not all, get your copy today and you will also receive 2 additional free licenses for your computer, laptop or tablet so be sure to install your protection on those as well, at no extra cost.

This deal won’t last forever, especially as the app becomes more popular. For now, at a price of only $2, we recommend installing the app today to make the most of this deal.

Do yourself a favor, claim this deal and stay ahead of cybercrime… your future self will thank you.

September 2023: Whilst it is unknown how long this promotional offer is likely to last, we are encouraging all of our readers to take advantage today to avoid disappointment

Windows Users Are Saving Thousands With This Simple Update (And It’s Free!)

Millions of Americans can now save themselves thousands of dollars with this latest app which will make their old computer faster and have it performing like new (the best part is, it’s free!)

A team of Microsoft Windows trained developers have finally invented a revolutionary approach to both online security & system optimization to help everyday people like you and I.

Look, over time our computers become slow and vulnerable to viruses and forking out for a new device every couple of years seems crazy (I mean, who can afford $1,000+ on a new laptop at the moment?)

That’s why we love this new release from TotalAV, it’s quick & easy (and free) to install – They’ll run a free system diagnostics scan which will identify any junk files, caching & unwanted software clogging up your system, and even locate any hidden malware that could be slowing you down (or worse, monitoring your online activity) 

Initially, we were skeptical, as most free versions have a catch, but TotalAV manages to distinguish itself from its competitors in this field by offering a genuinely valuable free service.

What Benefits Are Included In Their Premium Service?

  • ✅ Tired of annoying ads? Say goodbye to them with TotalAV! The app lets you disable ads and choose only the ones you want to see.
  • ✅ Worried about your overall security? TotalAV also has a complimentary tool which identifies & blocks misleading fake websites to help protect your personal information and identity.
  • ✅ Fed up with password management headaches? TotalAV comes with a secure vault where you can store your passwords, away from hackers and prying eyes. Managing your passwords will be a dream instead of a nightmare!

They not only identify any issues but also guide you on how to address them. Alternatively, their premium version presents a hands-off approach, where they take care of all problem resolution for you (which is available with a huge 80% discount)

Don’t miss out on your free copy – this also grants you access to their adblock tool at no charge, which significantly enhances your web browsing speed by eliminating irritating and unwanted ads, including those on YouTube!

What are you waiting for? It’s 100% free. Get your copy of TotalAV here today.

Claim Your Free Copy Today!



** TotalAV’s recent reports for their latest awards can be found here:

TotalAV Awarded VB100 Award


TotalAV is an AV-Test TOP PRODUCT